将可变数量的参数传递给Blazor Server应用程序中的本地API

huangapple go评论57阅读模式

Pass variable amount of parameters to local API in a Blazor Server app


在我的Blazor Server应用程序中,我已经设置了一个API控制器来通过FastReport处理报告生成:


public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetReport(string reportName)
        string reportPath = String.Format(@"pathtofilehere.frx", reportName);

        //TODO: 不同的导出类型处理
        string exportType = "application/pdf";
        string exportFileName = String.Format("{0}.pdf", reportName);

        WebReport web = new();

        web.Report.SetParameterValue("CONN", @"connstringhere");



        MemoryStream stream = new();
        web.Report.Export(new FastReport.Export.PdfSimple.PDFSimpleExport(), stream);

        stream.Position = 0;

        return File(stream, exportType, exportFileName);



<div class="content-container">
    <input type="text" @bind-value="_startDate" />
    <button @onclick="DoSomething" type="submit">Download File</button>

@code {
    private async Task DoSomething()
        string report = "report-2";
        string name = _startDate;

        NavManager.NavigateTo(string.Format("api/Report/{0}?name={1}", report, name), true);


我的初始想法是创建一个App State单例,它可以读取使用的参数,然后控制器可以提取它们,但是这个单例将被所有用户共享,如果多个用户尝试生成报告,将会导致一些干扰。




I have an API controller set up in my Blazor Server app to handle report generation via FastReport:


public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetReport(string reportName)
        string reportPath = String.Format(@&quot;pathtofilehere.frx&quot;, reportName);

        //TODO: different export type handling
        string exportType = &quot;application/pdf&quot;;
        string exportFileName = String.Format(&quot;{0}.pdf&quot;, reportName);

        WebReport web = new();

        web.Report.SetParameterValue(&quot;CONN&quot;, @&quot;connstringhere&quot;);

        //handle parameters here


        MemoryStream stream = new();
        web.Report.Export(new FastReport.Export.PdfSimple.PDFSimpleExport(), stream);

        stream.Position = 0;

        return File(stream, exportType, exportFileName);

I currently have calls to this handling some minor parameters via query strings in one of my pages, making a GET call by navigating to the API route:


&lt;div class=&quot;content-container&quot;&gt;
    &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; @bind-value=&quot;@_startDate&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;button @onclick=&quot;DoSomething&quot; type=&quot;submit&quot;&gt;Download File&lt;/button&gt;

@code {
    private async Task DoSomething()
        string report = &quot;report-2&quot;;
        string name = _startDate;

        NavManager.NavigateTo(string.Format(&quot;api/Report/{0}?name={1}&quot;, report, name), true);

I have a varying amount of parameters these reports will need to accept, such as start date, end date, user id, etc. There's about 40ish parameters total that we currently have built into our existing legacy site that will be built into this. I know I'll be able to generate a query string dynamically in my DoSomething, but I would prefer to be able to pass an enumerable object so I don't need to mess with the query string at all. I know I could pass in a JSON object if I was doing a POST, but since I need to actually navigate to the URL to download the file, I don't think I can move that direction.

My initial thoughts were to have an App State singleton that can just read the parameters used and then the controller can pull them out, but the singleton would be shared across all users, which would cause some interference if multiple users are trying to generate reports.

I am trying to avoid generating the PDF on the server and then downloading, which is the reason I'm using the API call to download directly from a stream.

FastReport is the easiest thing I've found to actual build and then generate PDFs, but I'm open to other freeware as well.


得分: 1

将报告生成器的参数存储在一个对象中,并将其存储在一个注入的 IMemoryCache 中,使用唯一的 Guid 作为键,然后将该键传递给您的控制器以检索该对象。

Blazor 组件:

<div class="content-container">
    <input type="text" @bind-value="_startDate" />
    <button @onclick="DoSomething" type="submit">Download File</button>
@code {
    IMemoryCache cache;

    private async Task DoSomething()
        ReportCreationParameters parameters = new ReportCreationParameters
            Report = "report-2",
            Name = "_startDate"

        Guid key = Guid.NewGuid();

        cache.Set(key, parameters);

        NavManager.NavigateTo(string.Format("api/Report/{0}", key), true);


public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IMemoryCache cache;

    public ReportController(IMemoryCache cache)
        this.cache = cache;

    public IActionResult GetReport(Guid key)
        // 从缓存中获取保存的参数。
        ReportCreationParameters parameters = cache.Get<ReportCreationParameters>(key);

        // 从缓存中删除保存的参数。

        string reportPath = String.Format(@"pathtofilehere.frx", parameters.Name);

        //TODO: 处理不同的导出类型

        string exportType = "application/pdf";
        string exportFileName = String.Format("{0}.pdf", parameters.Name);

        WebReport web = new();

        web.Report.SetParameterValue("CONN", @"connstringhere");

        // 在此处理参数


        MemoryStream stream = new();
        web.Report.Export(new FastReport.Export.PdfSimple.PDFSimpleExport(), stream);

        stream.Position = 0;

        return File(stream, exportType, exportFileName);



Store the parameters for your report generator in an object and stash it in an injected IMemoryCache using a unique Guid as the key, then pass that key to your controller to retreive the object.

Blazor component:

&lt;div class=&quot;content-container&quot;&gt;
&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; @bind-value=&quot;@_startDate&quot; /&gt;
&lt;button @onclick=&quot;DoSomething&quot; type=&quot;submit&quot;&gt;Download File&lt;/button&gt;


@code {
IMemoryCache cache;

private async Task DoSomething()
    ReportCreationParameters parameters = new ReportCreationParameters
        Report = &quot;report-2&quot;,
        Name = &quot;_startDate&quot;

    Guid key = Guid.NewGuid();

    cache.Set(key, parameters);

    NavManager.NavigateTo(string.Format(&quot;api/Report/{0}&quot;, key), true);


public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IMemoryCache cache;

    public ReportController(IMemoryCache cache)
        this.cache = cache;

    public IActionResult GetReport(Guid key)
        // Fetch saved parameters from cache.
        ReportCreationParameters parameters = cache.Get&lt;ReportCreationParameters&gt;(key);

        // Remove saved parameters from cache.

        string reportPath = String.Format(@&quot;pathtofilehere.frx&quot;, parameters.Name);

        //TODO: different export type handling
        string exportType = &quot;application/pdf&quot;;
        string exportFileName = String.Format(&quot;{0}.pdf&quot;, parameters.Name);

        WebReport web = new();

        web.Report.SetParameterValue(&quot;CONN&quot;, @&quot;connstringhere&quot;);

        //handle parameters here


        MemoryStream stream = new();
        web.Report.Export(new FastReport.Export.PdfSimple.PDFSimpleExport(), stream);

        stream.Position = 0;

        return File(stream, exportType, exportFileName);

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 22:28:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76654746.html



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