
huangapple go评论68阅读模式

Recover published data in another page


I have a page that allows you to publish something (which contains a name, a description, an image, etc.) and I am trying to retrieve what I publish on another page so that I can then manage it (modified, deleted, etc.) . But I can't really get this back.

When I launch it shows me exactly the same thing as what is on the page for publishing.

I also tried to publish, then after going back to the page, but it always displays the same page as the other.

Post page
New page (shows me the same thing)

FileResult file;
NewTheoryViewModel theoryViewModel;

public NewTheoryPage()
    theoryViewModel = new NewTheoryViewModel();
    BindingContext = theoryViewModel;
private async void Upload_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // shortcuts...
private async void Save_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    TheoriesModel theory = new();

    // ...shortcuts...


var stream = ...shortcuts

string fileName = file.FileName;

theory.Image_id = imagesModel.Id > 0 ? imagesModel.Id : 1;
theory.Group_id = 2... shortcuts

var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    await DisplayAlert("Great", "The theory has been added", "Ok");
    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
// I tried adding this after var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode):
  var testPage = new SettingsPage
                 BindingContext = theory 

// and at the top: public TheoriesModel TheoryPublished { get; private set; }

In the page where I want to retrieve: GetPublishedData();

     private void GetPublishedData()
         var newTheoryPage = new NewTheoryPage();

         // Attach an event handler to the Disappearing event of NewTheoryPage
         newTheoryPage.Disappearing += NewTheoryPage_Disappearing;


     private void NewTheoryPage_Disappearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var newTheoryPage = (NewTheoryPage)sender;

         // Check if data has been published
         if (newTheoryPage.TheoryPublished != null)
             // Use data published here
             var publishedTheory = newTheoryPage.TheoryPublished;
             // Do whatever you want with the data (display, delete, modify, etc.)

         // Detach the event handler from the Disappearing event
         newTheoryPage.Disappearing -= NewTheoryPage_Disappearing;
<!-- In the other page: -->
<Label Text="Published Theory" FontAttributes="Bold" />
<Label Text="{Binding PublishedTheory.Name}" />
<Label Text="{Binding PublishedTheory.Description}" />
// In the other page:
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<NewTheoryPage, TheoriesModel>(this, "TheoryPublished", OnTheoryPublished);

private void OnTheoryPublished(NewTheoryPage sender, TheoriesModel theory)
    lblName.Text = theory.Name;
    lblDescription.Text = theory.Description;

protected override void OnDisappearing()

    MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<NewTheoryPage, TheoriesModel>(this, "TheoryPublished");
// In NewTheoryPage:
var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    MessagingCenter.Send(this, "TheoryPublished", theory);
    await DisplayAlert("Great", "The theory has been added", "Ok");
    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

I put the code with global static:

public class AppSettings
    public static string Parameter1 { get; set; }
    public static string Parameter2 { get; set; }

In the other page:

private void OnTheoryPublished(NewTheoryPage sender, TheoriesModel theory)
    AppSettings.Parameter1 = theory.Name;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of Parameter1 : " + AppSettings.Parameter1);
    AppSettings.Parameter2 = theory.Description;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of Parameter2 : " + AppSettings.Parameter2);

    lblName.Text = AppSettings.Parameter1;
    lblDescription.Text = AppSettings.Parameter2;

I have a page that allows you to publish something (which contains a name, a description, an image, etc.) and I am trying to retrieve what I publish on another page so that I can then manage it (modified, deleted, etc.) . But I can't really get this back.

When I launch it shows me exactly the same thing as what is in the page for published

I also tried to publish then after going back to the page but it always displays the same page as the other

Post page
New page (shows me the same thing)

FileResult file;
    NewTheoryViewModel theoryViewModel;

    public NewTheoryPage()
        theoryViewModel = new NewTheoryViewModel();
        BindingContext = theoryViewModel;
    private async void Upload_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private async void Save_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        TheoriesModel theory = new();



        var stream = ...shortcuts

        string fileName = file.FileName;

        theory.Image_id = imagesModel.Id &gt; 0 ? imagesModel.Id : 1;
        theory.Group_id = 2... shortcuts

        var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory);
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            await DisplayAlert(&quot;Great&quot;, &quot;The theory has been added&quot;, &quot;Ok&quot;);
            await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode):

  var testPage = new SettingsPage
                 BindingContext = theory 

and at the top: public TheoriesModel TheoryPublished { get; private set; }

In the page where I want to retrieve: GetPublishedData();

     private void GetPublishedData()
         var newTheoryPage = new NewTheoryPage();

         // Attach an event handler to the Disappearing event of NewTheoryPage
         newTheoryPage.Disappearing += NewTheoryPage_Disappearing;


     private void NewTheoryPage_Disappearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
         var newTheoryPage = (NewTheoryPage)sender;

         // Check if data has been published
         if (newTheoryPage.TheoryPublished != null)
             // Use data published here
             var publishedTheory = newTheoryPage.TheoryPublished;
             // Do whatever you want with the data (display, delete, modify, etc.)

         // Detach the event handler from the Disappearing event
         newTheoryPage.Disappearing -= NewTheoryPage_Disappearing;

```&lt;Label Text=&quot;Published Theory&quot; FontAttributes=&quot;Bold&quot; /&gt;
&lt;Label Text=&quot;{Binding PublishedTheory.Name}&quot; /&gt;
&lt;Label Text=&quot;{Binding PublishedTheory.Description}&quot; /&gt;```

In other page : 
 ``` MessagingCenter.Subscribe&lt;NewTheoryPage, TheoriesModel&gt;(this, &quot;TheoryPublished&quot;, OnTheoryPublished);

    private void OnTheoryPublished(NewTheoryPage sender, TheoriesModel theory)
        lblName.Text = theory.Name;
        lblDescription.Text = theory.Description;

    protected override void OnDisappearing()

        MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe&lt;NewTheoryPage, TheoriesModel&gt;(this, &quot;TheoryPublished&quot;);

and in NewTheoryPage:

var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory);
      if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
          MessagingCenter.Send(this, &quot;TheoryPublished&quot;, theory);
          await DisplayAlert(&quot;Great&quot;, &quot;The theory has been added&quot;, &quot;Ok&quot;);
          await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

I put the code with global static

public class AppSettings
    public static string Parameter1 { get; set; }
    public static string Parameter2 { get; set; }

Other page :

        AppSettings.Parameter1 = theory.Name;
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter1 : &quot; + AppSettings.Parameter1);
        AppSettings.Parameter2 = theory.Description;
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter2 : &quot; + AppSettings.Parameter2);

        lblName.Text = AppSettings.Parameter1;
        lblDescription.Text = AppSettings.Parameter2;


# 答案1
**得分**: 1




public class AppSetting
    public static string Parameter1 = "parameter1";
    public static string Parameter2 = "parameter2";


// 访问全局变量
string value1 = AppSetting.Parameter1;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of mParameter1 : " + value1);

// 更新设置参数的值
AppSetting.Parameter2 = "reset value for test";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("the updated value of Parameter2 " + AppSetting.Parameter2);





  1. NewTheoryPage.xaml.cs 中,将变量 AppSettings.Parameter1AppSettings.Parameter2 更改如下:
var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory); 
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    //MessagingCenter.Send(this, "TheoryPublished", theory);

    AppSettings.Parameter1 = theory.Name;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of mParameter1 : " + AppSettings.Parameter1);
    AppSettings.Parameter2 = theory.Description;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of mParameter2 : " + AppSettings.Parameter2);

    await DisplayAlert("Great", "The theory has been added", "Ok");
    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
  1. SettingsPage 页面上,在 OnAppearing 方法中加载数据:
protected override void OnAppearing() 

    lblName.Text = AppSettings.Parameter1;
    lblDescription.Text = AppSettings.Parameter2;

更新 2:



  1. NewTheoryPage.xaml.cs 中,将值保存如下:
var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory); 
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    //MessagingCenter.Send(this, "TheoryPublished", theory);

    //AppSettings.Parameter1 = theory.Name;
    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of mParameter1 : " + AppSettings.Parameter1);
    //AppSettings.Parameter2 = theory.Description;
    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("access the value of mParameter2 : " + AppSettings.Parameter2);

    // 在这里保存数据

    // 设置值:
    Preferences.Default.Set("name", theory.Name);
    Preferences.Default.Set("description", theory.Description);

    await DisplayAlert("Great", "The theory has been added", "Ok");
    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
  1. SettingsPage 页面上,在 OnAppearing 方法中加载数据:
protected override void OnAppearing() 

    //lblName.Text = AppSettings.Parameter1;
    //lblDescription.Text = AppSettings.Parameter2;

    string name = Preferences.Default.Get("name", "Unknown");
    string description = Preferences.Default.Get("description", "Unknown");
    lblName.Text = name;
    lblDescription.Text = description;

Based on your description, it is recommended that you use the static variable.

For this, you can create a static global class for your app. And you can access and update these parameters across your app.

For example:

public class AppSetting 
    public static string Parameter1 = &quot; parameter1&quot;;
    public static string Parameter2 = &quot; parameter2&quot;;

Then in other places of your app, you can access and update your parameters as follows:

    //access the global variable 
    string value1 = AppSetting.Parameter1;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter1 : &quot; + value1);

    //update the value of the setting parameter
     AppSetting.Parameter2 = &quot;reset value for test&quot;;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;the updated value of Parameter2 &quot; + AppSetting.Parameter2);


I found that your code was misplaced.

If you want to use the static global variable, please remove the MessageCenter in your code.

You can try to modify your code as follows:

1.In NewTheoryPage.xaml.cs, change variable AppSettings.Parameter1 and AppSettings.Parameter2 as follows:

      var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory); 
    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        //MessagingCenter.Send(this, &quot;TheoryPublished&quot;, theory);

        AppSettings.Parameter1 = theory.Name;
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter1 : &quot; + AppSettings.Parameter1);
        AppSettings.Parameter2 = theory.Description;
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter2 : &quot; + AppSettings.Parameter2);

        await DisplayAlert(&quot;Great&quot;, &quot;The theory has been added&quot;, &quot;Ok&quot;);
        await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

2.On page SettingsPage,load data on method OnAppearing

   protected override void OnAppearing() 

    lblName.Text = AppSettings.Parameter1;
    lblDescription.Text = AppSettings.Parameter2;

Update 2

> It works at the beginning but, when I restart it disappears

The life time of a static variable is as long as your application is running.
If you want to save the data even after closing the app, it is recommended that you use Secure storage or Preferences to achieve this.

1.In NewTheoryPage.xaml.cs, save value as follows:

      var response = await Services.NewTheory.PostNewActivitie(theory); 
    if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        //MessagingCenter.Send(this, &quot;TheoryPublished&quot;, theory);

        //AppSettings.Parameter1 = theory.Name;
        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter1 : &quot; + AppSettings.Parameter1);
        //AppSettings.Parameter2 = theory.Description;
        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(&quot;access the value of mParameter2 : &quot; + AppSettings.Parameter2);

       //save data here

       // Set value here:
       Preferences.Default.Set(&quot;name&quot;, theory.Name);
       Preferences.Default.Set(&quot;description&quot;, theory.Description);

        await DisplayAlert(&quot;Great&quot;, &quot;The theory has been added&quot;, &quot;Ok&quot;);
        await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

2.On page SettingsPage,load data on method OnAppearing

   protected override void OnAppearing() 

    //lblName.Text = AppSettings.Parameter1;
    //lblDescription.Text = AppSettings.Parameter2;

    string name = Preferences.Default.Get(&quot;name&quot;, &quot;Unknown&quot;);
    string description = Preferences.Default.Get(&quot;description&quot;, &quot;Unknown&quot;);
    lblName.Text = name;
    lblDescription.Text = description;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 16:39:06
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76652075.html



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