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Variadic template parameter with variadic constraint


我有一个形如 template<C<T>... U> 的模板头,其中 C 是一个概念,而 T 是一组类型。U 将需要成为它自己的一组类型,但具体如何解析它呢?

例如在 <https://godbolt.org/z/MhG9YqsdK> 中的示例代码:

  1. #include &lt;concepts&gt;
  2. template&lt;typename... T&gt;
  3. struct F {
  4. template&lt;std::same_as&lt;T&gt;... U&gt;
  5. static void f(U... args, void*);
  6. };
  7. int main() {
  8. F&lt;int, char&gt;::f(1, &#39;x&#39;, nullptr);
  9. }

我认为 std::same_as&lt;T&gt; 是一个展开的模式,因此会展开为两个模板参数,如下所示:

  1. template&lt;&gt;
  2. struct F&lt;int, char&gt; {
  3. template&lt;std::same_as&lt;int&gt; U0, std::same_as&lt;char&gt; U1&gt;
  4. static void f(U0 arg0, U1 arg1, void*);
  5. };


  1. template&lt;typename... T&gt;
  2. struct F {
  3. template&lt;typename... U&gt; requires (std::same_as&lt;U, T&gt; &amp;&amp; ...)
  4. static void f(U... args, void*);
  5. };

这使得 U 成为一个新的包,处于无法推导的上下文中(当无法推导 U 并且它是一个空包且 T 不是时会导致SFINAE错误)。



I have a template-head of the form template&lt;C&lt;T&gt;... U&gt;, where C is a concept and T is a pack of types. U will have to be its own pack, but how exactly is this parsed?

For example <https://godbolt.org/z/MhG9YqsdK>:

  1. #include &lt;concepts&gt;
  2. template&lt;typename... T&gt;
  3. struct F {
  4. template&lt;std::same_as&lt;T&gt;... U&gt;
  5. static void f(U... args, void*);
  6. };
  7. int main() {
  8. F&lt;int, char&gt;::f(1, &#39;x&#39;, nullptr);
  9. }

I would think that std::same_as&lt;T&gt; is a pattern for an expansion, so this expands to two template arguments, like:

  1. template&lt;&gt;
  2. struct F&lt;int, char&gt; {
  3. template&lt;std::same_as&lt;int&gt; U0, std::same_as&lt;char&gt; U1&gt;
  4. static void f(U0 arg0, U1 arg1, void*);
  5. };

Which is what clang seems to do. What gcc seems to do is transform it like:

  1. template&lt;typename... T&gt;
  2. struct F {
  3. template&lt;typename... U&gt; requires (std::same_as&lt;U, T&gt; &amp;&amp; ...)
  4. static void f(U... args, void*);
  5. };

which makes U a new pack in a non-deduced context (And a SFINAE error when U can't be deduced and is an empty pack and T isn't).

Which compiler is correct? I would assume [temp.variadic]p5 is what I am looking for if this was actually a pack expansion, but I'm not sure if it applies. I also can't find where in the standard constrained variadic parameter packs are defined to see if gcc's behaviour is correct.


得分: 1



> ... 包含未展开参数包的类型约束的类型参数包是一个包扩展。


This looks like a GCC bug to me, it should be a pack expansion:


> ... A type parameter pack with a type-constraint that contains an unexpanded parameter pack is a pack expansion. ...

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月7日 02:11:42
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76631513.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
