Nuxt 3 + Electron 没有可能的配置来启用服务器端渲染(SSR)。

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Nuxt 3 + Electron no possible configuration to enable SSR



对于这个项目,我需要进行一些服务器端渲染(从用户计算机获取目录和驱动器)。我通过使用Nuxt的“集成服务器API路由”来实现这一点。这基本上与REST API的工作方式相同,所以我可以从前端向该路由发起请求。

Electron还依赖于“nuxt generate”命令,因为Electron需要一个index.html。当尝试使用“nuxt build”而不是“nuxt generate”时,它不再创建所需的index.html。

要在浏览器中运行功能,请使用启动命令yarn dev,要使用Electron运行它,请使用yarn generate,然后使用yarn start来运行应用程序。


I am working on a project (just for my own interest) to make a faster searching file explorer. I am used to making my web-projects in Nuxt, so I wanted to try if I could combine electron with Nuxt to make a nice simple application.

For this project, I need to do some server side rendering (getting directories and drives from the users computer). I do this by using the integrated server api routes from nuxt. This basically works the same as a rest api, so i can just fetch from my frontend to that route.

Works verry nice in development mode in the browser! But when I want to fetch the directories from the server side api, the functionality does not work because it cannot host the server-side.
Electron also relies on the 'nuxt generate' command, because electron needs an index.html. When trying to use 'nuxt build' instead, it does not create the required index.html anymore.

Any one knows a solution so this still works? You can play around at <a href="">my github repository.</a>
To run the functionality in the browser, use the startup command yarn dev, and to run it using electron, use yarn generate, then use yarn start to run the application.


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  1. 我的第一种方法是使用 import { fork, spawn } from 'child_process'(child_process 中的 fork 或 spawn 方法之一)来启动允许 SSR 的服务器,通过运行 nuxt build(生成 .output/server/index.mjs)并使用以下方式运行它:

    fork(path.join(process.env.ROOT, '.output/server/index.mjs'))

    当我在 package.json 中使用 electron . 作为命令运行时,这个方法非常有效,因为它确实启动了服务器,并且通过使用 window.loadURL('http://localhost:3000')(而不是 index.html)来加载 SSR 时,前端页面已经被加载了。
    但是问题是,在使用 electron-builder 打包应用程序后,fork 或 spawn 从 child_process 不再起作用。这是因为在构建应用程序后,环境中不再包含 node。

  2. 我的第二种方法(在尝试让第一种方法工作了两天后)是使用 const { pathToFileURL } = require('url') 来加载模块,并在 main.js 电子文件中调用脚本。通过动态导入脚本并使用以下方式运行它来完成这个操作:

    const modulePath = path.join(process.env.ROOT, '.output/server/index.mjs');
    const moduleUrl = pathToFileURL(modulePath).href;
    const { default: startServer } = await import(moduleUrl);
    if (typeof startServer === 'function') {

    这种方法在开发模式下运行,而且在使用 electron-builder 打包应用程序后也能正常工作! 唯一需要做的额外配置是在你的 package.json 中包含以下文本:

    "build": {
        "extraResources": [

结论:确保你使用第二种方法来使 Nuxt 3 和 Electron 配合实现 SSR。不要忘记先运行服务器脚本,然后创建窗口,例如创建一个名为 startWebServer 的函数和一个名为 createWindow 的函数来运行这段代码:


I tried multiple approaches, and after a couple of days I got it to work.

  1. My first approach, was to use import { fork, spawn } from &#39;child_process&#39; (one of the fork or spawn methods from child_process) to spin up the server that allows SSR by running nuxt build (which generates .output/server/index.mjs) and run it using:

    fork(path.join(process.env.ROOT, &#39;.output/server/index.mjs&#39;))

    This worked great when running electron . in my package.json as a command, because it did spin up the server, and by using window.loadURL(&#39;http://localhost:3000&#39;) (instead of the index.html), the SSR was working and the frontend page was loaded.<br>
    But the problem was that fork or spawn from child_process are not working after packaging the app using electron-builder. This is because the environment does not contain node anymore after building the package in an app.

  2. My second approach (after trying to make approach 1 work for 2 days) was to use const { pathToFileURL } = require(&#39;url&#39;) to load the module and to call the script in the main.js electron file. This is done by dynamically importing the script and running it by using:

    const modulePath = path.join(process.env.ROOT, &#39;.output/server/index.mjs&#39;);
    const moduleUrl = pathToFileURL(modulePath).href;
    const { default: startServer } = await import(moduleUrl);
    if (typeof startServer === &#39;function&#39;) {

    This method works in development mode, but also after packaging the application using electron-builder!. The only added configuration that you need to do is including the following text in your package.json:<br>

    &quot;build&quot;: {
        &quot;extraResources&quot;: [

Conclusion: make sure you use the second approach to make SSR work with Nuxt 3 and Electron. Do not forget to run the server script first, and then create the window, so make for example a function called startWebServer and a function called createWindow to run this code:<br>


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月3日 20:21:21
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