
huangapple go评论65阅读模式

Tail recursive remove duplicate consecutive entries in list


I'm here to provide the translated content as requested. Here's the translation of the text you provided:


assert (
    [ "a"; "a"; "a"; "a"; "b"; "c"; "c"; "a"; "a"; "d"; "e"; "e"; "e"; "e" ]
  = [ "a"; "b"; "c"; "a"; "d"; "e" ])


let head = function x :: _ -> Some x | [] -> None

let compress list =
  let rec fn old_list new_list =
    match (old_list, new_list) with
    | h :: t, _ ->
        fn t (if Some h = head new_list then new_list else h :: new_list)
    | _ -> new_list
  List.rev (fn list [])


let rec compress = function
    | a :: (b :: _ as t) -> if a = b then compress t else a :: compress t
    | smaller -> smaller;;

起初,我认为我的解决方案更高效,因为它是尾递归的,而提供的解决方案显然不是(需要在堆栈上保留a :: compress t中的a)。然而,当我测试我的代码是否尾递归时:

assert (
  (compress [@tailcall])
    [ "a"; "a"; "a"; "a"; "b"; "c"; "c"; "a"; "a"; "d"; "e"; "e"; "e"; "e" ]
  = [ "a"; "b"; "c"; "a"; "d"; "e" ])



还尝试将[@tailcall]应用于fn,通过List.rev ((fn [@tailcall]) list []),但收到相同的警告。


I'm attempting problem 8 of the 99 OCaml problems, which asks you to write a function compress that removes consecutive duplicate entires in a list:

assert (
    [ "a"; "a"; "a"; "a"; "b"; "c"; "c"; "a"; "a"; "d"; "e"; "e"; "e"; "e" ]
  = [ "a"; "b"; "c"; "a"; "d"; "e" ])

I came to the following solution:

let head = function x :: _ -> Some x | [] -> None

let compress list =
  let rec fn old_list new_list =
    match (old_list, new_list) with
    | h :: t, _ ->
        fn t (if Some h = head new_list then new_list else h :: new_list)
    | _ -> new_list
  List.rev (fn list [])

The provided example solution by the website is as follows:

let rec compress = function
    | a :: (b :: _ as t) -> if a = b then compress t else a :: compress t
    | smaller -> smaller;;

At first, I thought that my solution was more efficient as it is tail recursive, while the provided solution is clearly not (requires us to keep the a in a :: compress t on the stack). However, when I test if my code is tail recursive:

assert (
  (compress [@tailcall])
    [ "a"; "a"; "a"; "a"; "b"; "c"; "c"; "a"; "a"; "d"; "e"; "e"; "e"; "e" ]
  = [ "a"; "b"; "c"; "a"; "d"; "e" ])

It gives me a warning saying it's not tail recursive. Why?

From my understanding, my solution doesn't require keeping any state on the stack, which should make it tail recursive.

Also tried applying the [@tailcall] to fn directly via List.rev ((fn [@tailcall]) list []), get the same warning.


得分: 2

Here are the translated portions of your text:

当你进行断言时,compress 不在尾位置,(=) 。 这与你的 compress 函数实现无关。

同样,在表达式 List.rev ((fn [@tailcall]) list []) 中,fn 的调用不在尾调用位置。



截至 OCaml 4.14 版本,我们也可以使用 tail_mod_cons 使 compress 成为尾递归。


作为另一种有趣的尾递归替代方法,你可以编写一个生成 sequencecompress 函数。为了做到这一点,我们的 aux 函数需要接受一个参数来跟踪上次看到的值。因为在开始时不会有上次看到的值,所以使用 option 类型是有意义的。



When you make your assertion, compress isn't in tail position, (=) is. This has no bearing on your compress function implementation.

# assert (
  ((=) [@tailcall]) 
    (compress ["a"; "a"; "b"]) 
    ["a"; "b"]
- : unit = ()

Similarly, in the expression List.rev ((fn [@tailcall]) list []), the call of fn is not in the tail call position.

You can test this by trying:

let compress list =
  let rec fn old_list new_list =
    match (old_list, new_list) with
    | h :: t, _ ->
        (fn[@tailcall]) t (if Some h = head new_list then new_list else h :: new_list)
    | _ -> new_list
  List.rev (fn list [])

Note also that tail-recursive does not always mean more efficient. Tail-recursive functions are often less efficient, but they can be used on large data without a stack overflow. If you are dealing with data likely to cause this, it suggests you may need to re-evaluate the data structure you're using.

We could also, as of OCaml 4.14 make compress tail-recursive with tail_mod_cons.

let[@tail_mod_cons] rec compress = 
  | a :: (b :: _ as t) -> 
      if a = b then compress t 
      else a :: compress t
  | smaller -> smaller;;

Alternatively, you might implement this with continuation passing.

let compress lst =
  let rec aux k = function
    | ([] | [_]) as lst -> k lst
    | a::(b::_ as t) when a = b -> aux k t
    | a::t -> aux (fun i -> k (a :: i)) t
  aux Fun.id lst

As yet another fun alternative that is tail-recursive, you might write a compress function which generates a sequence. In order to do this, our aux function needs to take an argument to keep track of the last value seen. Because at the beginning there will not be a last value seen, the option type makes sense.

# let compress lst =
    let rec aux lst last_seen () =
      match lst, last_seen with
      | [], _ -> Seq.Nil
      | x::xs, Some x' when x = x' -> aux xs last_seen ()
      | x::xs, _ -> Seq.Cons (x, aux xs (Some x)) 
    aux lst None;;
val compress : 'a list -> 'a Seq.t = <fun>
# compress [1;1;1;3;3;4;6;6;7;4] 
  |> Seq.take 3 
  |> List.of_seq;;
- : int list = [1; 3; 4]


得分: 1


"Okay, so I figured it out.

1) Is it tail recursive?

To test if the functions were tail recursive, I decided to just try and break them by inducing a stack overflow:

let _ = compress (List.init 10_000_000 (fun x -> Some x))

For my implementation, this works just fine. The provided solution, on the other hand, results in a segvault, which I'm assuming is from stack overflow:

[1]    70387 segmentation fault  ./a.out

So we can conclude that my implementation is indeed tail recursive, while the other one is not.

2) Which one is faster?

I used the following to test the speed of both functions:

let _ =
  let l = List.init 250000 (fun x -> x) in
  let t = Sys.time () in
  let f = compress l in
  Printf.printf "Execution time: %fs\n" (Sys.time () -. t);

Note, 250000 is the limit on my machine before things stack-overflowed.

For the tail recursive implementation, it was around 0.018s.

For the non-tail recursive implementation, it was around 0.013s.

So seems that the overhead of function calls is not enough to make the non-tail recursive implementation slower than the tail recursive one, which requires 2 passes of the list.

I should also be noted, this is also for the worst case, where our input list List.init 250000 (fun x -> x) is a list with all unique elements. The amount of stack space required for the non-tail recursive implementation is proportional to the number of unique elements, not the number of elements in the list, because in the left branch of if a = b then compress t else a :: compress t, we don't use any stack space. I tested this by changing the list to only hold a constant and made the list much larger List.init 100000000 (fun x -> 0), and the non-tail recursive implementation no longer seg faults. It seems the OCaml compiler is smart enough to know that if the left branch of if a = b then compress t else a :: compress t is tail recursive, and only allocates a stack if the right branch is hit."


Okay, so I figured it out.

1) Is it tail recursive?

To test if the functions were tail recursive, I decided to just try and break them by inducing a stack overflow:

let _ = compress (List.init 10_000_000 (fun x -> Some x))

For my implementation, this works just fine. The provided solution, on the other hand, results in a segvault, which I'm assuming is from stack overflow:

[1]    70387 segmentation fault  ./a.out

So we can conclude that my implementation is indeed tail recursive, while the other one is not.

2) Which one is faster?

I used the following to test the speed of both functions:

let _ =
  let l = List.init 250000 (fun x -> x) in
  let t = Sys.time () in
  let f = compress l in
  Printf.printf "Execution time: %fs\n" (Sys.time () -. t);

Note, 250000 is the limit on my machine before things stack-overflowed.

For the tail recursive implementation, it was around 0.018s.

For the non-tail recursive implementation, it was around 0.013s.

So seems that the overhead of function calls is not enough to make the non-tail recursive implementation slower than the tail recursive one, which requires 2 passes of the list.

I should also be noted, this is also for the worst case, where our input list List.init 250000 (fun x -> x) is a list with all unique elements. The amount of stack space required for the non-tail recursive implementation is proportional to the number of unique elements, not the number of elements in the list, because in the left branch of if a = b then compress t else a :: compress t, we don't use any stack space. I tested this by changing the list to only hold a constant and made the list much larger List.init 100000000 (fun x -> 0), and the non-tail recursive implementation no longer seg faults. It seems the OCaml compiler is smart enough to know that if the left branch of if a = b then compress t else a :: compress t is tail recursive, and only allocates a stack if the right branch is hit.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月30日 03:29:28
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