Submission and custom input on GeeksForGeeks gives different judge result on same test case

huangapple go评论103阅读模式

Submission and custom input on GeeksForGeeks gives different judge result on same test case






N = 3,W = 50;
values[] = {60,100,120};
weight[] = {10,20,30};






  • 基于价值/重量比制作一个排序后的哈希映射,其中(键,值)对是(比例,物品)。
  • 对于每个物品,如果物品的重量小于可用重量,那么我们将直接将价值添加到最终答案中。
  • 否则,我们将可用重量乘以比例,添加到最终答案中,然后中断。
  • 最后,我们将返回答案。


  1. ### 参考用的物品类
  2. class Item:
  3. def __init__(self,val,w):
  4. self.value = val
  5. self.weight = w
  6. class Solution:
  7. def fractionalknapsack(self, W,arr,n):
  8. hashmap = {(item.value / item.weight) : item for i,item in enumerate(arr) }
  9. keys = list(hashmap.keys())
  10. keys.sort()
  11. sorted_hashmap = {}
  12. keys.reverse()
  13. for ele in keys :
  14. sorted_hashmap[ele] = hashmap[ele]
  15. final_ans = 0
  16. available_weight = W
  17. for ratio,item in sorted_hashmap.items() :
  18. if available_weight > 0 :
  19. if item.weight <= available_weight :
  20. final_ans += item.value
  21. available_weight -= item.weight
  22. else :
  23. final_ans += available_weight * ratio
  24. break
  25. else :
  26. break
  27. return final_ans


  1. 输入:
  2. 84 87
  3. 78 16 94 36 87 43 50 22 63 28 91 10 64 27 41 27 73 37 12 19 68 30 83 31 63 24 68 36 30 3 23 9 70 18 94 7 12 43 30 24 22 20 85 38 99 25 16 21 14 27 92 31 57 24 63 21 97 32 6 26 85 28 37 6 47 30 14 8 25 46 83 46 15 18 35 15 44 1 88 9 77 29 89 35 4 2 55 50 33 11 77 19 40 13 27 37 95 40 96 21 35 29 68 2 98 3 18 43 53 7 2 31 87 42 66 40 45 20 41 30 32 18 98 22 82 26 10 28 68 7 98 4 87 16 7 34 20 25 29 22 33 30 4 20 71 19 9 16 41 50 97 24 19 46 47 2 22 6 80 39 65 29 42 1 94 1 35 15
  4. 输出 :
  5. 在线评测期望输出1078.00
  6. 我的提交输出235.58
  7. 我自定义输入输出1078.00

I was practicing with a GeeksForGeeks problem Fractional Knapsack:

> Given weights and values of N items, we need to put these items in a knapsack of capacity W to get the maximum total value in the knapsack.
> Note: Unlike 0/1 knapsack, you are allowed to break the item.
> ### Example 1:
> Input:
> N = 3, W = 50<br>
> values[] = {60,100,120}<br>
> weight[] = {10,20,30}<br>
> Output:
> 240.00
> Explanation
> Total maximum value of item we can have is 240.00 from the given capacity of sack.

When I submit my code, the online judge tells me my code returns a wrong answer, however when I run the same test case on custom input, I get the expected answer by the judge.

I searched as to why this happened, and the potential reasons I came across were because of Global/Static variables, however I am not using any global/static variables.

My Approach for the problem was :

  • Make a sorted hashmap based on value/weight ratio, with the (key,value) pair being (ratio,item).
  • For each item, if the weight of the item is less than available weight, then we will directly add the value to the final answer.
  • Else we will multiply the available-weight with the ratio, add it to the final answer and break.
  • Finally we will return the answer.

The code I am using :

  1. ### Item class for reference
  2. class Item:
  3. def __init__(self,val,w):
  4. self.value = val
  5. self.weight = w
  6. class Solution:
  7. def fractionalknapsack(self, W,arr,n):
  8. hashmap = {(item.value / item.weight) : item for i,item in enumerate(arr) }
  9. keys = list(hashmap.keys())
  10. keys.sort()
  11. sorted_hashmap = {}
  12. keys.reverse()
  13. for ele in keys :
  14. sorted_hashmap[ele] = hashmap[ele]
  15. final_ans = 0
  16. available_weight = W
  17. for ratio,item in sorted_hashmap.items() :
  18. if available_weight &gt; 0 :
  19. if item.weight &lt;= available_weight :
  20. final_ans += item.value
  21. available_weight -= item.weight
  22. else :
  23. final_ans += available_weight * ratio
  24. break
  25. else :
  26. break
  27. return final_ans

The input for which the test succeeds, but submission fails:

  1. Input :
  2. 84 87
  3. 78 16 94 36 87 43 50 22 63 28 91 10 64 27 41 27 73 37 12 19 68 30 83 31 63 24 68 36 30 3 23 9 70 18 94 7 12 43 30 24 22 20 85 38 99 25 16 21 14 27 92 31 57 24 63 21 97 32 6 26 85 28 37 6 47 30 14 8 25 46 83 46 15 18 35 15 44 1 88 9 77 29 89 35 4 2 55 50 33 11 77 19 40 13 27 37 95 40 96 21 35 29 68 2 98 3 18 43 53 7 2 31 87 42 66 40 45 20 41 30 32 18 98 22 82 26 10 28 68 7 98 4 87 16 7 34 20 25 29 22 33 30 4 20 71 19 9 16 41 50 97 24 19 46 47 2 22 6 80 39 65 29 42 1 94 1 35 15
  4. Output :
  5. Online Judges Expected Output : 1078.00
  6. My Submission Output : 235.58
  7. My custom input output : 1078.00


得分: 2


  • 在测试代码时:Python 3.7.13
  • 在提交代码时:Python 3.5.2

这解释了为什么在测试和提交时得到不同的结果。由于从Python 3.6开始,字典按插入顺序迭代,但在旧版本中,迭代顺序是未定义的——无论你插入项目的顺序如何,都不能保证迭代的顺序相同。



  1. class Solution:
  2. def fractionalknapsack(self, W, arr, n):
  3. arr.sort(key=lambda item: item.value / item.weight, reverse=True)
  4. final_ans = 0
  5. available_weight = W
  6. for item in arr:
  7. if available_weight > 0:
  8. if item.weight <= available_weight:
  9. final_ans += item.value
  10. available_weight -= item.weight
  11. else:
  12. final_ans += available_weight * item.value / item.weight
  13. break
  14. else:
  15. break
  16. return final_ans

This is indeed very confusing! I looked at the Python version that GeeksForGeeks is running your code on, and at the time of writing these versions are different depending on whether you test or submit!

  • When testing the code: Python 3.7.13
  • When submitting the code: Python 3.5.2

This explains why you get different results when testing versus submitting. Since Python 3.6 dictionaries are iterated in insertion order, but in older versions the iteration order is undefined -- there is no guarantee whatsoever that the order in which you inserted the items will also be the order in which the items are iterated.

Taking a step back, you should not need a dictionary here. In fact, it will be problematic when two items happen to have the same ratio, because then you will lose out on one.

Solve this by just sorting the input items by the ratio. Here is your code with the hasmap removed, and the sort called on the input list instead:

  1. class Solution:
  2. def fractionalknapsack(self, W, arr, n):
  3. arr.sort(key=lambda item: item.value / item.weight, reverse=True)
  4. final_ans = 0
  5. available_weight = W
  6. for item in arr:
  7. if available_weight &gt; 0:
  8. if item.weight &lt;= available_weight:
  9. final_ans += item.value
  10. available_weight -= item.weight
  11. else :
  12. final_ans += available_weight * item.value / item.weight
  13. break
  14. else:
  15. break
  16. return final_ans

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月26日 18:02:31
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