
huangapple go评论95阅读模式

Pulp Matching algorithm to replace greedy algo



  1. 在你的第一个尝试中,你创建了一个LP问题,但没有明确定义你的目标函数。你应该定义一个目标函数来最大化或最小化某些值。在这种情况下,你似乎想要最大化某些值,但你的目标函数是 prob += lpSum(variables[i] for i in range(len(dataset))),这只是将所有变量的总和添加到目标函数中。你需要考虑如何构建目标函数来实现你的匹配目标。

  2. 你的约束也有问题。例如,你的 "Total weight constraint" 是 prob += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, 'weight'] for i in range(len(dataset))) <= user_vars[user_id]['total_weight'],但这个约束不会正确地将权重与用户匹配。你应该将变量与数据集中的用户相关联,以便在匹配时考虑权重。

  3. 在第二个尝试中,你的目标函数仍然不明确,而且在约束中仍然存在问题。



I am trying to create a matching algorithm using pulp but the results for the sample data I'm getting are wrong as I think the function is flawed.

Sample data:

users = {
    1: (5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2, 1, 1),
    2: (8.0, 6.0, 2.0, 3, 2, 1)

dataset = pd.DataFrame([
    {&#39;id&#39;: 1, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 2, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 3, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 4, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 5, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 4},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 6, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 6},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 7, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 7},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 8, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 8},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 9, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2},
    {&#39;d&#39;: 10, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1}

I would like to match different ids to users (without repetition). For each user I have a total weight, group A weight, group B weight, unique id count, group A unique id count, group B unique id count.

For the sample above the correct answer should be:

{&#39;id&#39;: 5, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 4, &#39;user_id&#39;: 1}
{&#39;id&#39;: 10, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1, &#39;user_id&#39;: 1}
{&#39;id&#39;: 3, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3, &#39;user_id&#39;: 2}
{&#39;id&#39;: 4, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3, &#39;user_id&#39;: 2}
{&#39;id&#39;: 9, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2, &#39;user_id&#39;: 2}

My first attempt:

from pulp import *
import pandas as pd
from itertools import product

def match_weights(users, dataset):
    matched_rows = []
    variables = LpVariable.dicts(&quot;Item&quot;, range(len(dataset)), lowBound=0, cat=&#39;Binary&#39;)
    user_vars = {}
    for user_id, (total_weight, group_a_weight, group_b_weight, total_unique_users, group_a_unique_users, group_b_unique_users) in users.items():
        user_vars[user_id] = {}
        user_vars[user_id][&#39;total_weight&#39;] = LpVariable(&quot;TotalWeight_{}&quot;.format(user_id), lowBound=0, upBound=total_weight)
        user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_a_weight&#39;] = LpVariable(&quot;GroupAWeight_{}&quot;.format(user_id), lowBound=0, upBound=group_a_weight)
        user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_b_weight&#39;] = LpVariable(&quot;GroupBWeight_{}&quot;.format(user_id), lowBound=0, upBound=group_b_weight)
        user_vars[user_id][&#39;total_unique_users&#39;] = LpVariable(&quot;TotalUniqueUsers_{}&quot;.format(user_id), lowBound=0, upBound=total_unique_users, cat=&#39;Integer&#39;)
        user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_a_unique_users&#39;] = LpVariable(&quot;GroupAUniqueUsers_{}&quot;.format(user_id), lowBound=0, upBound=group_a_unique_users, cat=&#39;Integer&#39;)
        user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_b_unique_users&#39;] = LpVariable(&quot;GroupBUniqueUsers_{}&quot;.format(user_id), lowBound=0, upBound=group_b_unique_users, cat=&#39;Integer&#39;)

    prob = LpProblem(&quot;MatchingProblem&quot;, LpMaximize)
    prob += lpSum(variables[i] for i in range(len(dataset)))

    for user_id, (total_weight, group_a_weight, group_b_weight, total_unique_users, group_a_unique_users, group_b_unique_users) in users.items():
        group_a_items = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;A&#39;].index.tolist()
        group_b_items = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;B&#39;].index.tolist()

        # Total weight constraint
        prob += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in range(len(dataset))) &lt;= user_vars[user_id][&#39;total_weight&#39;]

        # Group A weight constraint
        prob += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in group_a_items) &lt;= user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_a_weight&#39;]

        # Group B weight constraint
        prob += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in group_b_items) &lt;= user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_b_weight&#39;]

        # Total unique user constraint
        unique_users = set()
        for i in range(len(dataset)):
            if variables[i].value() == 1:
                unique_users.add(dataset.loc[i, &#39;id&#39;])
        prob += lpSum(1 for u in unique_users) &lt;= user_vars[user_id][&#39;total_unique_users&#39;]

        # Group A unique user constraint
        unique_users_a = set()
        for i in group_a_items:
            if variables[i].value() == 1:
                unique_users_a.add(dataset.loc[i, &#39;id&#39;])
        prob += lpSum(1 for u in unique_users_a) &lt;= user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_a_unique_users&#39;]

        # Group B unique user constraint
        unique_users_b = set()
        for i in group_b_items:
            if variables[i].value() == 1:
                unique_users_b.add(dataset.loc[i, &#39;id&#39;])
        prob += lpSum(1 for u in unique_users_b) &lt;= user_vars[user_id][&#39;group_b_unique_users&#39;]

    for user_id, (total_weight, group_a_weight, group_b_weight, total_unique_users, group_a_unique_users, group_b_unique_users) in users.items():
        matched_user_rows = []
        for i in range(len(dataset)):
            if variables[i].value() == 1:
                matched_row = dataset.loc[i].copy()
                matched_row[&#39;user_id&#39;] = user_id

    return matched_rows

However the results are:

{1: {&#39;group_a&#39;: [2], &#39;group_b&#39;: [10]}, 2: {&#39;group_a&#39;: [2], &#39;group_b&#39;: [10]}}

Looks like my results might overwrite each other but also look wrong.

I tried to rewrite it and got similar incorrect results:

def match_weights(users, dataset):
    model = LpProblem(&quot;MatchingProblem&quot;, LpMaximize)
    variables = LpVariable.dicts(&quot;Item&quot;, dataset.index, lowBound=0, cat=&#39;Binary&#39;)
    model += lpSum(variables[i] for i in dataset.index)

    # Add constraints for each user
    for user_id, (total_weight, group_a_weight, group_b_weight, _, _, _) in users.items():
        # Filter dataset based on user group
        group_a_indices = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;A&#39;].index
        group_b_indices = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;B&#39;].index

        # Total weight constraint
        model += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in dataset.index) &lt;= total_weight

        # Group A weight constraint
        model += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in group_a_indices) &lt;= group_a_weight

        # Group B weight constraint
        model += lpSum(variables[i] * dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in group_b_indices) &lt;= group_b_weight

    unique_user_set = set(dataset[&#39;respondent_id&#39;])
    for user_id, (total_weight, _, _, total_unique_users, group_a_unique_users, group_b_unique_users) in users.items():
        group_a_indices = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;A&#39;].index
        group_b_indices = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;B&#39;].index

        # Total unique users constraint
        model += lpSum(variables[i] for i in dataset.index if dataset.loc[i, &#39;respondent_id&#39;] in unique_user_set) \
                 &lt;= total_unique_users

        # Group A unique users constraint
        model += lpSum(variables[i] for i in group_a_indices if dataset.loc[i, &#39;respondent_id&#39;] in unique_user_set) \
                 &lt;= group_a_unique_users

        # Group B unique users constraint
        model += lpSum(variables[i] for i in group_b_indices if dataset.loc[i, &#39;respondent_id&#39;] in unique_user_set) \
                 &lt;= group_b_unique_users

    results = {}
    for user_id, (_, _, _, _, _, _) in users.items():

        group_a_indices = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;A&#39;].index
        group_b_indices = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;B&#39;].index
        matched_a = [dataset.loc[i, &#39;respondent_id&#39;] for i in group_a_indices if variables[i].value() == 1]
        matched_b = [dataset.loc[i, &#39;respondent_id&#39;] for i in group_b_indices if variables[i].value() == 1]

        results[user_id] = {&#39;group_a&#39;: matched_a, &#39;group_b&#39;: matched_b}

    return results

Where am I going wrong?


得分: 2

您已经设置了一个优化目标和优化条件,但我认为不应该设置目标(将条件保留为默认)。换句话说,一旦您完成了公式化,print(prob) 应该包括以下内容:



"total" 约束是多余的,您可以处理单个组的值而不是总和。

由于您正在使用 Pandas,只要数据的形状正确,您不需要使用 lpSum;您可以直接操作框架和系列(.dot().sum())。

dataset 是一个数据框(很好!)需要将 id 转换为索引。users 应该从字典转换为数据框。

import pandas as pd
import pulp

requirements = pd.DataFrame(
        1: (5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2, 1, 1),
        2: (8.0, 6.0, 2.0, 3, 2, 1),
    # row index, soon to turn into column names via .T
        iterables=(('weight', 'count'), ('total', 'A', 'B')),
        names=('requirement', 'group'),
).drop(labels='total', level='group').T  # redundant
requirements.index.name = 'user'
user_values = requirements.index.to_series()
requirements = requirements.stack(level='group')
print(requirements, end='\n\n')

dataset = pd.DataFrame([
    {'id': 1, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 1},
    {'id': 2, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 2},
    {'id': 3, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 3},
    {'id': 4, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 3},
    {'id': 5, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 4},
    {'id': 6, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 6},
    {'id': 7, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 7},
    {'id': 8, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 8},
    {'id': 9, 'group': 'B', 'weight': 2},
    {'id': 10, 'group': 'B', 'weight': 1},
print(dataset, end='\n\n')

combos = pd.merge(left=user_values, right=dataset.index.to_series(), how='cross')
asn_name = 'asn_u' + combos.user.astype(str) + '_i' + combos.id.astype(str)
combos['asn'] = asn_name.apply(pulp.LpVariable, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
combos = combos.set_index(['user', 'id']).asn.unstack(level='user')
print(combos, end='\n\n')

prob = pulp.LpProblem(name='user_assignment')

# Every ID can be assigned to at most one user
for user, total in combos.sum(axis=1).items():
    prob.addConstraint(name=f'excl_u{user}', constraint=total <= 1)

for group, dataset_weights in dataset.groupby('group'):
    group_assigns = combos.loc[dataset_weights.index]
    for user, user_assigns in group_assigns.items():
        requirement = requirements.loc[(user, group), :]
            constraint=user_assigns.sum() == requirement['count'],
            constraint=user_assigns.dot(dataset_weights.weight) == requirement['weight'],

assert prob.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal

combos = combos.applymap(pulp.LpVariable.value).astype(int)
combos = combos[combos.any(axis=1)]
requirement  count  weight
user group                
1    A         1.0     4.0
B         1.0     1.0
2    A         2.0     6.0
B         1.0     2.0
group  weight
1      A       1
2      A       2
3      A       3
4      A       3
5      A       4
6      A       6
7      A       7
8      A       8
9      B       2
10     B       1
user           1           2
1      asn_u1_i1   asn_u2_i1
2      asn_u1_i2   asn_u2_i2
3      asn_u1_i3   asn_u2_i3
4      asn_u1_i4   asn_u2_i4
5      asn_u1_i5   asn_u2_i5
6      asn_u1_i6   asn_u2_i6
7      asn_u1_i7   asn_u2_i7
8      asn_u1_i8   asn_u2_i8
9      asn_u1_i9   asn_u2_i9
10    asn_u1_i10  asn_u2_i10
excl_u1: asn_u1_i1 + asn_u2_i1 <= 1
excl_u2: asn_u1_i2 + asn_u2_i2 <= 1
count_u1_gA: asn_u1_i1 + asn_u1_i2 + asn_u1_i3 + asn_u1_i4 + asn_u1_i5
+ asn_u1_i6 + asn_u1_i7 + asn_u1_i8 = 1
weight_u1_gA: asn_u1_i1 + 2 asn_u1_i2 + 3 asn_u1_i3 + 3 asn_u1_i4
+ 4 asn_u1_i5 + 6 asn_u1_i6 + 7 asn_u1_i7 + 8 asn_u1_i8 = 4
0 <= asn_u1_i1 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i10 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i2 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i3 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i4 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i5 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i6 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i7 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn_u1_i8 <= 1 Integer
0 <= asn
You&#39;ve set an optimisation objective and optimisation sense when I believe there should be no objective (and the sense left as default). In other words, once you&#39;re done formulating, `print(prob)` should include

You should not have variables for total weight, total unique users etc: instead, only have one decision variable kind, which is a binary assignment of whether an ID has been assigned to a user.

The "total" constraint is redundant and you can deal with the individual group values without the total.

Since you're in Pandas, so long as your data are shaped correctly, you do not need to use lpSum; you can operate on the frames and series directly (.dot(), .sum()).

dataset is a frame (good!) that needs id to move to an index. users should be converted from a dictionary to a frame.

import pandas as pd
import pulp

requirements = pd.DataFrame(
        1: (5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2, 1, 1),
        2: (8.0, 6.0, 2.0, 3, 2, 1),
    # row index, soon to turn into column names via .T
        iterables=((&#39;weight&#39;, &#39;count&#39;), (&#39;total&#39;, &#39;A&#39;, &#39;B&#39;)),
        names=(&#39;requirement&#39;, &#39;group&#39;),
).drop(labels=&#39;total&#39;, level=&#39;group&#39;).T  # redundant
requirements.index.name = &#39;user&#39;
user_values = requirements.index.to_series()
requirements = requirements.stack(level=&#39;group&#39;)
print(requirements, end=&#39;\n\n&#39;)

dataset = pd.DataFrame([
    {&#39;id&#39;: 1, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 2, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 3, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 4, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 5, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 4},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 6, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 6},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 7, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 7},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 8, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 8},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 9, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2},
    {&#39;id&#39;: 10, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1},
print(dataset, end=&#39;\n\n&#39;)

combos = pd.merge(left=user_values, right=dataset.index.to_series(), how=&#39;cross&#39;)
asn_name = &#39;asn_u&#39; + combos.user.astype(str) + &#39;_i&#39; + combos.id.astype(str)
combos[&#39;asn&#39;] = asn_name.apply(pulp.LpVariable, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
combos = combos.set_index([&#39;user&#39;, &#39;id&#39;]).asn.unstack(level=&#39;user&#39;)
print(combos, end=&#39;\n\n&#39;)

prob = pulp.LpProblem(name=&#39;user_assignment&#39;)

# Every ID can be assigned to at most one user
for user, total in combos.sum(axis=1).items():
    prob.addConstraint(name=f&#39;excl_u{user}&#39;, constraint=total &lt;= 1)

for group, dataset_weights in dataset.groupby(&#39;group&#39;):
    group_assigns = combos.loc[dataset_weights.index]
    for user, user_assigns in group_assigns.items():
        requirement = requirements.loc[(user, group), :]
            constraint=user_assigns.sum() == requirement[&#39;count&#39;],
            constraint=user_assigns.dot(dataset_weights.weight) == requirement[&#39;weight&#39;],

assert prob.status == pulp.LpStatusOptimal

combos = combos.applymap(pulp.LpVariable.value).astype(int)
combos = combos[combos.any(axis=1)]
requirement  count  weight
user group                
1    A         1.0     4.0
B         1.0     1.0
2    A         2.0     6.0
B         1.0     2.0
group  weight
1      A       1
2      A       2
3      A       3
4      A       3
5      A       4
6      A       6
7      A       7
8      A       8
9      B       2
10     B       1
user           1           2
1      asn_u1_i1   asn_u2_i1
2      asn_u1_i2   asn_u2_i2
3      asn_u1_i3   asn_u2_i3
4      asn_u1_i4   asn_u2_i4
5      asn_u1_i5   asn_u2_i5
6      asn_u1_i6   asn_u2_i6
7      asn_u1_i7   asn_u2_i7
8      asn_u1_i8   asn_u2_i8
9      asn_u1_i9   asn_u2_i9
10    asn_u1_i10  asn_u2_i10
excl_u1: asn_u1_i1 + asn_u2_i1 &lt;= 1
excl_u2: asn_u1_i2 + asn_u2_i2 &lt;= 1
count_u1_gA: asn_u1_i1 + asn_u1_i2 + asn_u1_i3 + asn_u1_i4 + asn_u1_i5
+ asn_u1_i6 + asn_u1_i7 + asn_u1_i8 = 1
weight_u1_gA: asn_u1_i1 + 2 asn_u1_i2 + 3 asn_u1_i3 + 3 asn_u1_i4
+ 4 asn_u1_i5 + 6 asn_u1_i6 + 7 asn_u1_i7 + 8 asn_u1_i8 = 4
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i1 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i10 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i2 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i3 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i4 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i5 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i6 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i7 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i8 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u1_i9 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i1 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i10 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i2 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i3 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i4 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i5 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i6 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i7 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i8 &lt;= 1 Integer
0 &lt;= asn_u2_i9 &lt;= 1 Integer
Result - Optimal solution found
user  1  2
3     0  1
4     0  1
5     1  0
9     0  1
10    1  0


得分: 1


你确实在正确的方向上... 有点


assign[item, user]  # 一个指示分配的二进制变量






# 组分配

import pandas as pd
import pulp

### 数据

users = {
    1: (5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2, 1, 1),
    2: (8.0, 6.0, 2.0, 3, 2, 1)

dataset = pd.DataFrame([
    {'id': 1, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 1},
    {'id': 2, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 2},
    {'id': 3, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 3},
    {'id': 4, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 3},
    {'id': 5, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 4},
    {'id': 6, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 6},
    {'id': 7, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 7},
    {'id': 8, 'group': 'A', 'weight': 8},
    {'id': 9, 'group': 'B', 'weight': 2},
    {'id': 10, 'group': 'B', 'weight': 1}   # <-- 请注意这一行中有一个拼写错误

### 一些整理和方便的工作...
for user in users:
    users[user] = dict(zip(('wt_limit', 'a_wt_limit', 'b_wt_limit', 'item_limit', 'a_item_limit', 'b_item_limit'), users[user]))
ids = dataset.index

# 子集
grp_a_idx = dataset[dataset['group'] == 'A'].index
grp_b_idx = dataset[dataset['group'] == 'B'].index

### 问题设置

prob = pulp.LpProblem('id_assigner', pulp.LpMaximize)

### 集合

id_user = {(i, u) for i in dataset.index for u in users}

### 变量

assign = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('assign', indices=id_user, cat=pulp.LpBinary)

### 目标:最大化分配

prob += pulp.lpSum(assign)

### 约束

# 1. 每个id只能分配一次(或者不分配)
for i in ids:
    prob += sum(assign[i, user] for user in users) <= 1

# 2. 不要超出每个用户的总权重
for user in users:
    prob += sum(assign[i, user]*dataset.loc[i, 'weight'] for i in ids ) <= users[user]['wt_limit']

# 3. 不要超出组A的权重,对于每个用户
for user in users:
    prob += sum(assign[i, user]*dataset.loc[i, 'weight'] for i in grp_a_idx) <= users[user]['a_wt_limit']

# ..... 与其他约束类似。根据需要使用子集进行组特定的操作,例如上面的#3。

# 检查一下:

### 解决

### 结果



You are on the right track... kinda.

I couldn't really follow the logic in the first attempt. It isn't clear why you were creating so many variables. At the core, this is an assignment problem, where we are assigning ids to users. So the only variable we should really need is something like:

assign[item, user]  # a binary variable indicating assignment

Then, if we need the total weight assigned, we can just sum up the assignments times the weights in standard fashion. No need for more variables.

The second attempt is on a better track, but the variable is set up wrong, You really want to double-index it as I show below, then things fall into place. The more you get used to thinking about this in a math programming context, the easier things get. You need the correct variable and some subsets in your problem indicating the set of all ids and then the groups. If you had many groups, I'd probably reorganize the data to be able to index by group as well, but for 2 groups, this is fine.

Regarding the loops you have, you can combine what I did below into a loop "for each user" and include all the constraints there, but I think it is easier to digest if you do a loop per constraint. In the end it is a preference

I think you can probably finish what I've started below to scoop up the rest of the constraints and solve. Comment back if you are stuck.


# group assignment
import pandas as pd
import pulp
### DATA
users = {
1: (5.0, 4.0, 1.0, 2, 1, 1),
2: (8.0, 6.0, 2.0, 3, 2, 1)
dataset = pd.DataFrame([
{&#39;id&#39;: 1, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1},
{&#39;id&#39;: 2, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2},
{&#39;id&#39;: 3, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3},
{&#39;id&#39;: 4, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 3},
{&#39;id&#39;: 5, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 4},
{&#39;id&#39;: 6, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 6},
{&#39;id&#39;: 7, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 7},
{&#39;id&#39;: 8, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;A&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 8},
{&#39;id&#39;: 9, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 2},
{&#39;id&#39;: 10, &#39;group&#39;: &#39;B&#39;, &#39;weight&#39;: 1}   # &lt;-- note you had a typo in this row
### a little tidying &amp; conveniences...
for user in users:
users[user] = dict(zip( (&#39;wt_limit&#39;, &#39;a_wt_limit&#39;, &#39;b_wt_limit&#39;, &#39;item_limit&#39;, &#39;a_item_limit&#39;, &#39;b_item_limit&#39;), users[user]))
ids = dataset.index
# subsets
grp_a_idx = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;A&#39;].index
grp_b_idx = dataset[dataset[&#39;group&#39;] == &#39;B&#39;].index
prob = pulp.LpProblem(&#39;id_assigner&#39;, pulp.LpMaximize)
### SETS
id_user = { (i, u) for i in dataset.index for u in users }
### VARS
assign = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(&#39;assign&#39;, indices=id_user, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
### OBJ:  Maximize assignments
prob += pulp.lpSum(assign)
# 1.  Can only assign each id only once (or not at all)
for i in ids:
prob += sum(assign[i, user] for user in users) &lt;= 1
# 2.  Don&#39;t overassign total weight, for each user
for user in users:
prob += sum(assign[i, user]*dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in ids ) &lt;= users[user][&#39;wt_limit&#39;]
# 3.  Don&#39;t overassign weights for grp A, for each user
for user in users:
prob += sum(assign[i, user]*dataset.loc[i, &#39;weight&#39;] for i in grp_a_idx) &lt;= users[user][&#39;a_wt_limit&#39;]
# .....  similarly for other constraints.  Use the subsets as needed for group-specific things, like #3 above.
# check it:

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 19:00:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76653057.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
