Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

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Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?


我有一个React单页应用程序,拥有一个自定义登录页面。目前我们使用AWS,并使用AWS Cognito获取访问令牌。


然后用户输入他的密码和用户名,然后从AWS Cognito返回一个访问令牌和一个ID令牌。以下是代码:

  1. import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
  2. ...
  3. // 登录
  4. const user = await Auth.signIn(formData.username, formData.password);


我们现在正在尝试迁移到Azure。在Azure B2C MSAL文档中,介绍了使用JavaScript SDK进行登录的方法:

  1. 登录
  2. MSAL.js公开了3个登录APIloginPopup()、loginRedirect()和ssoSilent()


我想继续使用我原来编写的自定义登录页面,我只需要一个Azure API,我可以在那里提供用户名和密码,然后获取访问令牌和ID令牌,就像在使用AWS Cognito / AWS-Amplify时那样。



I have a React SPA and I have a custom login page. Currently we are on a AWS and we use AWS Cognito to get access token.

Basically when the user first visit the website and when the front end code is loaded in his browser, it quickly judges that there is no access token. Therefore only the custom login page is rendered.

Then the user inputs his password and username, and then an access token and an ID token are returned from AWS Cognito. Here is the code:

  1. import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
  2. ...
  3. // login
  4. const user = await Auth.signIn(formData.username, formData.password);

Now since the tokens are present in the browser, the frontend code will render the user dashboard.

We are now trying to migrate to Azure. In the Azure B2C MSAL documentation, it introduces ways to login with the JavaScript SDK:

  1. Sign-in
  2. MSAL.js exposes 3 login APIs: loginPopup(), loginRedirect() and ssoSilent()

However, they have Azure-written pop-up window or redirect webpage. I do not want to use the Azure-written front end code, nor do I want to custom these given login pages.

I want to keep using my original custom written login page, and I just need an Azure API where I can provide the username and password and get the access and ID token, like in the use of AWS Cognito / AWS-Amplify.

How can I do that?


得分: 1


我注册了一个Azure AD B2C应用程序,并启用了**"允许公共客户端流程"**,如下所示:

Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?


  1. POST https://<b2ctenant_name>
  2. 用户名
  3. 密码:xxxxxxx
  4. 授权类型:密码
  5. 范围:openid e386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxx offline_access
  6. 客户端IDe386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxxxxx


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?


  1. POST https://<b2ctenant_name>
  2. 授权类型:刷新令牌
  3. 客户端IDe386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxxx
  4. 资源:e386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxxx
  5. 刷新令牌:<refresh_token_from_above_step>


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?



设置资源所有者密码凭据流程 - Azure AD B2C | Microsoft


> You can make use of ROPC flow to sign in users just by entering username and password without involving any user interaction.
I registered one Azure AD B2C application and enabled "Allow public-client flows" like this:

Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

Now, modify Application's Manifest by setting oauth2AllowImplicitFlow attribute to true like below:

Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

I created one ROPC user flow in my B2C tenant like below:

Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

I got the access token successfully via Postman using ROPC flow with below parameters:

  1. POST https://<b2ctenant_name>
  2. username:
  3. password:xxxxxxx
  4. grant_type:password
  5. scope:openid e386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxx offline_access
  6. client_id:e386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxxxxx


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

You can use above refresh token to renew tokens like below:

  1. POST https://<b2ctenant_name>
  2. grant_type:refresh_token
  3. client_id:e386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxxx
  4. resource:e386646b-a4f8-42fb-aa0a-0xxxxxxxxx
  5. refresh_token: <refresh_token_from_above_step>


Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

When I decoded above ID token in, I got below claims:

Azure B2C login: how to get access token in React SPA and without using the Azure login pop or login page?

Note that, you can use ROPC flow only with local accounts. This won't work if you are authenticating with external identity providers. As this flow involves disclosing user's password, it is not secure to implement it in production.


Set up a resource owner password credentials flow - Azure AD B2C | Microsoft

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月25日 16:56:47
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