
huangapple go评论72阅读模式

How do I change my grid so that it counts left to right, top to bottom?


我试图创建一个地图坐标的正方形网格,其中 gridOrder 计数从左上角开始,从左到右,从上到下递增。

当这些坐标显示在地图上时,gridOrder 计数应该如下所示(期望的正确版本):

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9


 3 | 6 | 9
 2 | 5 | 8
 1 | 4 | 7

如何调整以下代码以按照我期望的模式从左到右、从上到下分配 gridOrder 计数?

我知道问题出在我在 map() 中分配 gridOrder 的方式上。但我已经尝试了许多不同的变化,但无法使其正常工作。

import bbox from "@turf/bbox";
import { Units, point } from "@turf/helpers";
import pointGrid from "@turf/point-grid";
import buffer from "@turf/buffer";

const createGridCoordinates = (
  centerCoordinates: google.maps.LatLngLiteral,
  numPointsPerSide: number,
  gridDimension: number,
  unitOfMeasure: Units
) => {
  // Calculate the cell size
  const cellSize = gridDimension / (numPointsPerSide - 1);

  // Calculate half the grid size to find the distance from center to edges of bounding box
  const halfGridSize = gridDimension / 2;

  // Make the bounding box around a center point and a circle buffer radius
  // Radius is extended by 10% of a cellSize (cellSize / 10) to include
  // east and north edges when gridDimension is an exact multiple of the grid spacing
  const boundingBox = bbox(
      point([centerCoordinates.lng, centerCoordinates.lat]),
      halfGridSize + cellSize / 10,
        units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Make the grid. This is an array of grid coordinates.
  const grid = pointGrid(boundingBox, cellSize, {
    units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Extract the coordinates from the grid and add gridOrder
  const coordinatesGrid = grid.features.map((feature, index) => {
    const [longitude, latitude] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      coordinates: { lat: latitude, lng: longitude },
      gridOrder: index + 1,
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  return coordinatesGrid;

I am trying to create a square grid of map coordinates with a gridOrder count that starts counting in the top left corner, left to right, top to bottom.

When the coordinates are shown on a map the gridOrder count should look like this (desired correct version):

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

But currently it looks like this (current wrong version):

 3 | 6 | 9
 2 | 5 | 8
 1 | 4 | 7

How can I adjust the code below to assign a gridOrder count in my desired pattern of left to right, top to bottom?

I know the problem is with how I assign gridOrder during the map(). But I have tried many different variations and I can't get it to work.

import bbox from "@turf/bbox";
import { Units, point } from "@turf/helpers";
import pointGrid from "@turf/point-grid";
import buffer from "@turf/buffer";

const createGridCoordinates = (
  centerCoordinates: google.maps.LatLngLiteral,
  numPointsPerSide: number,
  gridDimension: number,
  unitOfMeasure: Units
) => {
  // Calculate the cell size
  const cellSize = gridDimension / (numPointsPerSide - 1);

  // Calculate half the grid size to find the distance from center to edges of bounding box
  const halfGridSize = gridDimension / 2;

  // Make the bounding box around a center point and a circle buffer radius
  // Radius is extended by 10% of a cellSize (cellSize / 10) to include
  // east and north edges when gridDimension is an exact multiple of the grid spacing
  const boundingBox = bbox(
      point([centerCoordinates.lng, centerCoordinates.lat]),
      halfGridSize + cellSize / 10,
        units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Make the grid. This is an array of grid coordinates.
  const grid = pointGrid(boundingBox, cellSize, {
    units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Extract the coordinates from the grid and add gridOrder
  const coordinatesGrid = grid.features.map((feature, index) => {
    const [longitude, latitude] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      coordinates: { lat: latitude, lng: longitude },
      gridOrder: index + 1,
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  return coordinatesGrid;


得分: 0


不再尝试以奇怪的方式更改 gridOrder 的值,我只是在分配 gridOrder 之前对网格坐标进行了排序。


const createGridCoordinates = (
  centerCoordinates: google.maps.LatLngLiteral,
  numPointsPerSide: number,
  gridDimension: number,
  unitOfMeasure: Units
) => {
  // 计算单元格大小
  const cellSize = gridDimension / (numPointsPerSide - 1);

  // 计算半个网格大小以找到中心到边界框边缘的距离
  const halfGridSize = gridDimension / 2;

  // 创建围绕中心点和圆形缓冲半径的边界框
  // 半径扩展了单元格大小的 10%(cellSize / 10)以包括
  // 当 gridDimension 是网格间距的精确倍数时,东部和北部的边缘
  const boundingBox = bbox(
      point([centerCoordinates.lng, centerCoordinates.lat]),
      halfGridSize + cellSize / 10,
        units: unitOfMeasure,

  // 创建网格
  const grid = pointGrid(boundingBox, cellSize, {
    units: unitOfMeasure,

  // 创建网格坐标的普通数组
  const coordinates = grid.features.map((feature) => {
    const [longitude, latitude] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      coordinates: { lat: latitude, lng: longitude },
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  // 按纬度(y)降序排列,然后按经度(x)升序排列
  coordinates.sort((a, b) => {
    const coord1 = a.coordinates;
    const coord2 = b.coordinates;

    if (coord1.lat > coord2.lat) {
      return -1;
    if (coord1.lat < coord2.lat) {
      return 1;
    if (coord1.lng < coord2.lng) {
      return -1;
    if (coord1.lng > coord2.lng) {
      return 1;
    return 0;

  // 将 gridOrder 添加到新数组中
  const coordinatesGrid = coordinates.map((coordinate, index) => {
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      gridOrder: index + 1,
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  return coordinatesGrid;



I figured it out.

Instead of trying to change the value of gridOrder in strange ways, I just sorted the grid coordinates before assigning gridOrder.

Here is the full working code:

const createGridCoordinates = (
  centerCoordinates: google.maps.LatLngLiteral,
  numPointsPerSide: number,
  gridDimension: number,
  unitOfMeasure: Units
) =&gt; {
  // Calculate the cell size
  const cellSize = gridDimension / (numPointsPerSide - 1);

  // Calculate half the grid size to find the distance from center to edges of bounding box
  const halfGridSize = gridDimension / 2;

  // Make the bounding box around a center point and a circle buffer radius
  // Radius is extended by 10% of a cellSize (cellSize / 10) to include
  // east and north edges when gridDimension is an exact multiple of the grid spacing
  const boundingBox = bbox(
      point([centerCoordinates.lng, centerCoordinates.lat]),
      halfGridSize + cellSize / 10,
        units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Make the grid
  const grid = pointGrid(boundingBox, cellSize, {
    units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Make a normal array of the grid coordinates
  const coordinates = grid.features.map((feature) =&gt; {
    const [longitude, latitude] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      coordinates: { lat: latitude, lng: longitude },
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  // Sort by latitude (y) in descending order, then by longitude (x) in ascending order
  coordinates.sort((a, b) =&gt; {
    const coord1 = a.coordinates;
    const coord2 = b.coordinates;

    if (coord1.lat &gt; coord2.lat) {
      return -1;
    if (coord1.lat &lt; coord2.lat) {
      return 1;
    if (coord1.lng &lt; coord2.lng) {
      return -1;
    if (coord1.lng &gt; coord2.lng) {
      return 1;
    return 0;

  // Add gridOrder to the new array
  const coordinatesGrid = coordinates.map((coordinate, index) =&gt; {
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      gridOrder: index + 1,
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  return coordinatesGrid;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月26日 13:18:36
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76553693.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
