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Memory issues when obtaining TF-IDF data




总体情况是,我需要训练一个分类器,以区分一个庞大数据集中的两个类别(最多有600万个文本)。我一直在使用_recipes_框架进行处理,然后通过_tidymodels_运行glmnet lasso。具体问题是,在计算tf-idf时,我内存不足。




recipe <-
  recipe(Class ~ text, data = corpus) %>%
  step_tokenize(text) %>%
  step_stopwords(text) %>%
  step_tokenfilter(text, max_tokens = m) %>%
  step_tfidf(text) %>%


In asMethod(object) :
  sparse->dense coercion: allocating vector of size 1.2 GiB



P.S. tmtidytext甚至无法开始解决这个问题。

Full Code



url <- "https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2701/pg2701-images.html"
words <- readLines(url, encoding = "UTF-8") %>% str_extract_all('\\w+\\b') %>% unlist()
x <- rnorm(n = 6000000, mean = 18, sd = 14)
x <- x[x > 0]

corpus <- 
  lapply(x, function(i) {
    c('text' = paste(sample(words, size = i, replace = TRUE), collapse = ' '))
  }) %>% 
  bind_rows() %>% 
  mutate(ID = 1:n(), Class = factor(sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE)))


> corpus
# A tibble: 5,402,638 × 3
   text                                                                      ID Class
   <chr>                                                                  <int> <fct>
 1 included Fast at can aghast me some as article and ship things is          1 1    
 2 him to quantity while became man was childhood it that Who in on his the is 2 1    
 3 no There a pass are it in evangelical rather in direst the in a even r... 3 0    
 4 this would against his You disappeared have summit the vagrant in fine... 4 1    
 5 slippery the Judge ever life Moby But i will after sounding ship like p... 5 1    
 6 at can hope running                                                      6 1    
 7 Jeroboam even there slow though thought though I flukes yarn swore cal... 7 1    
 8 not if rocks ever lantern go last though at you white his that remains... 8 1    
 9 Nostril as p full the furnish are nor made towards except bivouacks p ... 9 1    
10 and p multitudinously body Archive fifty was of Greenland                10 0    
# ℹ 5,402,628 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows



# 准备
corpus_split <- initial_split(corpus, strata = Class) # 分割
corpus_train <- training(corpus_split)
corpus_test <- testing(corpus_split)
folds <- vfold_cv(corpus_train) # k-fold cv 准备
sparse_bp <- hardhat::default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") # 使用稀疏矩阵
smaller_lambda <- grid_regular(penalty(range = c(-5, 0)), levels = 20) # 超参数校准

# recipe
recipe <-
  recipe(Ad ~ text, data = corpus_train) %>%
  step_tokenize(text) %>%
  step_stopwords(text, custom_stopword_source = 'twclid') %>%
  step_tokenfilter(text, max_tokens = 10000) %>%

# lasso 模型
lasso_spec <- logistic_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = 1) %>%
  set_mode("classification") %>%

# 工作流程
sparse_wf <- workflow() %>%
  add_recipe(recipe, blueprint = sparse_bp) %>%

# 拟合
sparse_rs <- tune_grid(
  grid = smaller_lambda


I am struggling with text classification of a big dataset of tweets and I would be thankful if someone could point me in the right direction.

The big picture is that I need to train a classifier that would distinguish between two classes on a huge dataset (up to 6 million texts). I've been doing it in the recipes framework to then run glmnet lasso through tidymodels. The specific problem is that I am running out of memory when calculating tf-idf.


Which way should I direct my efforts in resolving this? I could do it basically manually in batches to obtain all the tf-idf values and then again manually combine them into a sparse matrix object. This sounds anal and surely someone has had this problem before and solved it? Another option is Spark, but it is far beyond my abilities at the moment and is probably overkill for a one-time task. Or maybe I am missing something, and existing tools are capable of this?

Specifically, I am running into two kinds of problems when running the following (variables should be self-explanatory, but I will provide full reproducible code later):

recipe &lt;-
  recipe(Class ~ text, data = corpus) %&gt;% 
  step_tokenize(text) %&gt;%
  step_stopwords(text) %&gt;% 
  step_tokenfilter(text, max_tokens = m) %&gt;% 
  step_tfidf(text) %&gt;% 

If corpus is too big or m is too large, Rstudio crashes. If they are moderately large, it throws a warning:

In asMethod(object) :
  sparse-&gt;dense coercion: allocating vector of size 1.2 GiB

I'm not finding anything about it online, and I don't understand it. Why is it trying to coerce something from sparse to dense? That surely spells trouble for any large dataset. Am I doing something wrong? If this is preventable, maybe I will have better luck with my full dataset?

Or is there no hope for step_tfidf to cope with 6m observations and no limit on max tokens?

P.S. tm and tidytext can't even begin to approach the issue.

Full Code

I'll give a reproducible example of what I am trying to do. This code sets up a corpus of tweet-long texts with random words of size 5m+:


url &lt;- &quot;https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2701/pg2701-images.html&quot;
words &lt;- readLines(url, encoding = &quot;UTF-8&quot;) %&gt;% str_extract_all(&#39;\\w+\\b&#39;) %&gt;% unlist()
x &lt;- rnorm(n = 6000000, mean = 18, sd = 14)
x &lt;- x[x &gt; 0]

corpus &lt;- 
  lapply(x, function(i) {
    c(&#39;text&#39; = paste(sample(words, size = i, replace = TRUE), collapse = &#39; &#39;))
  }) %&gt;% 
  bind_rows() %&gt;% 
  mutate(ID = 1:n(), Class = factor(sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE)))

So corpus looks something like this:

&gt; corpus
# A tibble: 5,402,638 &#215; 3
   text                                                                                                                                       ID Class
   &lt;chr&gt;                                                                                                                                   &lt;int&gt; &lt;fct&gt;
 1 included Fast at can aghast me some as article and ship things is                                                                           1 1    
 2 him to quantity while became man was childhood it that Who in on his the is                                                                 2 1    
 3 no There a pass are it in evangelical rather in direst the in a even reason to Yes and the this unconditional his clear other thou all…     3 0    
 4 this would against his You disappeared have summit the vagrant in fine inland is scrupulous signifies that come the the buoyed and of …     4 1    
 5 slippery the Judge ever life Moby But i will after sounding ship like p he Like                                                             5 1    
 6 at can hope running                                                                                                                         6 1    
 7 Jeroboam even there slow though thought though I flukes yarn swore called p oarsmen with sort who looked and sharks young Radney s          7 1    
 8 not if rocks ever lantern go last though at you white his that remains of primal Starbuck sans you steam up with against                    8 1    
 9 Nostril as p full the furnish are nor made towards except bivouacks p blast how never now are here of difference it whalemen s much th…     9 1    
10 and p multitudinously body Archive fifty was of Greenland                                                                                  10 0    
# ℹ 5,402,628 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

It itself is around 1 Gb of RAM.

I do the standard modeling workflow that I will present here in full just for the fullness of information.

# prep
corpus_split &lt;- initial_split(corpus, strata = Class) # split
corpus_train &lt;- training(corpus_split)
corpus_test &lt;- testing(corpus_split)
folds &lt;- vfold_cv(corpus_train) #k-fold cv prep
sparse_bp &lt;- hardhat::default_recipe_blueprint(composition = &quot;dgCMatrix&quot;) # use sparse matrices
smaller_lambda &lt;- grid_regular(penalty(range = c(-5, 0)), levels = 20) # hyperparameter calibration

# recipe
recipe &lt;-
  recipe(Ad ~ text, data = corpus_train) %&gt;% 
  step_tokenize(text) %&gt;%
  step_stopwords(text, custom_stopword_source = &#39;twclid&#39;) %&gt;% 
  step_tokenfilter(text, max_tokens = 10000) %&gt;% 

# lasso model
lasso_spec &lt;- logistic_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = 1) %&gt;% # tuning the penalty hyperparameter
  set_mode(&quot;classification&quot;) %&gt;%

# workflow
sparse_wf &lt;- workflow() %&gt;%
  add_recipe(recipe, blueprint = sparse_bp) %&gt;%

# fit
sparse_rs &lt;- tune_grid(
  grid = smaller_lambda


得分: 5





Sadly there isn't much you can do right now, within the tidymodels to solve your task. The {tidymodels} set of packages revolves around using {tibble}s as their common data vessel. This works great in many situations, expect here for sparse data.

When a recipe is used in a workflow, it is required to hand off the data as a tibble to the parsnip. This required that the data to be non-sparse which in your case it going to explode the data size up wildly! e.i. if you have 6,000,000 observations and just 2000 different tokens, you are going to end up with 96GB...

This is something (I'm the author of {textrecipes} and one of the developers on the tidymodels team) I want to happen at one point, but it is currently outside the range of my controls as we need to find a way to have sparse data in tibbles.


得分: 2


存在两个问题:(i) 创建tf-idf矩阵需要大量内存,(ii) _tinymodels_目前只接受tibbles作为传入数据,正如EmilHvitfeldt友好地指出的那样。解决方案是以更节省内存的方式生成tf-idf数据集,使用通常的方法进行稀疏化,然后直接使用支持稀疏数据的模型进行工作。


  1. 需要注意的是,我有足够的内存将所有文本加载到内存中。
  2. 将文本存储为一个arrow数据集,没有分组,并设置max_rows_per_file = 1000000(这个数字可以根据内存需求进行调整)。
  3. 计算并将计算tf-idf所需的变量存储为单独的arrow数据集:单词计数、文本长度和文档中单词出现次数。
  4. 循环遍历其中一个数据集的文件,将来自另外两个数据集的数据进行左连接(这在内存中进行,但因为每个文件仅包含部分总观测数据,所以不是问题)。
  5. 手动另存为parquet文件在数据集中。
  6. 将数据集作为数据集打开,收集并使用tidytext::cast_sparse转换成稀疏矩阵。
corpus %>% 
  write_dataset('tokenized_texts', max_rows_per_file = 1000000)

ds <- open_dataset('tokenized_texts')

# N是文本的总数
N <- ds %>%
  summarize(N = max(TextID)) %>%
  collect() %>%

# 这个计算单词在给定文本中出现的次数
ds.n <- 
  ds %>%
  group_by(TextID, word) %>%
  count() %>%

ds.n %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  write_dataset('tokenized_arrow/ds.n', max_rows_per_file = 1000000)

# 这个计算数据集中的单词总数
ds.total <- 
  ds %>%   
  group_by(TextID) %>%
  count(name = 'TotalWords') %>%
ds.total %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  write_dataset('tokenized_arrow/ds.total', max_rows_per_file = 1000000)

# 这个计算单词在文本中出现(至少一次)的次数
ds.docs <- 
  ds %>%
  group_by(TextID, word) %>%
  summarize() %>%
  group_by(word) %>%
  count(name = 'Documents') %>%
ds.docs %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  write_dataset('tokenized_arrow/ds.docs', max_rows_per_file = 1000000)

# 加载准备好的数据集
ds.n <- open_dataset('cache/tokenized_arrow/ds.n')
ds.total <- open_dataset('cache/tokenized_arrow/ds.total')
ds.docs <- open_dataset('cache/tokenized_arrow/ds.docs')

# 循环遍历(mclapply是过度的,这是一个非常快的步骤)。假设目录"final"存在。

files <- list.files('tokenized_arrow/ds.n', full.names = TRUE)
mclapply(files, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 2, FUN = function(file) {
  outfile <- str_replace(file, 'ds\\.n', 'final')
  df <- read_parquet(file)
  ids <- unique(df$TextID)
  words <- unique(df$word)
  df %>% 
      ds.total %>% 
        filter(TextID %in% ids) %>% 
        collect()) %>%
      ds.docs %>%
        filter(word %in% words) %>%
    ) %>%
    mutate(tf = n / TotalWords,
           idf = log(N / Documents),
           tf_idf = tf * idf) %>%
}) %>% invisible()

# 稀疏化
m <- 
  open_dataset('cache/tokenized_arrow/final/') %>%
  collect() %>%
  cast_sparse(TextID, word, tf_idf)



In case anybody needs it, I'll summarize my findings.

There are two problems: (i) creating a tf-idf matrix requires a lot of memory, and (ii) tinymodels currently only accepts tibbles as incoming data, as kindly pointed out by EmilHvitfeldt. The solution is to generate tf-idf dataset in a more memory-friendly way, sparsify with usual means, and then work directly with the models that support sparse data.

The biggest trouble was that existing solutions for calculating tf-idf (I tried tm and tidytext) are memory inefficient. What I did was the following:

  1. Caveat is that I have enough memory to load all texts into memory in the first place.
  2. Store texts as an arrow dataset with no grouping and max_rows_per_file = 1000000 (this number can be tailored to your memory requirements).
  3. Compute and store as separate arrow datasets the variables needed for calculating tf-idf: word counts, text lengths, and word-in-document counts.
  4. Loop through the files of one of the datasets, left-joining the data from the other two datasets (this happens in-memory, but because each file contains only a portion of total observations, it's not a problem).
  5. Manually save out as a parquet file within a dataset.
  6. Open the dataset as a dataset, collect, and tidytext::cast_sparse into a sparse matrix.
corpus %&gt;% 
write_dataset(&#39;tokenized_texts&#39;, max_rows_per_file = 1000000)
ds &lt;- open_dataset(&#39;tokenized_texts&#39;)
# N is the total number of texts
N &lt;- ds %&gt;% 
summarize(N = max(TextID)) %&gt;% 
collect() %&gt;% 
# this computes the number of times a word appears within a given text
ds.n &lt;- 
ds %&gt;% 
group_by(TextID, word) %&gt;% 
count() %&gt;% 
ds.n %&gt;% 
ungroup() %&gt;% 
write_dataset(&#39;tokenized_arrow/ds.n&#39;, max_rows_per_file = 1000000)
# this computes the total number of words in the dataset
ds.total &lt;- 
ds %&gt;%   
group_by(TextID) %&gt;% 
count(name = &#39;TotalWords&#39;) %&gt;% 
ds.total %&gt;% 
ungroup() %&gt;% 
write_dataset(&#39;tokenized_arrow/ds.total&#39;, max_rows_per_file = 1000000)
# this computes the number of times a word appears (at least once) in texts
ds.docs &lt;- 
ds %&gt;% 
group_by(TextID, word) %&gt;% 
summarize() %&gt;% 
group_by(word) %&gt;% 
count(name = &#39;Documents&#39;) %&gt;% 
ds.docs %&gt;% 
ungroup() %&gt;% 
write_dataset(&#39;tokenized_arrow/ds.docs&#39;, max_rows_per_file = 1000000)
# Load the prepared datasets
ds.n &lt;- open_dataset(&#39;cache/tokenized_arrow/ds.n&#39;)
ds.total &lt;- open_dataset(&#39;cache/tokenized_arrow/ds.total&#39;)
ds.docs &lt;- open_dataset(&#39;cache/tokenized_arrow/ds.docs&#39;)
# Loop through (mclapply was an overkill, this is a super fast step). Assumes the directory &quot;final&quot; exists.
files &lt;- list.files(&#39;tokenized_arrow/ds.n&#39;, full.names = TRUE)
mclapply(files, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 2, FUN = function(file) {
outfile &lt;- str_replace(file, &#39;ds\\.n&#39;, &#39;final&#39;)
df &lt;- read_parquet(file)
ids &lt;- unique(df$TextID)
words &lt;- unique(df$word)
df %&gt;% 
ds.total %&gt;% 
filter(TextID %in% ids) %&gt;% 
collect()) %&gt;% 
ds.docs %&gt;%
filter(word %in% words) %&gt;%
) %&gt;% 
mutate(tf = n / TotalWords,
idf = log(N / Documents),
tf_idf = tf * idf) %&gt;% 
}) %&gt;% invisible()
# sparsify
m &lt;- 
open_dataset(&#39;cache/tokenized_arrow/final/&#39;) %&gt;% 
collect() %&gt;% 
cast_sparse(TextID, word, tf_idf)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月26日 12:00:52
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76553441.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
