Error in <fitstat (iv_tsls_fe, "kpr")> – non-compatible array dimensions in the expression involving "vcov" and "vcovClust"

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Error in <fitstat (iv_tsls_fe, "kpr")> - non-compatible array dimensions in the expression involving "vcov" and "vcovClust"




iv_tsls_fe <- feols(mort_u65_pop ~ year + datacoverage + GDP + unemployment_rate + at_risk_poverty | clust2  | pm25 ~ rain_yr_mm + temp_c + wdsp, data = df2, vcov = vcov_cluster("clust2"))

我们正在使用"feols"函数估计固定效应工具变量(IV)模型。因变量是"mort_u65_pop",自变量包括"year"、"datacoverage"、"GDP"、"unemployment_rate"和"at_risk_poverty"。工具变量是"rain_yr_mm"、"temp_c"和"wdsp"。我们使用"vcov_cluster"来计算"fixest"对象的集群VCOV。在我们的情况下,"clust2"是数据集"data = df2"中的一个变量。


fitstat(iv_tsls_fe, "ivwald")
fitstat(iv_tsls_fe, "cd")

fitstat(iv_tsls_fe, "kpr")

尽管弱工具的Wald和The Cragg-Donald测试有效,但对于弱工具的Kleibergen-Paap测试,我遇到了以下错误:

Error in vcov + (-1)^(i + 1) * vcovClust(index, bread, scores, adj = ssc$cluster.adj &&  : 
  non-conformable arrays






This is my first time to your blog and I would need your kind help or advice, if possible to solve the problem I am about to describe.

Me and my team have estimated the following fixed effects OLS estimation using R:

iv_tsls_fe &lt;- feols(mort_u65_pop ~ year + datacoverage + GDP + unemployment_rate + at_risk_poverty | clust2  | pm25 ~ rain_yr_mm + temp_c + wdsp, data = df2, vcov = vcov_cluster(&quot;clust2&quot;))

Where we are estimating a fixed-effects instrumental variable (IV) model using the "feols" function. The dependent variable is "mort_u65_pop," and the independent variables include "year", "datacoverage", "GDP", "unemployment_rate" and "at_risk_poverty." The instrumental variables are "rain_yr_mm", "temp_c" and "wdsp". We use "vcov_cluster" to compute the clustered VCOV of fixest objects. In our case "clust2" is a variable inside the dataset "data = df2".

And then we have computed the fit statistics of fixed objects as follows:

fitstat(iv_tsls_fe, &quot;ivwald&quot;)
fitstat(iv_tsls_fe, &quot;cd&quot;)

fitstat(iv_tsls_fe, &quot;kpr&quot;)

Although Wald and The Cragg-Donald tests for weak instrument work, for what concerns the The Kleibergen-Paap test for weak instruments I encounter the following error:

Error in vcov + (-1)^(i + 1) * vcovClust(index, bread, scores, adj = ssc$cluster.adj &amp;&amp;  : 
  non-conformable arrays

Unfortunately, we can't figure out where the problem lies, since the previous two tests work.

Would anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this problem? I would be very grateful.

I hope I have been clear in my presentation and remain available to provide further details in case I missed something.

Thank you very much,


得分: 1


不幸的是,我不知道如何在fixest内部直接修复这个问题。我当前的解决方案是利用ivDiag进行IV诊断。虽然在我的情况下,涉及的固定效应数量较少,当使用fixest时可能会有更多固定效应,但ivDiag的后端是来自lfe的felm,因此即使涉及非常多的固定效应也应该没有问题。还要注意的一点是,ivDiag实际上并不报告KP测试,但它报告Montiel Olea和Pflueger的有效f统计量,这在只有一个被识别的情况下等同于KP测试,并且似乎至少被这篇论文的作者所偏爱:""。



I think the issue here may be due to clustered errors not playing well with the Kleibergen-Paap test in this package. I have also had this error and noticed it only appeared when I was using clustered errors and would be interested if it is the same in your case.

Unfortunately I don't know of any direct fix for this within fixest. My current solution is to utilise ivDiag for my IV diagnostics. While in my case the number of fixed effects involved is on the lower end as to what one may have when using fixest, the backend of ivDiag is felm from lfe so it should be fine even for very large numbers of fixed effects. One last thing to note is that ivDiag doesn't actually report the KP test, however it does report the Montiel Olea & Pflueger effective f-statistic which reduces to the KP test in the just identified case and seems to be preferred to the kp test by at least the authors of this paper "".

Apologies for not being more help, however I hope that this is of some assistance.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月4日 20:20:42
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