R Shiny 应用程序 – 有哪些可能性

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R Shiny apps - What are the possibilities


我很新于使用 R 中的 Shiny 应用程序及其功能。我在想以下内容是否可能,以及开发起来有多困难。


  1. 允许用户导入他们自己的数据以将其分类为形状(这个用户可以是世界上的任何随机人)?
  2. 动态更改绘制的变量(例如,如果我的数据在比较药物 A 与药物 B,而新用户正在比较药物 C、D、E 和 F,他们是否可以指定每个变量的名称(药物 C、D 等)以及要比较的变量数目(4)?
  3. 用户是否必须安装 R?如果是这样,用户是否需要提供大量输入来使用该应用程序?
  4. 是否存在其他可预见的问题?



this is a question that is very open-ended, and I am hoping for some advice/discussion. I am very new to Shiny apps in R and their capabilities. I was just wondering if the following would be possible, and how difficult it is to develop.

I have a supervised learning model that classifies geometric parameters (area, circularity, perimeter etc) into different shapes. I have the labeled dataset, with all the training/testing performed already. It then performs statistics and graphs the results. Would it be possible to

  1. Have the user import their own data to classify their data into shapes (this user being any random person in the world)
  2. Dynamically change the variables that are graphed (e.g. if my data was comparing drug A vs drug B, and a new user was comparing drug C, D, E and F, can they specify what each variable should be called (Drug C D etc), and how many variables are being compared (4)?
  3. Do they have to have R installed? If so, would there be lots of input required from the user to use the app?
  4. Any other forseeable problems?

Advice is appreciated! This community is really great and I hope someone could guide me on what to begin with and if this project is feasible.


得分: 1








To answer your last question first: Yes, this is a feasible project for which a Shiny app can be well suited.

Import your model into the Shiny App Workspace (e.g. with readRDS()).

Shiny already comes with many inputs (add more with custom HTML if needed). One input is fileInput() which allows users to upload data.

Define a format (.csv/.xlsx/etc..) in which your Shiny app expects the user data. Then make sure that the model can handle the uploaded data (preprocess, filter missing/outlier etc.. if needed).

In which form the result is plotted or basically output, you can also let the user decide (further inputs like checkboxInput(), radioButtons(), selectInput() can be helpful).

And no, the user does not need to have R installed.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月29日 14:09:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76578439.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
