Resetting all woocommerce products stock to 0
I have around 5k products in my store and I wonder if there is a way via PhpMyAdmin or any other plugin you might know to set all my stock levels from variables products to 0 due to the fact I upload every day a new CSV.
Is it possible via PhpMyAdmin to reset the entire to 0 of every product and the stock status to 'out of stock' so I can import my new CSV and update only the products are in.
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"As your question is not very clear regarding the type of products that you want to alter. In the code below, the 2 SQL queries will (for all the products):
- Set the stock quantity to 0 (zero)
- Set the stock status to 'Out of stock'
Always before, be sure to make a backup of the database.
The query to set the stock quantity to 0:
UPDATE wp_postmeta pm
INNER JOIN wp_wc_product_meta_lookup pml
ON pm.post_id = pml.product_id
SET pm.meta_value = '0', pml.stock_quantity = '0'
WHERE pm.meta_key = '_stock';
The query to set the stock status 'Out of stock':
UPDATE wp_postmeta pm
INNER JOIN wp_wc_product_meta_lookup pml
ON pm.post_id = pml.product_id
SET pm.meta_value = 'outofstock', pml.stock_status = 'outofstock'
WHERE pm.meta_key = '_stock_status';
Tested, works.
Note: For the stock status, it should also require to INSERT IN
table all the related product IDs with the term ID corresponding to the term slug 'outofstock'. It will make 5000 inserts, as you have 5000 related products."
As your question is not very clear regarding the type of products that you want to alter. In the code below, the 2 SQL queries will (for all the products):
- Set the stock quantity to 0 (zero)
- Set the stock status to "Out of stock"
Always before, be sure to make a backup of the database.
The query to set the stock quantity to 0:
UPDATE wp_postmeta pm
INNER JOIN wp_wc_product_meta_lookup pml
ON pm.post_id = pml.product_id
SET pm.meta_value = '0', pml.stock_quantity = '0'
WHERE pm.meta_key = '_stock';
The query to set the stock status "Out of stock":
UPDATE wp_postmeta pm
INNER JOIN wp_wc_product_meta_lookup pml
ON pm.post_id = pml.product_id
SET pm.meta_value = 'outofstock', pml.stock_status = 'outofstock'
WHERE pm.meta_key = '_stock_status';
Tested, works.
> Note: For the stock status, it should also require to INSERT IN wp_term_relationships
table all the related product IDs with the term ID corresponding to the term slug "outofstock". It will make 5000 inserts, as you have 5000 related products.