
huangapple go评论103阅读模式

Linq to find Firstname and Lastname




用户可以在UI中的单个文本框中输入'姓名'(例如'Joe Bloggs'或'Will Green Smith')。我想拆分该值并使用'like'功能搜索名字和姓氏列。所以类似于这样:

  1. select * from Users
  2. where
  3. Firstname like '%Joe%' or Firstname like '%Bloggs%'
  4. or Firstname like '%Will%' or Firstname like '%Green%'
  5. or Firstname like '%Smith%'
  6. or Lastname like '%Joe%' or Lastname like '%Bloggs%'
  7. or Lastname like '%Will%' or Lastname like '%Green%'
  8. or Lastname like '%Smith%'




Can anyone suggest how I can write a linq query to find users in a table with a single search field?

Users can enter 'Name' in a single text box in the UI (e.g. 'Joe Bloggs', or 'Will Green Smith'). I want to split that value up and search both Firstname and Lastname columns using 'like' functionality. So something like this:

  1. select * from Users
  2. where
  3. Firstname like '%Joe%' or Firstname like '%Bloggs%'
  4. or Firstname like '%Will%' or Firstname like '%Green%'
  5. or Firstname like '%Smith%'
  6. or Lastname like '%Joe%' or Lastname like '%Bloggs%'
  7. or Lastname like '%Will%' or Lastname like '%Green%'
  8. or Lastname like '%Smith%'

What would be the best way to achieve the same effect in linq?



得分: 1


  1. class User
  2. {
  3. public string FirstName { get; set; }
  4. public string LastName { get; set; }
  5. }


  1. var searchPattern = new string[] { "Joe", "Bloggs", "Will", "Green", "Smith" };


  1. var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(User));
  2. var expressions = searchPattern.Select(x => Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, "FirstName"), Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string))))
  3. .Concat(searchPattern.Select(x => Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, "LastName"), Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string)))));


  1. var aggregated = expressions.Aggregate((x, y) => Expression.OrElse(x, y));

如果我们想在LINQ中使用它,我们必须将这个BinaryExpression转换为Expression<Func<User, bool>>

  1. var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<User, bool>>(aggregated, new ParameterExpression[] { parameterExpression });

在Entity Framework中,可以直接使用它:

  1. var result = context.Users.Where(expression);


  1. var result = users.Where(expression.Compile());

该代码将创建一个SQL查询,其中FirstName = 'Joe'而不是FirstName like '%Joe%'。如果你想使用like,表达式会变得更复杂。你将不得不调用字符串类的Contains方法。这将导致以下表达式(必须像上面一样汇总):

  1. var expressions = searchPattern.Select(x => Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, "FirstName"), typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains"), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string)) }), Expression.Constant(true, typeof(bool))))
  2. .Concat(searchPattern.Select(x => Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, "LastName"), typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains"), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string)) }), Expression.Constant(true, typeof(bool)))));



You could build up an expression during runtime. I assume you have the following class:

  1. class User
  2. {
  3. public string FirstName {get;set;}
  4. public string LastName {get;set;}
  5. }

As an input, you might have an array like this:

  1. var searchPattern = new string[] { &quot;Joe&quot;, &quot;Bloggs&quot;, &quot;Will&quot;, &quot;Green&quot;, &quot;Smith&quot; };

Then we create two expressions for each element of the searchPattern array. The first expression will compare the string with the FirstName property, the second expression will compare the string with the LastName property:

  1. var parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(User));
  2. var expressions = searchPattern.Select(x =&gt; Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, &quot;FirstName&quot;), Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string))))
  3. .Concat(searchPattern.Select(x =&gt; Expression.Equal(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, &quot;LastName&quot;), Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string)))));

All these expressions are then combined with OrElse to a big expression:

  1. var aggregated = expressions.Aggregate((x,y) =&gt; Expression.OrElse(x,y));

We have to convert this BinaryExpression to an Expression&lt;Func&lt;User,bool&gt;&gt; if we want to use it with LINQ:

  1. var expression = Expression.Lambda&lt;Func&lt;User,bool&gt;&gt;(aggregated, new ParameterExpression[] { parameterExpression });

In Entity Framework, this can be used directly:

  1. var result = context.Users.Where(expression);

If you use Linq2Objects, you have to create a function first:

  1. var result = users.Where(expression.Compile());

The code would create a SQL query with Firstname = &#39;Joe&#39; instead Firstname like &#39;%Joe%&#39;. If you want to use like, the expressions will become a bit more complicated. You will have to call the Contains method of the string class. This will lead to the following expressions (which have to be aggregated as above):

  1. var expressions = searchPattern.Select(x =&gt; Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, &quot;FirstName&quot;), typeof(string).GetMethod(&quot;Contains&quot;), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string)) }), Expression.Constant(true, typeof(bool))))
  2. .Concat(searchPattern.Select(x =&gt; Expression.Equal(Expression.Call(Expression.Property(parameterExpression, &quot;LastName&quot;), typeof(string).GetMethod(&quot;Contains&quot;), new Expression[] { Expression.Constant(x, typeof(string)) }), Expression.Constant(true, typeof(bool)))));


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月3日 12:55:59
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