Linux read调用在文件的一部分损坏时的行为

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Linux read call behavior when a segment of the file is corrupted


操作系统:Red Hat 8.X


Linux read 调用签名是 ssize_t read(int fd, void buf[.count], size_t count);
假设由 fd 引用的文件具有损坏的段(+未损坏的段)。如果读取请求经过一个或多个损坏的段(假设段是 A(正常)--B(损坏)--C(正常)--D(损坏)--E(正常),且 fd 的文件位置设置在 A 的开始之前,"count" 足够大,以包含所有 A -> E 段),

  1. 是否存在 read 的返回值大于零的可能性?(并且 buf 包含数据)?
    1.1. buf 中会包含什么数据?它会包含来自损坏的段 B 和 D 的任何数据吗?read 的返回值可能是什么?

    1.2 这种情况发生的概率是多少?什么因素可能增加这种情况发生的概率?例如重新启动?

  2. fstat 返回的文件大小是否包括从损坏的段中计算的字节数?

目的:我正在尝试决定(在上述操作系统和文件系统条件下),是否需要在已写入的(二进制)数据中添加一个“应用程序级别的计算校验和”,并在读取同一文件时,如果 read 返回成功(即返回值 > 0),则在将数据视为有效之前验证(应用程序级别编写的)校验和。此外,我不担心有人修改此处的写入数据。只关心系统活动可能引发的问题,例如机器重新启动。


Context :
OS : Red hat 8.X
File systems : EXT4, XFS
Storage Types : SSD, HDD

Corruption : Meant here is an activity that result in written data cannot be retrieved as it was written. .e.g. Disk Device level corruption.

Linux read call signature is ssize_t read(int fd, void buf[.count], size_t count);.
Say the file referred by fd, has corrupted segments (+ NOT corrupted segments). If the read request goes through one or more corrupted segments(assume segments are A(OK)--B(corrupted)--C(OK)--D(corrupted)--E(OK) and fd's file position is set before the beginning of A and "count" is large enough to contain all A -> E segments),

  1. Is there a possibility of read's return value to be larger than ZERO ? (and buf to contain data) ?
    If so,
    1.1. What would be contained in buf ? will it contain any data from corrupted segments B and D ? What could be the return value of read' ?

    1.2 What are probability of this happening ? What factors could increase the probability of this happening ? e.g. re-boot ?

  2. Would the file size returned by fstat count any bytes from corrupted segments ?

Purpose : I am trying to decide(under above given OS, File system conditions), if I NEED to add a "application level calculated checksum" along with written(binary) data and when reading the same file if read returns success(i.e. return value > 0), validate the (app level written)checksum before concluding data as valid.
Also I am NOT worried about some intruder modifying the written data here. Only worried about things that can happen from system activity. e.g. machine re-boot


得分: 1





If A can be read, the kernel will return the length of A, and that portion of the read will be successful. This would be known as a short read. Once that happens, if you make another call to read and B cannot be read, you will get an EIO error. That could be a problem with a network file system, a bad block, a file system error, or anything else that prevents the data from being read.

Once the call to read B fails, it will continue to fail because the file offset is not advanced beyond that. If you use pread to read an unaffected portion, or if you lseek to an unaffected portion, you'll be able to continue to read until you hit an affected portion.

This is generally the standard Unix behaviour, and would be expected of any POSIX system. The error code on failure might differ in some cases on some systems (for example, the OS might automatically remount the file system read only and return some other error code in that case), but generally one reads all the data that can be validly read, and then if further progress is not possible, one gets an error.

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