boost::asio – is it possible to bind to a local device (equivalent of SO_BINDTODEVICE) rather than local address?

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boost::asio - is it possible to bind to a local device (equivalent of SO_BINDTODEVICE) rather than local address?


我想绑定到本地接口,例如 "eth0",使用 boost::asio


  1. const std::string ifc = "eth0";
  2. struct ifreq ifr;
  3. bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
  4. memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifc.c_str(), ifc.length());
  5. if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, static_cast<void*>(&ifr), sizeof(ifr)) < 0)
  6. {
  7. throw std::runtime_error("bind to local interface failed");
  8. }

然而,当我尝试将本地接口传递给 boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver 时,它无法解析它:

  1. using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
  2. const std::string ifc = "eth0";
  3. auto ctx = socket.get_executor();
  4. tcp::resolver resolver(ctx);
  5. tcp::resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(ifc, "");

这会引发异常,异常描述为 "Host not found (authoritative)"


是否可以使用 boost::asio 来执行类似 SO_BINDTODEVICE 的操作呢?


I would like to bind to a local interface, eg "eth0", using boost::asio.

The equivalent code using the low level socket interface would be:

  1. const std::string ifc = "eth0";
  2. struct ifreq ifr;
  3. bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
  4. memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifc.c_str(), ifc.length());
  5. if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, static_cast<void*>(&ifr), sizeof(ifr)) < 0)
  6. {
  7. throw std::runtime_error("bind to local interface failed");
  8. }

However, when I attempt to pass a local interface to the boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver, it can't resolve it:

  1. using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;
  2. const std::string ifc = "eth0";
  3. auto ctx = socket.get_executor();
  4. tcp::resolver resolver(ctx);
  5. tcp::resolver::results_type results = resolver.resolve(ifc, "");

This throws an exception, with description "Host not found (authoritative)"

By the content of the error message it does sound like it's attempting to resolve the interface as a host address.

Is it possible to do the equivalent of SO_BINDTODEVICE using boost::asio?


得分: 2


  1. if (setsockopt(socket.native_handle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, static_cast<void*>(&ifr), sizeof(ifr)) < 0)



> Is it possible to do the equivalent of SO_BINDTODEVICE using boost::asio?

No, but you can use the option like you're used to.

  1. if (setsockopt(socket.native_handle(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, static_cast&lt;void*&gt;(&amp;ifr), sizeof(ifr)) &lt; 0)

You could also define your own custom option to make it "prettier", but I would probably only do this if this is somehow oft-repeating code.

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