inner-Join 和 left-Join 在连接两个具有不同字符集的表时的区别是什么?

huangapple go评论41阅读模式

The Difference Between inner-Join and left-Join When Joining Two Tables with Different Charsets



select count(*)
from n_order as o
         left join t_vehicle as v on o.vehicle_license = v.vehicle_license
where o.order_type in (1, 2, 5)
  and o.order_status = 2;

连接键vehicle_license在两个表中都具有相同的列类型,即varchar。然而,当执行左连接语句时,性能非常差。执行计划表明,它需要一个Block Nested-Loop而不是利用索引键。




I have two tables in MySQL with different charsets: utf8mb4 and utf8. I tried executing join statements using the following SQL code:

select count(*)
from n_order as o
         left join t_vehicle as v on o.vehicle_license = v.vehicle_license
where o.order_type in (1, 2, 5)
  and o.order_status = 2;

The joining key, vehicle_license, has the same column type, which is varchar, in both tables. However, when executing the left-join statement, the performance is very poor. The execution plan indicates that it requires a Block Nested-Loop instead of utilizing the index key.

On the other hand, when executing the inner join statement, MySQL performs normally.

Hence, I wonder if there are any differences between inner-join and left-join when dealing with tables having different charsets.


得分: 1


  • 如果vehicle_license在表格之间具有不同的字符集和/或校对规则,那么JOIN(无论是左连接还是内连接)将非常慢。解决这个问题。

  • 任何JOIN中的COUNT(无论哪种类型)首先执行JOIN,然后进行计数。根据目标的不同,这可能是“正确”的或“不正确”的。

  • JOIN构建(至少在逻辑上)一个中间表格,其中包含所有行的有效组合(“有效”基于WHEREON条件)。这有助于解释前一项中的“计数膨胀”。

  • INNER JOIN(也称为JOIN)会过滤掉行。LEFT JOIN会包括在“右”表格(在您的示例中为v)中缺失的任何行。这总结了为什么LEFT可以导致更大计数的解释。

  • 最后一个提示是,如果n_order具有INDEX(order_status, order_type),查询可能会运行得更快。


I hear a speed problem due to charset and collation. And I hear a COUNT problem, but this is based on other issues, especially LEFT.

  • If vehicle_license has a different character set and/or collation between the tables, the JOIN (whether Left or Inner) will be very slow. Fix that.

  • Any COUNT in a JOIN (either kind) first does the JOIN, then counts. Depending on the goal, this could be 'correct' or 'incorrect'.

  • A JOIN builds (logically, at least) an intermediate table with all valid combinations of the rows. ("Valid, based on WHERE and ON). This helps explain the "count inflation" in the previous item.

  • INNER JOIN (aka JOIN) filters out rows. LEFT JOIN includes any rows missing from the 'right' table (v in your example). This wraps up the explanation of why LEFT can lead to a bigger count.

  • As a final tip, the queries may run faster if n_order has INDEX(order_status, order_type).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月6日 16:58:29
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