
huangapple go评论118阅读模式

Modify array of objects based on condition and sort the final result



  1. // 首先按照RouteId和AreaCode的长度进行排序
  2. sampleData.sort((a, b) => {
  3. if (a.RouteId !== b.RouteId) {
  4. return a.RouteId.localeCompare(b.RouteId);
  5. }
  6. return b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length;
  7. });
  8. // 使用Map来存储每个RouteId的第一个对象
  9. const resultMap = new Map();
  10. sampleData.forEach(item => {
  11. if (!resultMap.has(item.RouteId)) {
  12. resultMap.set(item.RouteId, item);
  13. }
  14. });
  15. // 获取前20个结果
  16. const finalResult = Array.from(resultMap.values()).slice(0, 20);
  17. // 输出finalResult
  18. finalResult.forEach(item => {
  19. console.log(item);
  20. });


  1. sampleData = [{
  2. RouteId: "1",
  3. InDirection: "1",
  4. AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "41110", "41111"],
  5. }, {
  6. RouteId: "1",
  7. InDirection: "2",
  8. AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "411011"],
  9. }, {
  10. RouteId: "2",
  11. InDirection: "1",
  12. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  13. }, {
  14. RouteId: "2",
  15. InDirection: "2",
  16. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  17. }, {
  18. RouteId: "3",
  19. InDirection: "1",
  20. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  21. }, {
  22. RouteId: "3",
  23. InDirection: "2",
  24. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114","41108", "41109", "41110"],
  25. }, {
  26. RouteId: "4",
  27. InDirection: "1",
  28. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114","41108", "41110" , "41120", "41121"],
  29. }, {
  30. RouteId: "4",
  31. InDirection: "2",
  32. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  33. }]

I want to sort above sampleData based on number of entries in AreaCodes and get top 20 results. But I only want one object every RouteId. Every RouteId can have two types of InDirection = 1 or 2. So in the above result would like to removed

  1. {
  2. RouteId: "1",
  3. InDirection: "2",
  4. AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "411011"],
  5. }

since it less entires on AreaCode as compared to InDirection= 1

so the final sorted result should be

  1. finalResult = [{
  2. RouteId: "1",
  3. InDirection: "1",
  4. AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "41110", "41111"],
  5. }, {
  6. RouteId: "2",
  7. InDirection: "1",
  8. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  9. }, {
  10. RouteId: "3",
  11. InDirection: "2",
  12. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114","41108", "41109", "41110"],
  13. }, {
  14. RouteId: "4",
  15. InDirection: "1",
  16. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114","41108", "41110" , "41120", "41121"],
  17. }]

Here I got so far:

  1. const filteredItems = sampleData.filter(item => {
  2. const otherItem = transformedData.find(i => i.RouteId === item.RouteId && i.InDirection !== item.InDirection);
  3. if (otherItem) {
  4. return item.AreaCode.length > otherItem.AreaCode.length;
  5. } else {
  6. return true;
  7. }
  8. });

But this missed condition where length of AreaCode is equal and the final result is not sorted.


得分: 1



  1. const desired = chunkN(2, sampleData).map(([inDirection1, inDirection2]) => (
  2. inDirection1.AreaCode.length >= inDirection2.AreaCode.length
  3. ? inDirection1
  4. : inDirection2
  5. ));



  1. const groups = groupBy(item => item.RouteId, sampleData);
  2. const desired = Array.from(groups.values(), (group) => (
  3. // 升序 = a - b,降序 = b - a
  4. group.sort((a, b) => b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length)[0]
  5. ));



I personally don't think filter() is the best solution here.

If you know that the provided structure always provides exactly two items with the same RouteId after each other. Then you can chunk the array in chunks of size 2. Then map() each chunk by comparing the two elements based on AreaCode.length.

  1. const desired = chunkN(2, sampleData).map(([inDirection1, inDirection2]) => (
  2. inDirection1.AreaCode.length >= inDirection2.AreaCode.length
  3. ? inDirection1
  4. : inDirection2
  5. ));

The code above uses a chunkN() helper that I've defined in the snippet below. It essentially cuts up the array in chunks of size N. Then we use the conditional (ternary) operator to select if inDirection1 or inDirection2 is the item with the largest AreaCode.length.

If the provided elements are not strictly structured and can be in any order and there are possibly more then two inDirection options. I would suggest first grouping all the elements based on RouteId. Then sort() each group based on AreaCode.length in a descending manner and select the first item.

  1. const groups = groupBy(item => item.RouteId, sampleData);
  2. const desired = Array.from(groups.values(), (group) => (
  3. // ascending = a - b, descending = b - a
  4. group.sort((a, b) => b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length)[0]
  5. ));

The groupBy() helper is a helper that returns a Map instance. In the example above RouteId is used as the key. The value is an array of items that match this key.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: true console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. function solutionA(sampleData) {
  2. const desired = chunkN(2, sampleData).map(([inDirection1, inDirection2]) =&gt; (
  3. inDirection1.AreaCode.length &gt;= inDirection2.AreaCode.length
  4. ? inDirection1
  5. : inDirection2
  6. ));
  7. console.log(&quot;solutionA&quot;, desired);
  8. }
  9. function solutionB(sampleData) {
  10. const groups = groupBy(item =&gt; item.RouteId, sampleData);
  11. const desired = Array.from(groups.values(), (items) =&gt; (
  12. // ascending = a - b, descending = b - a
  13. items.sort((a, b) =&gt; b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length)[0]
  14. ));
  15. console.log(&quot;solutionB&quot;, desired);
  16. }
  17. // helpers
  18. function chunkN(n, array) {
  19. const chunks = [];
  20. for (let index = 0; index &lt; array.length; index += n) {
  21. chunks.push(array.slice(index, index + n));
  22. }
  23. return chunks;
  24. }
  25. function groupBy(fnKey, iterable) {
  26. const groups = new Map();
  27. for (const item of iterable) {
  28. const key = fnKey(item);
  29. if (!groups.has(key)) groups.set(key, []);
  30. groups.get(key).push(item);
  31. }
  32. return groups;
  33. }
  34. // data + run solutions
  35. const data = [{
  36. RouteId: &quot;1&quot;,
  37. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  38. AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41111&quot;],
  39. }, {
  40. RouteId: &quot;1&quot;,
  41. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  42. AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;411011&quot;],
  43. }, {
  44. RouteId: &quot;2&quot;,
  45. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  46. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  47. }, {
  48. RouteId: &quot;2&quot;,
  49. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  50. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  51. }, {
  52. RouteId: &quot;3&quot;,
  53. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  54. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  55. }, {
  56. RouteId: &quot;3&quot;,
  57. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  58. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;,&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;],
  59. }, {
  60. RouteId: &quot;4&quot;,
  61. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  62. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;,&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41110&quot; , &quot;41120&quot;, &quot;41121&quot;],
  63. }, {
  64. RouteId: &quot;4&quot;,
  65. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  66. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  67. }];
  68. solutionA(data);
  69. solutionB(data);

<!-- end snippet -->

Both chunkN() and groupBy() are generic helpers that can be used in lots of other scenarios. You can also achieve the same without helpers (like shown in the two codeblocks below). But defining these helpers separates the thing you want to do (finding the item with the most AreaCodes per RouteId) from the general purpose logic, like grouping or chunking.

  1. const desired = [];
  2. for (let index = 0; index &lt; sampleData.length; index += 2) {
  3. const inDirection1 = sampleData[index];
  4. const inDirection2 = sampleData[index + 1];
  5. desired.push(
  6. inDirection1.AreaCode.length &gt;= inDirection2.AreaCode.length
  7. ? inDirection1
  8. : inDirection2
  9. );
  10. }
  1. const groups = new Map();
  2. for (const item of sampleData) {
  3. if (!groups.has(item.RouteId)) groups.set(item.RouteId, []);
  4. groups.get(item.RouteId).push(item);
  5. }
  6. const desired = Array.from(groups.values(), (group) =&gt; (
  7. // ascending = a - b, descending = b - a
  8. group.sort((a, b) =&gt; b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length)[0]
  9. ));


得分: 1






这个分解对我来说非常有意义。这不是解决问题的唯一方法。Peter Seliger提出了一个异议,基于之前的问题,该问题使用了一种较不紧凑的格式来生成此问题的输入结构。他有一点。也许有一种有用的方法可以根据您的原始数据生成最终的格式。

实际上,从理论上讲,还有一种更节省时间的方式来做到这一点。我知道这是因为我们在您的输入数据上使用了sort,这意味着这至少是一个O(n log(n))的技术。但是,收集列表的最大值或固定k的k个最大元素已知是一个线性问题,O(n)。从理论上讲,因此至少有一种更快的解决方案,至少对于非常长的列表来说是如此。但除非您在性能方面遇到问题,否则我不会费心。我所知道的用于k-largest的技术需要随着k的大小增长的代码量,或者其运行时间随着k的平方增长(仍然相对于n固定,但足够大,以至于对于除了极长的列表之外的任何事情都很麻烦)。可能还有其他我不知道的不具有这些限制的方法,但再次,只有在出现性能问题的情况下才会搜索它们。




I would definitely break this into several steps. First, we need to sort the elements by the count of AreaCodes, then we need to take the top twenty, subject to the constraint that we can have only one per RouteId, and then, it seems, from your requested output, we should re-sort these according to their original order in the data (or according to their RouteId.) This last step seems really strange to me. If you're taking them according to an ordering, why wouldn't you keep that ordering when you shorten the list? In the code below, it's trivially easy to skip that step. Just remove the final sort call.

Here our sample only takes the first three, not the first twenty, as we don't have enough data for that.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. const by = (fn, dir = &#39;ASCENDING&#39;) =&gt; (a, b, x = fn(a), y = fn(b)) =&gt;
  2. (dir === &#39;ASCENDING&#39; ? 1 : -1) * (x &lt; y ? -1 : x &gt; y ? 1 : 0)
  3. const takeFirstOneOfEachUpTo = (n, fn) =&gt; ([x, ...xs], m = new Set(), k = fn(x)) =&gt;
  4. x == undefined || n &lt; 1
  5. ? []
  6. : m.has(k)
  7. ? takeFirstOneOfEachUpTo(n, fn)(xs, m)
  8. : [x, ...takeFirstOneOfEachUpTo(n -1, fn)(xs, m.add(k))]
  9. const process = (n) =&gt; (xs) =&gt;
  10. takeFirstOneOfEachUpTo (n, x =&gt; x.RouteId) (
  11. [...xs].sort((by(x =&gt; x.AreaCode.length, &#39;DESCENDING&#39;)))
  12. ).sort(by(x =&gt; xs.indexOf(x))) // or .sort(by(x =&gt; x.RouteId)) // or skip altogether
  13. const sampleData = [{RouteId: &quot;1&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41111&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;1&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;411011&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;2&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;2&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;3&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;3&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;, &quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;4&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;, &quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41120&quot;, &quot;41121&quot;]}, {RouteId: &quot;4&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;]}]
  14. console.log(process(3)(sampleData))

<!-- language: lang-css -->

  1. .as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}

<!-- end snippet -->

Here we have a utility function by, which makes comparators to pass to sort. It takes a function from your sort item to something sortable with &lt; (such as a number, a string or a date), and optionally a direction (anything other than the default, 'ASCENDING' is taken to mean descending sort), and returns a function which will return -1, 0, or +1 when supplied two sort items. Feeding this into Array.prototype.sort, will sort these items according to the result of that function.

Then we have a helper function, takeFirstOneOfEachUpTo, which selects the first n items of its input, subject to the constraint that for the supplied function, we don't repeat inputs for which the function yields the same value. This is a fairly simple recursion, and it has the advantage over a reduce-based solution of stopping early. It's fine for numbers like 20. If you were to be collecting the top 1000, we might want a reduce-based solution instead, which doesn't have the recursion. This function maintains a Set of values its already seen and skips subsequent ones. That means that our function should probably generate a primitive value, or choose somehow from a fixed list of reference values. We're going to use it with the RouteId strings, so that's not a problem.

Our main function is process, named because I don't have enough context to give it a more meaningful one. It first sorts the inputs descending by the lengths of their AreaCode arrays, then it calls our helper function, passing it 20 (or 3 or however many we want to collect) and a function which gets the RouteId, thus grabbing the top 20 elements, but only one per RouteId. Finally -- in the step I find unnecessary -- it sorts the results according to their position in the original list.

This breakdown makes a great deal of sense to me. It is not the only way to approach the problem. Peter Seliger has raised an objection, based on an earlier question which used a less compact format to generate the input structure of this question. He has a point. Perhaps there's a useful way to generate this final format based on your original data.

In fact, there is technically an asymptotically more time-efficient manner of doing this. I know this because we are using a sort on your input data, meaning this is at minimum an O(n log(n)) technique. But collecting the maximum of a list, or the k-largest elements for a fixed k is known to be a linear problem, O(n). Theoretically, then, there is a faster solution, at least for extremely long lists. But unless you hit a performance wall with this, I would not bother. The techniques I know for k-largest require an amount of code that grows with the size of k, or one whose running time grows quadratically with k (still fixed with respect to n, but large enough to be annoyingly impractical for anything but extremely long lists.) There may be others I don't know that don't have these limitations, but again, I would search for them only with a demonstrated performance problem.

For this reason, if I were to solve this problem based on the original data, I would do it exactly as here, using the intermediate format you present as input to this question.

Peter's (sadly deleted) answer offers another approach. I hope he finishes it and restores it, as it offers an architecturally different way of approaching this, and uses your original data in an interesting way.


得分: 1

下面提供的方法考虑了 OP 句子的以下部分...

> "我想根据AreaCodes中的条目数量对上述sampleData进行排序,并获取前20个结果。"

... 并进一步假设 OP 想要检索前20个唯一的RouteId数据项,每个项都具有可能的最大AreaCode数组。此外,允许只有其中一个具有相同RouteId值但具有不同InDirection值的项目成为“前20名”中的一部分(即使相关但被丢弃的项目的AreaCode数组仍比所有其他源数据项的数组更大)。

因为 OP 在评论中开始提及...

> "由于在实际情况中sampleData非常庞大,是否可能..."

... 选择了以下方法。



必须迭代数组,并区分具有相同RouteId值和其他项。对于前者,必须实现一个任务,该任务选择具有较大AreaCode数组的项目(或在两者长度相等的情况下,根据 OP 的要求选择首次出现的项目)。





The next provided approach takes into account following of the OP's sentences ...

> "I want to sort above sampleData based on number of entries in AreaCodes and get top 20 results."

... and it further assumes that the OP wants to retrieve the top 20 unique RouteId data-items with each item featuring the largest possible AreaCode array. In addition, only one of the items which feature the same RouteId value but have each a distinct InDirection value, is allowed to be part of the "Top 20" (even in case the related but discarded item features a still larger AreaCode array than all other source data items).

Because the OP started mentioning in one of the comments ...

> "Since in the real scenario sampleData is very large, is it possible ..."

... following approach has been chosen.

It seems to be unavoidable that one has to sort the provided source data array (sampleData) in its entirety. The sorting process already is the most expensive part. One does sort the array in descending order by any item's length value of the item's AreaCode array.

But one can not simply limit the sorted array to its first 20 items.

One has to iterate the array and has to make a distinction in between items that share the same RouteId value and the others. For the former, one has to implement a task which picks the item with the larger AreaCode array (or in case both are of equal length, according to the OP's requirements, the first occurring item ).

Since one needs to have a bit more control over the iteration, a while based loop has been chosen which allows the early exit in case of having reached the "Top 20" before having finished iterating the array entirely.

And in order to speed up the task which picks the correct item out of a pair of related same RouteId-value items, the approach introduces a Set based lookup where one, based on an item's RouteId, can check if the correct RouteId item already has been processed and collected into the result array.

The latter then can be sorted again ascending by each item's RouteId, or result could be simply left as is.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. function getTopAmountOfUniqueRouteIdItemsOfLargestAreaCodeData(
  2. sourceData = [], topAmount = 20
  3. ) {
  4. // // in order to not mutate the passed `sourceData` reference.
  5. // sourceData = [...sourceData].sort( /* ... */ );
  6. // - the most expensive part of the approach.
  7. // - sort the provided data array in its entirety.
  8. sourceData
  9. // takes advantage of the `-` operator&#39;s type coercion.
  10. .sort((a, b) =&gt; b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length);
  11. // ... pushing data directly into the return value ..
  12. const result = [];
  13. // ... and accomplishing the necessary pick on a `Set`
  14. // based lookup does speed up the rest of the task.
  15. const lookup = new Set;
  16. let collectionCount = 0;
  17. let item, idx = -1;
  18. while ((item = sourceData[++idx]) &amp;&amp; (collectionCount &lt; topAmount)) {
  19. // - keep iterating until no item has been left
  20. // or until the top amount has been reached.
  21. const { RouteId } = item;
  22. if (!lookup.has(RouteId)) {
  23. lookup.add(RouteId);
  24. result.push(item);
  25. ++collectionCount;
  26. }
  27. }
  28. // ... either `result` as sorted return value ...
  29. return result.sort((a, b) =&gt; a.RouteId - b.RouteId);
  30. // // ... or, just returning `result` as is ...
  31. // return result;
  32. }
  33. const result =
  34. getTopAmountOfUniqueRouteIdItemsOfLargestAreaCodeData(sampleData);
  35. console.log({ result });

<!-- language: lang-css -->

  1. .as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. &lt;script&gt;
  2. const sampleData = [{
  3. RouteId: &quot;1&quot;,
  4. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  5. AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41111&quot;],
  6. }, {
  7. RouteId: &quot;1&quot;,
  8. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  9. AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;411011&quot;],
  10. }, {
  11. RouteId: &quot;2&quot;,
  12. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  13. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  14. }, {
  15. RouteId: &quot;2&quot;,
  16. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  17. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  18. }, {
  19. RouteId: &quot;3&quot;,
  20. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  21. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  22. }, {
  23. RouteId: &quot;3&quot;,
  24. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  25. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;,&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;],
  26. }, {
  27. RouteId: &quot;4&quot;,
  28. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  29. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;,&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41110&quot; , &quot;41120&quot;, &quot;41121&quot;],
  30. }, {
  31. RouteId: &quot;4&quot;,
  32. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  33. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  34. }];
  35. &lt;/script&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->


得分: 0

你想要使用 sortfilter 函数来处理数组,尽管可能还有其他方法可以做到这一点。

  1. const sampleData = [{
  2. RouteId: "1",
  3. InDirection: "1",
  4. AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "41110", "41111"],
  5. }, {
  6. RouteId: "1",
  7. InDirection: "2",
  8. AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "411011"],
  9. }, {
  10. RouteId: "2",
  11. InDirection: "1",
  12. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  13. }, {
  14. RouteId: "2",
  15. InDirection: "2",
  16. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  17. }, {
  18. RouteId: "3",
  19. InDirection: "1",
  20. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  21. }, {
  22. RouteId: "3",
  23. InDirection: "2",
  24. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114", "41108", "41109", "41110"],
  25. }, {
  26. RouteId: "4",
  27. InDirection: "1",
  28. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114", "41108", "41110", "41120", "41121"],
  29. }, {
  30. RouteId: "4",
  31. InDirection: "2",
  32. AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"],
  33. }]
  34. const routeIdsFound = []
  35. const result = sampleData.sort(
  36. (a, b) => b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length
  37. ).filter(item => {
  38. if (!routeIdsFound.includes(item.RouteId)) {
  39. routeIdsFound.push(item.RouteId)
  40. return true
  41. } else {
  42. return false
  43. }
  44. }).sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.RouteId) - parseInt(b.RouteId))
  45. console.log(result);

你也可以考虑使用类似 Lodash 这样的外部库,也许 uniqBy 可能会引起你的兴趣(或者 sortedUniqBy ?)


You want to make use of sort and filter functions for arrays, though there may be other ways of doing thins.

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. const sampleData = [{
  2. RouteId: &quot;1&quot;,
  3. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  4. AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41111&quot;],
  5. }, {
  6. RouteId: &quot;1&quot;,
  7. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  8. AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;411011&quot;],
  9. }, {
  10. RouteId: &quot;2&quot;,
  11. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  12. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  13. }, {
  14. RouteId: &quot;2&quot;,
  15. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  16. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  17. }, {
  18. RouteId: &quot;3&quot;,
  19. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  20. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  21. }, {
  22. RouteId: &quot;3&quot;,
  23. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  24. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;, &quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;],
  25. }, {
  26. RouteId: &quot;4&quot;,
  27. InDirection: &quot;1&quot;,
  28. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;, &quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41120&quot;, &quot;41121&quot;],
  29. }, {
  30. RouteId: &quot;4&quot;,
  31. InDirection: &quot;2&quot;,
  32. AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;],
  33. }]
  34. const routeIdsFound = []
  35. const result = sampleData.sort(
  36. (a, b) =&gt; b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length
  37. ).filter(item =&gt; {
  38. if (!routeIdsFound.includes(item.RouteId)) {
  39. routeIdsFound.push(item.RouteId)
  40. return true
  41. } else {
  42. return false
  43. }
  44. }).sort((a, b) =&gt; parseInt(a.RouteId) - parseInt(b.RouteId))
  45. console.log(result);

<!-- end snippet -->

You may also want to use something like Lodash, (if you're not opposed to using an external library), perhaps uniquBy might be something of interest (or sortedUinqBy ?)


得分: 0


  • 首先,使用 Array#sort 按照大多数 AreaCode 降序排序
  • 然后,使用 Array#reduce 来排除任何已存在于元素索引之前的 RouteId 的元素


  1. const
  2. sampleData = [{ RouteId: "1", InDirection: "1", AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "41110", "41111"], }, { RouteId: "1", InDirection: "2", AreaCode: ["41108", "41109", "411011"], }, { RouteId: "2", InDirection: "1", AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"], }, { RouteId: "2", InDirection: "2", AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"], }, { RouteId: "3", InDirection: "1", AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"], }, { RouteId: "3", InDirection: "2", AreaCode: ["41112", "41114","41108", "41109", "41110"], }, { RouteId: "4", InDirection: "1", AreaCode: ["41112", "41114","41108", "41110" , "41120", "41121"], }, { RouteId: "4", InDirection: "2", AreaCode: ["41112", "41114"], }],
  3. sortFiltered = sampleData.sort((a,b) => b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length).reduce(
  4. (filtered,cur) => filtered.find(a => a.RouteId === cur.RouteId) ? filtered : [...filtered,cur], []
  5. );
  6. console.log( sortFiltered );



You can do this in steps

  • First, sort with Array#sort in descending order of most AreaCodes
  • Then, use Array#reduce to exclude any element whose RouteId already exists prior to the elements index

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. const
  2. sampleData = [{ RouteId: &quot;1&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;, &quot;41111&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;1&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;411011&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;2&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;2&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;3&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;3&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;,&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41109&quot;, &quot;41110&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;4&quot;, InDirection: &quot;1&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;,&quot;41108&quot;, &quot;41110&quot; , &quot;41120&quot;, &quot;41121&quot;], }, { RouteId: &quot;4&quot;, InDirection: &quot;2&quot;, AreaCode: [&quot;41112&quot;, &quot;41114&quot;], }],
  3. sortFiltered = sampleData.sort((a,b) =&gt; b.AreaCode.length - a.AreaCode.length).reduce(
  4. (filtered,cur) =&gt; filtered.find(a =&gt; a.RouteId === cur.RouteId) ? filtered : [...filtered,cur], []
  5. );
  6. console.log( sortFiltered );

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 21:39:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76654328.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
