Running Docker via PHP exec

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Running Docker via PHP exec


我需要一个比这个更安全的替代方法:sudo usermod -aG docker www-data



exec("docker run --rm -v /var/www/html/ConverterPDF/html/files/pdf/:/pdf -v /var/www/html/ConverterPDF/html/files/html:/html bwits/pdf2htmlex pdf2htmlEX --zoom 3 /pdf/file.pdf --dest-dir /html 2>&1");


sudo usermod -aG docker www-data



I need a safer alternative than this one: sudo usermod -aG docker www-data

Hey guys,

I need help running a Docker container using the "bwits/pdf2htmlex" image through the PHP "exec" function in the browser. Here is the code I'm using:

exec("docker run --rm -v /var/www/html/ConverterPDF/html/files/pdf/:/pdf -v /var/www/html/ConverterPDF/html/files/html:/html bwits/pdf2htmlex pdf2htmlEX --zoom 3 /pdf/file.pdf --dest-dir /html 2>&1");

However, I ran into permission issues when executing this code through PHP's "exec" function. To get around this, I used the following command:

sudo usermod -aG docker www-data

While this resolved the issue, it doesn't appear to be a secure solution. I would like to know if there is a safer alternative to deal with this situation.


得分: 2


docker run -v/:/host busybox vi /host/etc/sudoers

通常,使这更安全的方法涉及以某种方式打包应用程序,以便您可以在不使用Docker CLI或API的情况下运行它。您引用的镜像 打包了 pdf2htmlEX 工具,您也可以尝试在运行PHP服务的环境中安装该工具。您还可以构建一个包含最小HTTP服务器和该工具的镜像,并在收到HTTP POST请求时将该工具作为子进程运行。



You can't docker run a container without creating an extremely large security issue. If you can docker run that container, then you can also

docker run -v/:/host busybox vi /host/etc/sudoers

and otherwise make any change to any file on the host system.

Paths to make this more secure generally involve packaging up the application in some way where you can run it without using the Docker CLI or API. The image you reference packages the pdf2htmlEX tool, and you might be able to just install that tool in the environment you're running the PHP service. You also might be able to build an image that contains a minimal HTTP server and the tool, and runs the tool as a subprocess in response to an HTTP POST request.

If you must give yourself access to the Docker socket, and thereby unrestricted root-level access to the entire host, adding the application's user to the docker group is a fine way to do it. If your service framework allows specifying additional Unix groups then you could also add docker as a group.

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