What code should be written for the movement of the sprite in CharacterBody2D if there is already written such code for the joystick:

huangapple go评论89阅读模式

What code should be written for the movement of the sprite in CharacterBody2D if there is already written such code for the joystick:


extends TouchScreenButton

@export_range(0.0,1.0) var inner_opacity : float = 0.9
@export_range(0.0,1.0) var outer_opacity : float = 0.5

var direction : Vector2 = Vector2(0,0)
var strength : float = 0.0
var was_pressed : bool = false
var button_index : int = -1
var held : bool = false

@onready var half_width := self.texture_normal.get_width()/2
@onready var half_height := self.texture_normal.get_height()/2
@onready var inner_joystick_image : Sprite2D = $inner
@onready var radius :float = 75.0

signal joystick_input
signal joystick_released

func _ready():
	inner_joystick_image.position = Vector2(half_width,half_height)
	self_modulate = Color(1,1,1,outer_opacity)	
	$inner.modulate = Color(1,1,1,inner_opacity)
	$inner.position = Vector2(half_width,half_height)
	if shape is CircleShape2D:
		radius = shape.radius

func _input(event):
	if not event is InputEventScreenTouch and not event is InputEventScreenDrag: # Not a touch

	if button_index != -1 and button_index != event.index: # No index, or index 
	if event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.pressed == false:
		inner_joystick_image.global_position = global_position + Vector2(half_width,half_height)
		button_index = -1
		emit_signal("joystick_input", 0, Vector2(0,0), 0)
		held = false
	if is_pressed(): # Button still in pressed state
		strength = event.position.distance_to(global_position+Vector2(half_width,half_height))
		if strength <= radius:
			button_index = event.index
		if button_index != event.index:
		strength = smoothstep(0,radius,strength)
		direction = event.position.direction_to(global_position+Vector2(half_width,half_height)) * -1
		inner_joystick_image.global_position = clamp_to_circle(global_position+Vector2(half_width,half_height), radius, event.position)
		held = true

func clamp_to_circle(point: Vector2, radius: float, value: Vector2) -> Vector2:
	var direction = value - point
	if direction.length_squared() > radius * radius:
		direction = direction.normalized() * radius
	return point + direction
func _process(delta):
	if held:
		emit_signal("joystick_input", strength, direction, delta)

What code should be written for the movement of the sprite in CharacterBody2D if there is already written such code for the joystick:

extends TouchScreenButton
@export_range(0.0,1.0) var inner_opacity : float = 0.9
@export_range(0.0,1.0) var outer_opacity : float = 0.5
var direction : Vector2 = Vector2(0,0)
var strength : float = 0.0
var was_pressed : bool = false
var button_index : int = -1
var held : bool = false
@onready var half_width := self.texture_normal.get_width()/2
@onready var half_height := self.texture_normal.get_height()/2
@onready var inner_joystick_image : Sprite2D = $inner
@onready var radius :float = 75.0
signal joystick_input
signal joystick_released
func _ready():
inner_joystick_image.position = Vector2(half_width,half_height)
self_modulate = Color(1,1,1,outer_opacity)	
$inner.modulate = Color(1,1,1,inner_opacity)
$inner.position = Vector2(half_width,half_height)
if shape is CircleShape2D:
radius = shape.radius
func _input(event):
if not event is InputEventScreenTouch and not event is InputEventScreenDrag: # Not a touch
if button_index != -1 and button_index != event.index: # No index, or index 
if event is InputEventScreenTouch and event.pressed == false:
inner_joystick_image.global_position = global_position + Vector2(half_width,half_height)
button_index = -1
emit_signal(&quot;joystick_input&quot;, 0, Vector2(0,0), 0)
held = false
if is_pressed(): # Button still in pressed state
strength = event.position.distance_to(global_position+Vector2(half_width,half_height))
if strength &lt;= radius:
button_index = event.index
if button_index != event.index:
strength = smoothstep(0,radius,strength)
direction = event.position.direction_to(global_position+Vector2(half_width,half_height)) * -1
inner_joystick_image.global_position = clamp_to_circle(global_position+Vector2(half_width,half_height), radius, event.position)
held = true
func clamp_to_circle(point: Vector2, radius: float, value: Vector2) -&gt; Vector2:
var direction = value - point
if direction.length_squared() &gt; radius * radius:
direction = direction.normalized() * radius
return point + direction
func _process(delta):
if held:
emit_signal(&quot;joystick_input&quot;, strength, direction, delta)

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得分: 2


func _physics_process(delta):
    move_and_collide(direction * strength * delta)

You'll most likely want to move the CharacterBody2D itself, not the Sprite2D. To do this, the best way is probably in the physics process loop.

func _physics_process(delta):
move_and_collide(direction * strength * delta)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月3日 18:43:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76603984.html



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