根据行数拆分 Spark 数据集。

huangapple go评论64阅读模式

Split spark dataset based on number of rows


我正在从 DynamoDB 中读取数据,并将其存储在 SparkDataset 中,代码如下:

// 构建数据集
Dataset citations = sparkSession.read()
    .option("tableName", "Covid19Citation")
    .option("region", "eu-west-1")

我想要根据行数拆分这个数据集。例如,如果数据集中有超过 500 行,我想要将其拆分并将每个数据集保存为单独的 CSV 文件。因此,我想要保存的每个数据集最多包含 500 行。例如,如果数据库中有 1600 行,输出应该是四个 XML 文件:

第一个 XML 文件包含 500 行,
第二个 XML 文件也包含 500 行,
第三个 XML 文件也包含 500 行,最后
第四个 XML 文件包含 100 行。


List<Dataset> datasets = new ArrayList<>();
while (citations.count() > 0) {
    Dataset splitted = citations.limit(400);
    citations = citations.except(splitted);

System.out.println("datasets : " + datasets.size());
for (Dataset d : datasets) {
    // 你的其他代码
        .option("rootTag", "citations")
        .option("rowTag", "citation")



I'm reading data from dynamo db and storing it in Spark Dataset like this :

// Building a dataset
            Dataset citations = sparkSession.read()
                .option(&quot;tableName&quot;, &quot;Covid19Citation&quot;)
                .option(&quot;region&quot;, &quot;eu-west-1&quot;)

What I want is to split this dataset based on number of rows.

For example, if dataset has more than 500 rows, I want to split it and save each of the datasets which I get as separate csv file. So, each of dataset which I want to save should have maximum 500 rows. Eg. If I there was 1600 rows in database, the output shoud be four xml files :

First xml file contains 500 rows,

Second xml file which contains also 500 rows,

Third xml file which contains also 500 rows, and finally

Fourth xml file which contains 100 rows.

This is what I tried so far, but this doesn't work:

List&lt;Dataset&gt; datasets = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
            while (citations.count() &gt; 0) {
                  Dataset splitted = citations.limit(400);
                  citations = citations.except(splitted);

            System.out.println(&quot;datasets : &quot; + datasets.size());
            for (Dataset d : datasets) {
                      .option(&quot;rootTag&quot;, &quot;citations&quot;)
                      .option(&quot;rowTag&quot;, &quot;citation&quot;)

Any help would be highly appreciated.



得分: 1


  • row_numbermod:将数据集拆分为每个部分500个
  • repartition:为每个分区生成一个文件
  • partitionBy:为每个分区编写一个XML文件

以下是在Scala / Parquet中的示例(但您也可以使用xml):

val citations = spark.range(1, 2000000).selectExpr("id", "hash(id) value")

// 计算桶的数量
val total = citations.count
val mod = (total.toFloat / 500).ceil.toInt

  .withColumn("id", expr("row_number() over(order by monotonically_increasing_id())"))
  .withColumn("bucket", expr(f"mod(id, ${mod})"))

// 现在检查结果
val resultDf = spark.read.format("parquet").load("/tmp/foobar")

// 结果最多包含500行
scala> resultDf.groupBy("bucket").count.show
|  1133|  500|
|  1771|  500|
|  1890|  500|
|  3207|  500|
|  3912|  500|
|  1564|  500|
|  2823|  500|

// 没有超过500行的文件
scala> resultDf.groupBy("bucket").count.filter("count > 500").show

// 现在检查每个桶中只有一个文件
scala> spark.sparkContext.parallelize(resultDf.inputFiles).toDF
  .withColumn("part", expr("regexp_extract(value,'(bucket=([0-9]+))')"))
  .groupBy("part").count.withColumnRenamed("count", "nb_files")
|       part|nb_files|
|bucket=3209|       1|
|bucket=1290|       1|
|bucket=3354|       1|
|bucket=2007|       1|
|bucket=2816|       1|

You can leverage :

  • row_number and mod: to split the dataset into parts of 500
  • repartition: to produce one file per partition
  • partitionBy: to write one xml per partition

Here an example in scala / parquet (but you can use xml as well)

val citations = spark.range(1, 2000000).selectExpr(&quot;id&quot;, &quot;hash(id) value&quot;)

// calculate the number of buckets
val total = citations.count
val mod = (total.toFloat / 500).ceil.toInt

.withColumn(&quot;id&quot;, expr(&quot;row_number() over(order by monotonically_increasing_id())&quot;))
.withColumn(&quot;bucket&quot;, expr(f&quot;mod(id, ${mod})&quot;))

// now check the results
val resultDf = spark.read.format(&quot;parquet&quot;).load(&quot;/tmp/foobar&quot;)

// as a result you get at most 500 rows
scala&gt; resultDf.groupBy(&quot;bucket&quot;).count.show
|  1133|  500|
|  1771|  500|
|  1890|  500|
|  3207|  500|
|  3912|  500|
|  1564|  500|
|  2823|  500|

// there is no file with more than 500 rows
scala&gt; resultDf.groupBy(&quot;bucket&quot;).count.filter(&quot;count &gt; 500&quot;).show

// now check there is only one file per bucket
scala&gt; spark.sparkContext.parallelize(resultDf.inputFiles).toDF
.withColumn(&quot;part&quot;, expr(&quot;regexp_extract(value,&#39;(bucket=([0-9]+))&#39;)&quot;))
.groupBy(&quot;part&quot;).count.withColumnRenamed(&quot;count&quot;, &quot;nb_files&quot;)
|       part|nb_files|
|bucket=3209|       1|
|bucket=1290|       1|
|bucket=3354|       1|
|bucket=2007|       1|
|bucket=2816|       1|

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 18:58:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76531197.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
