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RxJS: Ensure Optional Object Property is Defined


I need a RxJS operator that can check if a property on an object exists, and then change the type to correctly reflect this.


  1. const notUndefined = <T>() =>
  2. filter<T | undefined, T>(
  3. (x): x is T extends undefined ? never : T => x !== undefined
  4. );


  1. interface MyInterface {
  2. myKey?: string;
  3. }
  4. of<MyInterface>({ myKey: "Some value" }).pipe(
  5. notUndefinedKey("myKey"),
  6. map((x) => x.myKey)
  7. // ^? (property) myKey: string
  8. )
  9. of<MyInterface>({ myKey: "Some value" }).pipe(
  10. map((x) => x.myKey)
  11. // ^? (property) MyInterface.myKey?: string | undefined
  12. )


  1. import { OperatorFunction, filter, of, map } from "rxjs";
  2. // TypeScript 类型辅助程序
  3. type DefinedFields<TType> = {
  4. [TKey in keyof TType]-?: DefinedFields<NonNullable<TType[TKey]>>;
  5. };
  6. type WithDefinedKey<TType, TKey extends keyof TType> = Omit<TType, TKey> & DefinedFields<Pick<TType, TKey>>;
  7. type OperatorToDefinedKey<TType, TKey extends keyof TType> = OperatorFunction<
  8. TType | undefined,
  9. WithDefinedKey<TType, TKey>
  10. >;
  11. // 运算符
  12. export const notUndefinedKey = <TType, TKey extends keyof TType>(
  13. key: TKey
  14. ): OperatorToDefinedKey<TType, TKey> =>
  15. filter<TType>((x) => x?.[key] !== undefined) as OperatorToDefinedKey<
  16. TType,
  17. TKey
  18. >;


Playground 链接


I need a RxJS operator that can check that if a property on an object exists, and then change the type to correctly reflect this.

I already have an operator that will do this for an emitted value:

  1. const notUndefined = <T>() =>
  2. filter<T | undefined, T>(
  3. (x): x is T extends undefined ? never : T => x !== undefined
  4. );

But I also need to be able to do it for one of its properties that can be used something like this:

  1. interface MyInterface {
  2. myKey?: string;
  3. }
  4. of<MyInterface>({ myKey: "Some value" }).pipe(
  5. notUndefinedKey("myKey"),
  6. map((x) => x.myKey)
  7. // ^? (property) myKey: string
  8. )
  9. of<MyInterface>({ myKey: "Some value" }).pipe(
  10. map((x) => x.myKey)
  11. // ^? (property) MyInterface.myKey?: string | undefined
  12. )

I've got a first working version, but it seems a bit excessive and seems to also remove methods from objects:

  1. import { OperatorFunction, filter, of, map } from "rxjs";
  2. // Typescript types helper
  3. type DefinedFields<TType> = {
  4. [TKey in keyof TType]-?: DefinedFields<NonNullable<TType[TKey]>>;
  5. };
  6. type WithDefinedKey<TType, TKey extends keyof TType> = Omit<TType, TKey> & DefinedFields<Pick<TType, TKey>>;
  7. type OperatorToDefinedKey<TType, TKey extends keyof TType> = OperatorFunction<
  8. TType | undefined,
  9. WithDefinedKey<TType, TKey>
  10. >;
  11. // Operator
  12. export const notUndefinedKey = <TType, TKey extends keyof TType>(
  13. key: TKey
  14. ): OperatorToDefinedKey<TType, TKey> =>
  15. filter<TType>((x) => x?.[key] !== undefined) as OperatorToDefinedKey<
  16. TType,
  17. TKey
  18. >;

Is there a nice way to do this? One that maybe also keeps more of the original interface like methods on an object?

Playground Link


得分: 2

你可以简化这个函数,因为我认为声明所有这些类型对你来说并没有太大帮助。下面的函数返回一个与传入的类型相同的值,且属性 key 的值肯定已定义。

  1. function notUndefinedKey<T, U extends keyof T>(key: U): OperatorFunction<T, T & { [K in U]-?: T[U] }> {
  2. return filter((x): x is T & { [K in U]-?: T[U] } => x[key] != null);
  3. }


  1. from([{}, { ignoreMe: 'Nope' }, { myKey: 'I am defined' }] as MyInterface[]).pipe(
  2. notUndefinedKey('myKey'),
  3. ).subscribe(x => console.log(x.myKey));
  4. // 输出: I am defined



  1. type NotUndefinedKeys<T, U extends keyof T> = T & { [K in U]-?: T[U] }
  2. function notUndefinedKey<T, U extends keyof T>(key: U): OperatorFunction<T, NotUndefinedKeys<T, U>> {
  3. return filter((x): x is NotUndefinedKeys<T, U> => x[key] != null);
  4. }

你也可以使这个函数适用于多个键,这可能是最灵活的用法,而且不需要太多更改。使用这个操作符不需要任何更改 - 你可以传递单个键或多个键。操作符的更改非常简单:接受类型的展开操作符,更改过滤函数的工作方式,TypeScript 就会发挥其魔力。

  1. function notUndefinedKeys<T, U extends keyof T>(...keys: U[]): OperatorFunction<T, T & { [K in U]-?: T[U] }> {
  2. return filter((x): x is T & { [K in U]-?: T[U] } => keys.every(k => x[k] != null));
  3. }



You can simplify this function quite a lot as I don't think it does much for you to declare all those types. The function below returns a value that is the same type as what is passed and the value of the property key is definitely defined.

  1. function notUndefinedKey&lt;T, U extends keyof T&gt;(key: U): OperatorFunction&lt;T, T &amp; { [K in U]-?: T[U] }&gt; {
  2. return filter((x): x is T &amp; { [K in U]-?: T[U] } =&gt; x[key] != null);
  3. }

Example Usage

  1. from([{}, { ignoreMe: &#39;Nope&#39;}, {myKey: &#39;I am defined&#39;}] as MyInterface[]).pipe(
  2. notUndefinedKey (&#39;myKey&#39;),
  3. ).subscribe(x =&gt; console.log(x.myKey));
  4. // output: I am defined


If you really want the types defined (maybe because the syntax looks a bit confusing), you can do the following:

  1. type NotUndefinedKeys&lt;T, U extends keyof T&gt; = T &amp; { [K in U]-?: T[U] }
  2. function notUndefinedKey&lt;T, U extends keyof T&gt;(key: U): OperatorFunction&lt;T, NotUndefinedKeys&lt;T, U&gt;&gt; {
  3. return filter((x): x is NotUndefinedKeys&lt;T, U&gt; =&gt; x[key] != null);
  4. }

You could also have this work with multiple keys, which might be the most flexible usage and doesn't require much in the way of changes. Using the operator doesn't change at all - you can pass a single key or multiple keys. The operator change is very simple: accept a spread operator of types, change how the filter function works, and TypeScript works its magic.

  1. function notUndefinedKeys&lt;T, U extends keyof T&gt;(...keys: U[]): OperatorFunction&lt;T, T &amp; { [K in U]-?: T[U] }&gt; {
  2. return filter((x): x is T &amp; { [K in U]-?: T[U] } =&gt; keys.every(k =&gt; x[k] != null));
  3. }



得分: 0


  1. 只是供参考,结合了不同的评论和答案,我得到了这个:
  2. ```ts
  3. type NeverUndefined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;
  4. type WithNeverUndefined<T, K extends keyof T> = T & {
  5. [P in K]-?: NeverUndefined<T[P]>;
  6. };
  7. export const notUndefinedKey = <T, K extends keyof T>(key: K):
  8. OperatorFunction<T | undefined, WithNeverUndefined<T, K>> =>
  9. filter((x): x is WithNeverUndefined<T, K> => x?.[key] !== undefined);
  10. // 从 @daniel-gimenez 那里得到的多键版本
  11. export const notUndefinedKeys = <T, K extends keyof T>(...keys: [K, ...K[]]):
  12. OperatorFunction<T | undefined, WithNeverUndefined<T, K>> =>
  13. filter((x): x is WithNeverUndefined<T, K> => keys.every(key => x?.[key] !== undefined));

它确保对象和属性都不是 undefined。
它还适用于具有 undefined 的可选属性和类型联合:

  1. interface MyInterface {
  2. myFirstKey?: string;
  3. mySecondKey: string | undefined;
  4. myThirdKey?: string | undefined;
  5. }
  6. of<MyInterface>(
  7. {
  8. myFirstKey: "Some value",
  9. mySecondKey: "Some value",
  10. myThirdKey: "Some value",
  11. }
  12. ).pipe(
  13. notUndefinedKeys("myFirstKey", "mySecondKey", "myThirdKey"),
  14. tap((x) => x.myFirstKey),
  15. // ^? (property) MyInterface.myFirstKey: string
  16. tap((x) => x.mySecondKey),
  17. // ^? (property) MyInterface.mySecondKey: string
  18. tap((x) => x.myThirdKey),
  19. // ^? (property) MyInterface.myThirdKey: string
  20. )


最后,这是 notUndefined 的更新版本:

  1. export const notUndefined = <T>(): OperatorFunction<T | undefined, NeverUndefined<T>> =>
  2. filter((x): x is NeverUndefined<T> => x !== undefined);


  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. Just for reference, combining the different comments and answers, I&#39;ve landed on this:
  4. ```ts
  5. type NeverUndefined&lt;T&gt; = T extends undefined ? never : T;
  6. type WithNeverUndefined&lt;T, K extends keyof T&gt; = T &amp; {
  7. [P in K]-?: NeverUndefined&lt;T[P]&gt;;
  8. };
  9. export const notUndefinedKey = &lt;T, K extends keyof T&gt;(key: K):
  10. OperatorFunction&lt;T | undefined, WithNeverUndefined&lt;T, K&gt;&gt; =&gt;
  11. filter((x): x is WithNeverUndefined&lt;T, K&gt; =&gt; x?.[key] !== undefined);
  12. // And the multi-key version from @daniel-gimenez
  13. export const notUndefinedKeys = &lt;T, K extends keyof T&gt;(...keys: [K, ...K[]]):
  14. OperatorFunction&lt;T | undefined, WithNeverUndefined&lt;T, K&gt;&gt; =&gt;
  15. filter((x): x is WithNeverUndefined&lt;T, K&gt; =&gt; keys.every(key =&gt; x?.[key] !== undefined));

It ensures that neither the object nor the property is undefined.
It also works with optional and type unions with undefined:

  1. interface MyInterface {
  2. myFirstKey?: string;
  3. mySecondKey: string | undefined;
  4. myThirdKey?: string | undefined;
  5. }
  6. of&lt;MyInterface&gt;(
  7. {
  8. myFirstKey: &quot;Some value&quot;,
  9. mySecondKey: &quot;Some value&quot;,
  10. myThirdKey: &quot;Some value&quot;,
  11. }
  12. ).pipe(
  13. notUndefinedKeys(&quot;myFirstKey&quot;, &quot;mySecondKey&quot;, &quot;myThirdKey&quot;),
  14. tap((x) =&gt; x.myFirstKey),
  15. // ^? (property) MyInterface.myFirstKey: string
  16. tap((x) =&gt; x.mySecondKey),
  17. // ^? (property) MyInterface.mySecondKey: string
  18. tap((x) =&gt; x.myThirdKey),
  19. // ^? (property) MyInterface.myThirdKey: string
  20. )

It also preserves methods and such on the object.

And finally, an updated version of notUndefined:

  1. export const notUndefined = &lt;T&gt;(): OperatorFunction&lt;T | undefined, NeverUndefined&lt;T&gt;&gt; =&gt;
  2. filter((x): x is NeverUndefined&lt;T&gt; =&gt; x !== undefined);


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月27日 21:08:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76565212.html



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