
huangapple go评论56阅读模式

Pyspark: check if the consecutive values of a column are the same


我有一个带有以下格式的pyspark dataframe:

ID    Name  Score  Rank  
1     A     10     1
1     B     20     2
2     C     10     1
2     C     12     2
3     D     11     1
4     E     12     1
4     E     13     2


ID    Name  Score  Rank  
1     A     10     1
1     B     20     2

I have a pyspark dataframe with the following format:

ID    Name  Score  Rank  
1     A     10     1
1     B     20     2
2     C     10     1
2     C     12     2
3     D     11     1
4     E     12     1
4     E     13     2

goal is to find those ids where name is not the same for ranks 1 and 2, and if it is the same or there is only one name available, then filter those out. I think I can achieve that by creating another dataframe where I groupBy ID and then count name, left join with this dataframe and filter those with count < 2 but that's too hacky and I was wondering if there is a better way of doing this using windows functions. So the above would look like this after filtering undesired rows:

ID    Name  Score  Rank  
1     A     10     1
1     B     20     2


得分: 1


import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window

w = Window.partitionBy('ID')

df = (df
  .withColumn('Name1', F.min('Name').over(w))
  .withColumn('Name2', F.max('Name').over(w))
  .withColumn('n_rows', F.count('*').over(w))
  .filter( (F.col('Name1') != F.col('Name2')) & (F.col('n_rows') > 1) )
  .select('ID', 'Name', 'Score', 'Rank')
| ID|Name|Score|Rank|
|  1|   A|   10|   1|
|  1|   B|   20|   2|

Since I understood that each ID has 2 rows at most, we can use a trick with min and max functions on a string variable and compare them; the trick being that min and max of a same string value would be equal.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window

w = Window.partitionBy(&#39;ID&#39;)

df = (df
  .withColumn(&#39;Name1&#39;, F.min(&#39;Name&#39;).over(w))
  .withColumn(&#39;Name2&#39;, F.max(&#39;Name&#39;).over(w))
  .withColumn(&#39;n_rows&#39;, F.count(&#39;*&#39;).over(w))
  .filter( (F.col(&#39;Name1&#39;) != F.col(&#39;Name2&#39;)) &amp; (F.col(&#39;n_rows&#39;) &gt; 1) )
  .select(&#39;ID&#39;, &#39;Name&#39;, &#39;Score&#39;, &#39;Rank&#39;)
| ID|Name|Score|Rank|
|  1|   A|   10|   1|
|  1|   B|   20|   2|

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月29日 01:06:11
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
