CSRF 会话令牌在 Apache Superset EC2 实例中丢失

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CSRF session token missing in Apache Superset EC2 instance


I'm getting "The CSRF session token is missing." when trying to open login in the dashboard page of apache superset. (I'm running the superset docker image on an x86 Amazon EC2 instance)

I tried setting WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False in the config.py file but got the same error.
I even added the "custom_security_manager.login" to the WTF_CSRF_EXEMPT_LIST in the config file, but no luck.

Note: When running the docker image on local, I am not having any problems.


I'm getting "The CSRF session token is missing." when trying to open login in the dashboard page of apache superset. (I'm running the superset docker image on a x86 Amazon EC2 instance)

I tried setting WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False in the config.py file but got the same error.
I even added the "custom_security_manager.login" to the WTF_CSRF_EXEMPT_LIST in the config file, but no luck.

Note: When running the docker image on local, I am not having any problems.


得分: 1

我使用了最新的 superset Docker 镜像。遇到了相同的问题。结果发现这是最新镜像的问题。从 这里 得知。
<br>解决方案是在 docker-compose-non-dev.yml 文件中添加下面一行,并使用 docker-compose 命令运行,以使用上一个稳定的 Docker 镜像。 <br> x-superset-image: &amp;superset-image apache/superset:2.1.0

我也在想如何在使用 Docker 镜像时覆盖配置。可以通过将 ./docker/pythonpath_dev/superset_config_local.example 复制到 ./docker/pythonpath_dev/superset_config_docker.py(被 Git 忽略)并填写你的覆盖来实现。 来源


I was using the latest superset docker image. Was facing the same problem. Turns out that this is a problem with the latest image. Got to know from here.
<br>The solution is to use the last stable docker image by adding the line below to the docker-compose-non-dev.yml file and running it using docker-compose command. <br> x-superset-image: &amp;superset-image apache/superset:2.1.0

I was also wondering how to override the configurations when using a docker image. It can be done by making a copy of ./docker/pythonpath_dev/superset_config_local.example into ./docker/pythonpath_dev/superset_config_docker.py (git ignored) and fill in your overrides. source

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月6日 21:37:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76629447.html



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