ClamAV扫描使用PHP 8 – 不是常规文件

huangapple go评论51阅读模式

ClamAV scanning with PHP 8 - Not a regular file


我正在将我的所有东西从Ubuntu 20.04迁移到23.04。唯一一件事,长列表中的一件事,我正在努力解决的是一个使用ClamAV来扫描上传文件的Web表单。在旧服务器上它工作正常。在新服务器上,我坚持不懈地收到以下错误消息:

fd[10]: Not a regular file. ERROR


    [0] => /tmp/php0HjwDM: Not a regular file ERROR
    [1] => 
    [2] => ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] => Infected files: 0
    [4] => Total errors: 1
    [5] => Time: 0.000 sec (0 m 0 s)
    [6] => Start Date: 2023:06:28 17:08:03
    [7] => End Date:   2023:06:28 17:08:03


    [0] => /import/myfile.csv: Not a regular file ERROR
    [1] => 
    [2] => ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] => Infected files: 0
    [4] => Total errors: 1
    [5] => Time: 0.000 sec (0 m 0 s)
    [6] => Start Date: 2023:06:28 17:08:03
    [7] => End Date:   2023:06:28 17:08:03


if ($_POST) {
$uploadfile = '/import/' . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
$cmd='clamdscan --fdpass '.$scanpath;
echo $retcode.'<br /><pre>';
print_r ($out);
echo '</pre>';
echo '<br />Now moving <br />';
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile);
$cmd='clamdscan --fdpass '.$uploadfile;
echo $retcode.'<br /><pre>';
print_r ($out);
echo '</pre>';

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="testpost.php" method="POST">
    Send this file: <input name="userfile" type="file" />
    <input type="submit" value="Send File" />

尝试使用不同的文件类型,尝试配置ClamAV以运行为www-data(在整理套接字文件夹权限后)。尝试使用不同的文件。以上的“移动”和第二次扫描是为了证明上传文件的临时/tmp/版本没有问题。/import/文件夹权限设置为777,仅用于测试。从/import文件夹内部的Shell中运行clamdscan --fdpass myfile.csv工作得很好,以及使用sudo -u www-datasudo -u clamav运行也可以。它只是无法像预期的那样从PHP的exec中运行。它肯定会尝试。我百般寻找解决办法,但都没有找到。虽然其他人似乎遇到了类似的问题,但据我所知,它们与我的问题不同。如有建议,将不胜感激。


    [0] => /tmp/phpFahZwQ: OK
    [1] => 
    [2] => ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] => Known viruses: 8669716
    [4] => Engine version: 0.103.8
    [5] => Scanned directories: 0
    [6] => Scanned files: 1
    [7] => Infected files: 0
    [8] => Data scanned: 0.00 MB
    [9] => Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
    [10] => Time: 13.043 sec (0 m 13 s)
    [11] => Start Date: 2023:06:29 11:39:06
    [12] => End Date:   2023:06:29 11:39:19

I'm migrating everything I have from Ubuntu 20.04 to 23.04. The one and only thing, in a long list, I'm struggling with is a web form that uses ClamAV to scan uploaded files. On the old server it works fine. On the new server I persistenly get:
fd[10]: Not a regular file. ERROR
(that's from /var/log/clamav/clamav.log) and it returns code 2 to the exec command and the following output from $out

    [0] =&gt; /tmp/php0HjwDM: Not a regular file ERROR
    [1] =&gt; 
    [2] =&gt; ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] =&gt; Infected files: 0
    [4] =&gt; Total errors: 1
    [5] =&gt; Time: 0.000 sec (0 m 0 s)
    [6] =&gt; Start Date: 2023:06:28 17:08:03
    [7] =&gt; End Date:   2023:06:28 17:08:03

And after moving the file I then scan it again (for testing)

    [0] =&gt; /import/myfile.csv: Not a regular file ERROR
    [1] =&gt; 
    [2] =&gt; ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] =&gt; Infected files: 0
    [4] =&gt; Total errors: 1
    [5] =&gt; Time: 0.000 sec (0 m 0 s)
    [6] =&gt; Start Date: 2023:06:28 17:08:03
    [7] =&gt; End Date:   2023:06:28 17:08:03

Here's the test code:

if ($_POST) {
$uploadfile = &#39;/import/&#39; . basename($_FILES[&#39;userfile&#39;][&#39;name&#39;]);
$cmd=&#39;clamdscan --fdpass &#39;.$scanpath;
echo $retcode.&#39;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&#39;;
print_r ($out);
echo &#39;&lt;/pre&gt;&#39;;
echo &#39;&lt;br /&gt;Now moving &lt;br /&gt;&#39;;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES[&#39;userfile&#39;][&#39;tmp_name&#39;], $uploadfile);
$cmd=&#39;clamdscan --fdpass &#39;.$uploadfile;
echo $retcode.&#39;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;pre&gt;&#39;;
print_r ($out);
echo &#39;&lt;/pre&gt;&#39;;

&lt;form enctype=&quot;multipart/form-data&quot; action=&quot;testpost.php&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot;&gt;
    Send this file: &lt;input name=&quot;userfile&quot; type=&quot;file&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Send File&quot; /&gt;

Tried with various file types, tried configure clamav to run as www-data (after sorting socket folder permissions). Tried with different files. The "move" and second scan, in the above, was to prove there weren't issues with the temporary /tmp/ version of the uploaded file.
/import/ has 777 permissions just for testing
Running clamdscan --fdpass myfile.csv from a shell from within the /import folder works just fine, as well as doing it with sudo -u www-data or sudo -u clamav. It just won't run as expected from PHP's exec. It certainly tries. Searched in vain for solutions. While other people seem to have had similar issues, they're not the same as far as I can tell.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.<br />
Edit 29/06/2023<br />
Using clamscan instead of clamdscan works, except it's very (unworkably) slow:

    [0] =&gt; /tmp/phpFahZwQ: OK
    [1] =&gt; 
    [2] =&gt; ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] =&gt; Known viruses: 8669716
    [4] =&gt; Engine version: 0.103.8
    [5] =&gt; Scanned directories: 0
    [6] =&gt; Scanned files: 1
    [7] =&gt; Infected files: 0
    [8] =&gt; Data scanned: 0.00 MB
    [9] =&gt; Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
    [10] =&gt; Time: 13.043 sec (0 m 13 s)
    [11] =&gt; Start Date: 2023:06:29 11:39:06
    [12] =&gt; End Date:   2023:06:29 11:39:19


得分: 1






由于您只在PHP环境中遇到问题 - 您没有分享任何细节 - 这是一个阻止clamdscan将文件描述符传递给clamd的问题。例如,文件描述符的不同命名空间。




> I persistenly get: fd[10]: Not a regular file. ERROR

The clamdscan --fdpass argument passes the file descriptor permissions to clamd. As I understand it, the reason why you use it is as the clamav user is different. Which is the use-case for that flag.

Still, when clamd tries to scan based on the passed file descriptor, it either fails to fstat the file descriptor (fd) or it is not a regular file. (ref.)

Also there is no information provided about the last error if FSTAT would have failed in the first place. (ref.).

The error message does not allow to differentiate between both cases, so one would need to speculate which case it is, which we don't do.

As you only have the problem from within PHP environment - about which you don't have shared any details - it is an issue with that, preventing clamdscan to pass the file descriptor to clamd. E.g. a different namespace for file descriptors.

Ensure both PHP, clamdscan and clamd have the same view on the system and are not using any isolation feature of the kernel unless they share the same.

Additionally double-check clamd/clamdscan have been compiled for the right architecture and are using correct libraries.


得分: 1


dpkg-reconfigure clamav-daemon
service clamav-daemon restart



    [0] => /tmp/phpnE5tY2:正常
    [1] => 
    [2] => ----------- 扫描摘要 -----------
    [3] => 感染文件:0
    [4] => 时间:0.005秒(0分钟0秒)
    [5] => 开始日期:2023年06月29日14:50:05
    [6] => 结束日期:2023年06月29日14:50:05

I appear to have got it working. I tried all sorts of things, even changing clamd to use other users (very problematic as couldn't access it's socket file, no matter the permissions/ownership).
In the end I ran

dpkg-reconfigure clamav-daemon
service clamav-daemon restart

I responded "No" to a prompt for automatic reconfiguration. This was in the hopes I'd get prompts, but I didn't get any. Directly after this, it appeared to work though, which I'm happy about:

Response Code: 0

    [0] =&gt; /tmp/phpnE5tY2: OK
    [1] =&gt; 
    [2] =&gt; ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    [3] =&gt; Infected files: 0
    [4] =&gt; Time: 0.005 sec (0 m 0 s)
    [5] =&gt; Start Date: 2023:06:29 14:50:05
    [6] =&gt; End Date:   2023:06:29 14:50:05

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月29日 00:26:44
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