Problems with OpenAI Authentification
I've translated the non-code part of your text as you requested:
"I've got some problems with the Authentification to OpenAI in my python code. It seems like, OpenAI doesn't accept my key. I did a new one and tried it with other ones before. I always get the same issues. I just copied and pasted the key, same for the organization. There isn't a typo. There is another problem, but I don't know why the authentication failed.
Here is my code:
I used it in the same way like the OpenAI Website https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/authentication?lang=python"
If you need assistance with the code or have further questions, feel free to ask.
I've got some problems with the Authentification to OpenAI in my python code. It seems like, OpenAI doesn't accept my key. I did a new on and tried it with other ones before. I always get the same issues. I just copied and pasted the key, same for the organization. There isn't a typo. There is another problem, but I don't know, why the authentifitaion failed.
Here is my code:
I used it in the same way like the OpenAI Website https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/authentication?lang=python
import os
import openai
openai.organization = "org-CXk0SUzbnyzzCLcaSBCFAV64"
openai.api_key = os.getenv("sk-**********************************************9Q")
It produces the follwing error:
openai.error.AuthenticationError: No API key provided. You can set your API key in code using 'openai.api_key = <API-KEY>', or you can set the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY=<API-KEY>). If your API key is stored in a file, you can point the openai module at it with 'openai.api_key_path = <PATH>'. You can generate API keys in the OpenAI web interface. See https://onboard.openai.com for details, or email support@openai.com if you have any questions.
Did anyone had the some issues before? Are there any solutions?
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openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
import openai
openai.organization = "org-CXk0SUzbnyzzCLcaSBCFAV64"
openai.api_key = "sk-**********************************************9Q"
Your environment variables are like a dictionary, and the code to retrieve should match the sample code:
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
However, you have to set the environment keys first.
From your code, it looks like you just want to hard code the value, in which case your code should look like:
import openai
openai.organization = "org-CXk0SUzbnyzzCLcaSBCFAV64"
openai.api_key = "sk-**********************************************9Q"