在 Forge Viewer 主视图中显示链接的文件元素。

huangapple go评论55阅读模式

Show linked file elements in forge viewer master view




I uploaded revit linked files to Bim360. After uploading, in the 3d view of the central file which I public in Revit, I can see elements that come from linked files. But in master view, I do not see them. Is that possible that the master view can have linked files' elements?


得分: 1

很抱歉,无法在由Model Derivative生成的主视图(或称为阶段视图)中查看链接的内容,根据https://aps.autodesk.com/en/docs/model-derivative/v2/reference/http/en/docs/model-derivative/v2/reference/http/job-POST

generateMasterViews bool 在从Revit输入格式转换为SVF时生成主视图。对于所有其他输入格式,此选项将被忽略。此属性默认为false。

主视图是为Revit模型的每个阶段生成的3D视图。主视图包含主机模型中该阶段的所有元素(包括“房间”元素)。主视图的显示名称默认为生成它的阶段的名称。但是,如果已经存在具有该名称的视图,则Model Derivative服务会在默认显示名称后添加后缀。


  1. 主视图不包含来自链接模型的元素。
  2. 启用此选项可能会增加转换模型所需的时间。

Unfortunately, it's impossible to view linked contents in master views (or called Phase views) generated by Model Derivative, according to https://aps.autodesk.com/en/docs/model-derivative/v2/reference/http/en/docs/model-derivative/v2/reference/http/job-POST

> generateMasterViews bool Generates master views when translating from
> the Revit input format to SVF. This option is ignored for all other
> input formats. This attribute defaults to false.
> Master views are 3D views that are generated for each phase of the
> Revit model. A master view contains all elements (including “room”
> elements) present in the host model for that phase. The display name
> of a master view defaults to the name of the phase it is generated
> from. However, if a view with that name already exists, the Model
> Derivative service appends a suffix to the default display name.
> Notes:
> 1. Master views do not contain elements from linked models.
> 2. Enabling this option can increase the time it takes to translate the model.


得分: 0



  1. 打开你可以看到链接的视图
  2. 转到“查看”选项卡 > “图形”面板 > “视图模板”下拉菜单 > 从当前视图创建模板
  3. 输入类似“临时视图模板”的内容,然后点击“确定”
  4. 转到你无法看到链接的视图
  5. 将你新创建的视图模板分配给该视图



When you say the "master view" I assume you are simply referring to another model view. Most likely there is some difference in the visibility/graphics settings between the two views.

One of the easiest ways to eliminate this factor is:

  1. Open the view where you can see the links
  2. Go to the View tab > Graphics panel > View Templates dropdown > Create Template from Current View
  3. Enter something like "temporary view template" and hit OK
  4. Go to the view where you cannot see the links
  5. Assign your newly created View Template to the view

This is simplest if both views are the same kind of view (eg 3D Views). You can assign a 3D View Template to non-3D Views but it might not behave the same.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月10日 14:59:54
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76651351.html



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