AWS CodeBuild 由于权限问题无法拉取镜像。

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AWS CodeBuild Unable to pull image due to permission issue



The message on AWS CodeBuild is:
AWS CodeBuild上的消息是:

Unable to pull customer's container image. CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: User: CodeBuild
无法拉取客户的容器镜像。CannotPullContainerError:来自守护程序的错误响应:无法拉取的访问权限被拒绝,存储库不存在或可能需要 'docker login':拒绝访问:用户:CodeBuild

I'm trying use a docker image to build and deploy some AWS lambdas. The code would work and has worked when IAM cooperates. I don't understand the message as I have no user "CodeBuild". I would have thought it would assume the service role I specified "arn:aws:iam:::role/service-role/codebuild-service-role".
我正在尝试使用Docker镜像构建和部署一些AWS Lambda函数。当IAM协作时,代码会工作,并且以前也有过。我不理解这条消息,因为我没有用户"CodeBuild"。我原以为它会采用我指定的服务角色"arn:aws:iam:::role/service-role/codebuild-service-role"。

My ECR is a private registry and I'm able to pull, build and deploy from it using the CLI under my users access key and after I do the docker login command given from AWS. The ECR registry does exist.
我的ECR是一个私有注册表,我可以使用CLI在我的用户访问密钥下从中拉取、构建和部署,并在执行AWS提供的docker login命令之后。ECR注册表确实存在。

When I gave everyone full access to my ECR using this policy:

"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowAllAccess",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "",
"Action": "

However, when I try to restrict it as :

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowCompleteReadAccess",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam:::role/service-role/codebuild-service-role"
"Action": [

I'm still learning IAM. Grammatically, I thought the principal was the entity or thing being granted the access. However, it sometimes seems to refer to the thing that access will be granted. Think of this like nouns in a sentence. Bob gives Dave the ball. The principal could be Bob or it could be Dave. It's not clear which in these cases.

I believe I can confidently say, both my ECR and my AWS CodeBuild project need permissions set. I cannot just give the CodeBuild project solely by changing the permission there. I need to also set it in the ECR.
我相信我可以自信地说,我的ECR和AWS CodeBuild项目都需要设置权限。我不能仅仅通过在那里更改权限来仅给予CodeBuild项目。我还需要在ECR中设置它。

What I do not know is how to refer to the CodeBuild project in the ECR policy statement, especially since it's using some undefined user CodeBuild that may or may not be assuming a role, but it doesn't say which one.


The message on AWS Code Build is:
Unable to pull customer's container image. CannotPullContainerError: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for <myacct>, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: User: CodeBuild

I'm trying use a docker image to build and deploy some AWS lambdas. The code would work and has worked when IAM cooperates. I don't understand the message as I have no user "CodeBuild". I would have thought it would assume the service role I specified "arn:aws:iam::<myacct>:role/service-role/codebuild-service-role".

My ECR is a private registry and I'm able to pull, build and deploy from it using the CLI under my users access key and after I do the docker login command given from AWS. The ECR registry <myacct> does exist.

When I gave everyone full access to my ECR using this policy:

  &quot;Version&quot;: &quot;2008-10-17&quot;,
  &quot;Statement&quot;: [
      &quot;Sid&quot;: &quot;AllowAllAccess&quot;,
      &quot;Effect&quot;: &quot;Allow&quot;,
      &quot;Principal&quot;: &quot;*&quot;,
      &quot;Action&quot;: &quot;*&quot;

the build worked perfectly.

However, when I try to restrict it as :

  &quot;Version&quot;: &quot;2012-10-17&quot;,
  &quot;Statement&quot;: [
      &quot;Sid&quot;: &quot;AllowCompleteReadAccess&quot;,
      &quot;Effect&quot;: &quot;Allow&quot;,
      &quot;Principal&quot;: {
        &quot;AWS&quot;: &quot;arn:aws:iam::&lt;myacct&gt;:role/service-role/codebuild-service-role&quot;
      &quot;Action&quot;: [

it no longer works.

I'm still learning IAM. Grammatically, I thought the principal was the entity or thing being granted the access. However, it sometimes seems to refer to the thing that access will be granted. Think of this like nouns in a sentence. Bob gives Dave the ball. The principal could be Bob or it could be Dave. It's not clear which in these cases.

I believe I can confidently say, both my ECR and my AWS CodeBuild project need permissions set. I cannot just give the CodeBuild project solely by changing the permission there. I need to also set it in the ECR.

What I do not know is how to refer to the CodeBuild project in the ECR policy statement, especially since it's using some undefined user CodeBuild that may or may not be assuming a role, but it doesn't say which one.


得分: 2





Try setting this as your principal:



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