
huangapple go评论114阅读模式

Create binary table where the number of rows are values from a variable




I have a dataset with a two variables with counts (var1 and var2), that represent alive individuals at two times.
I need to create a table with a new binary variable, where the number of rows correspond to the values of var1, and within this variable, I need to assign "1" depending on values of var2 (e.g. if there is a 10 in var1 and a 3 in var2, then I would need 10 rows, from which 3 rows have "1", and the rest have "0").
Any function that would help?


得分: 1


exemple <- data.frame(id = 1:3, var1 = c(10, 5, 1), var2 = c(3, 3, 0))
apply(exemple, 1, \(x) data.frame(id = rep(x[["id"]], times = x[["var1"]]), 
                                  var_binaire = rep(c(1, 0), times = c(x[["var2"]], x[["var1"]] - x[["var2"]])))) |>
  do.call(what = "rbind")

它似乎可以达到效果,它使用了rep函数重复生成1和0。apply被用于在行方向上执行操作。因此apply在此处创建了一个列表,每个元素都是一个具有var1行和var_binaire = 1 var2次的数据框。然后,do.call("rbind")将它们合并成一个数据框。以下是结果:

   id var_binaire
1   1           1
2   1           1
3   1           1
4   1           0
5   1           0
6   1           0
7   1           0
8   1           0
9   1           0
10  1           0
11  2           1
12  2           1
13  2           1
14  2           0
15  2           0
16  3           0



I may have misunderstood what you wanted but here is what I did:

exemple &lt;- data.frame(id = 1:3, var1 = c(10, 5, 1), var2 = c(3, 3, 0))
apply(exemple, 1, \(x) data.frame(id = rep(x[[&quot;id&quot;]], times = x[[&quot;var1&quot;]]), 
                                  var_binaire = rep(c(1, 0), times = c(x[[&quot;var2&quot;]], x[[&quot;var1&quot;]] - x[[&quot;var2&quot;]])))) |&gt;
  do.call(what = &quot;rbind&quot;)

It seems to do the trick, it creates a data.frame by repeating 1's and 0's with function rep. Apply is used with margin = 1 to perform rowwise operations. Hence apply create here a list with each element a data.frame with var1 lines and var_binaire = 1 var2 times. Then, do.call(&quot;rbind&quot;) combines all in a data.frame. Here is the result:

  id var1 var2
1  1   10    3
2  2    5    3
3  3    1    0
   id var_binaire
1   1           1
2   1           1
3   1           1
4   1           0
5   1           0
6   1           0
7   1           0
8   1           0
9   1           0
10  1           0
11  2           1
12  2           1
13  2           1
14  2           0
15  2           0
16  3           0

I thought it would be possible without apply, but I couldn't figure out how. Maybe a better solution will come up. I hope this helped.


得分: 1

与@Guillaume Mulier非常相似的一种方法,但使用向量化:

x <- data.frame(id = 1:3, var1 = c(10, 5, 1), var2 = c(3, 3, 0))

with(x, data.frame(id=rep(id, var1),
              mort=rep(rep(1:0, nrow(x)),
                       c(matrix(c(var2, var1 - var2), 2, byrow=TRUE)))))
#   id mort
#1   1    1
#2   1    1
#3   1    1
#4   1    0
#5   1    0
#6   1    0
#7   1    0
#8   1    0
#9   1    0
#10  1    0
#11  2    1
#12  2    1
#13  2    1
#14  2    0
#15  2    0
#16  3    0



A way quite similar to @Guillaume Mulier but vectorizing;

x &lt;- data.frame(id = 1:3, var1 = c(10, 5, 1), var2 = c(3, 3, 0))

with(x, data.frame(id=rep(id, var1),
              mort=rep(rep(1:0, nrow(x)),
                       c(matrix(c(var2, var1 - var2), 2, byrow=TRUE)))))
#   id mort
#1   1    1
#2   1    1
#3   1    1
#4   1    0
#5   1    0
#6   1    0
#7   1    0
#8   1    0
#9   1    0
#10  1    0
#11  2    1
#12  2    1
#13  2    1
#14  2    0
#15  2    0
#16  3    0

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 19:21:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76531362.html



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