无法获取AWS S3的请求指标。

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Not able to get request metrics for AWS S3



目前的CloudWatch > S3仪表板如下所示:

无法获取AWS S3的请求指标。


无法获取AWS S3的请求指标。



I tried to retrieve request metrics for S3 buckets but couldn't access them through the "All metrics" query. However, after creating a bucket-specific filter, I managed to view the dashboard with metrics like AllRequest and GetRequest. Is there a method to apply these changes universally to obtain request metrics for all buckets associated with an account?

Currently the cloudwatch > s3 dashboard looks like this 无法获取AWS S3的请求指标。

After adding a filter for a bucket it looks like this 无法获取AWS S3的请求指标。

Main goal is to get the request metrics using the GetMetricsData with a metrics query


得分: 2

存储指标默认对所有客户启用,并且每天为所有S3存储桶报告一次,无需额外费用。然而,请求指标默认情况下未启用,因为它们产生与Amazon CloudWatch自定义指标相同的费用。由于请求指标涉及费用,您必须在您的S3存储桶上显式启用它们。因此,目前没有通用标志可为您在所有S3存储桶上启用此请求指标功能。

您还提到,在应用筛选器后,您能够查看请求指标。重要的是要注意,该筛选器具有双重作用 - 它不仅筛选数据,还启用了存储桶的请求指标。根据提供的图像,看起来您创建了筛选器以查看整个存储桶的请求指标。但是,您还可以使用自定义筛选器类型(如前缀、对象标签和访问点)限制筛选器的范围。

参考链接:S3 Cloudwatch Metrics


The storage metrics are enabled by default to all customers, and they are reported once per day for all s3 buckets at no additional cost. However, the request metrics are not enabled by default since they incur charges at the same rate as Amazon CloudWatch custom metrics. As request metrics involve costs, you have to explicitly enable them on your S3 buckets. Thus, there is no universal flag currently to enable this request metrics feature for you on all s3 buckets.

You also mentioned that you were able to view the request metrics after applying the filter. it's important to note that the filter serves a dual purpose - it not only filters the data but also enables the request metrics for your bucket. Based on the provided image, it appears that you created the filter to view request metrics for the entire bucket. However, you can also limit the filter scope using custom filter types such as Prefix, Object tags, and Access points.

Reference: S3 Cloudwatch Metrics.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 15:22:15
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