Temporarily assign an arbitrary value to a pointer.

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Temporarily assign an arbitrary value to a pointer


我定义一个指向任意类型的指针:`A* p`。

### 带有布尔变量的基本解决方案
A* p;
bool assign_p = condition; // 最初
p = assign_p ? new A : NULL; // 后来



A *p = condition ? (A*) 1 : NULL; // 最初
p = p ? new A : NULL; // 后来

这只使用一个变量(指针),但是将(A*) 1 分配给它是否安全且符合良好实践,尽管它指向空处?


union boolA { bool assign; A* p; };
boolA P = {condition}; // 最初
P.p = P.assign ? new A : NULL; // 后来




Say I define a pointer to whatever type: `A* p`.
**I want to assign it later, but only with a condition that I know initially.**

### Basic solution with a boolean
A* p;
bool assign_p = condition; // initially
p = assign_p ? new A : NULL; // later

However, I would like to avoid using an extra variable (the boolean) in order to save space, as this process happens over large arrays. My question is then: can I use the pointer as a temporary boolean?

Solution with an arbitrary pointer value?

A *p = condition ? (A*) 1 : NULL; // initially
A *p = p ? new A : NULL; // later

This uses only 1 variable (the pointer), but is it safe and good practice to assign (A*) 1 even though it points nowhere?

Solution with an union?

union boolA { bool assign; A* p; };
boolA P = {condition}; // initially
P.p = P.assign ? new A : NULL; // later

This should also use only the memory necessary for the pointer, and essentially does the same as the solution above, maybe in a better way?
But I am a bit confused concerning the undefined behaviors occurring with unions. Is it safe in this respect? Furthermore, is it a good practice to make arrays of unions if I need to have many of these pointers?

Other solution?


得分: 6

这可以通过使用一个“sentinel”(实际值,以特殊方式解释,类似于数字-1经常用于指示搜索函数中的“未找到”)以安全的方式解决。创建一个单一的A实例(其成员设置为任意但安全的值,例如全部为零和null),将其存储为A * sentinel,并将“true”数组元素设置为sentinel。当您准备分配真实对象时,您只需将数组元素与sentinel进行比较。


This could be solved in a safe way by using a sentinel (an actual value that is interpreted in a special way, similar to how the number -1 is often used to indicate "not found" in search functions). Create a single instance of A (with its members set to arbitrary but safe values, e.g. all zeroes and nulls), store it as A * sentinel, and set the "true" array elements to sentinel. When you are ready to allocate the real objects, you can just compare the array elements to sentinel.


得分: 3





Many systems will have no actual pointers with values lower than some cut-off (0x10000 for example), and you can therefore treat values above and below that cut-off in entirely different manners.

One example of this is windows, where values below the cut-off will be treated as resource values by many window-related functions, while values above that will be string pointers (either char or wchar_t depending on the function being invoked).

I see no problem with a function that treats 0, 1 and values above 0x10000 in entirely different ways.


得分: 0

sentinel前面提到的是一个不错的解决方案,但如果您难以找到适用于对象A的这种值,我认为std::optional&lt;A*&gt;也可能是一个不错的解决方案。您可以有三种状态 -

  • std::nullopt - 可选项尚未初始化
  • *opt = nullptr - 可选项已初始化,但值为nullptr(因为条件未满足)
  • *opt = a - 可选项已初始化为正确的值(条件满足)。


如果std::optional对您来说太"重",因为数组中有大量元素等,您也可以使用A**,并拥有类似的三种情况(ptr = nullptr*ptr = nullptr**ptr = a)。


sentinel suggested earlier is a fine solution, but if you struggle to find such value for your object A, I think std::optional&lt;A*&gt; may also be a good solution for that. You can have three states -

  • std::nullopt - The optional is not yet initialized
  • *opt = nullptr - The optional has been initialized, but with nullptr (since the condition wasn't satisfied)
  • *opt = a - The optional was initialized with a proper value (the condition is satisfied).

I think the main advantage is having different states for the first two options, which may be very useful for further logic you may need in the future, and for debugging purposes. It is also more clean than sentinel, since there's no "special value" the future reader\developer needs to remember\keep track of\check at every usage.

If std::optional is "heavy" for you, since you have lots of elements in the array etc, you can use A** as well, and have analog three cases (ptr = nullptr, *ptr = nullptr, **ptr = a).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月29日 06:29:37
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