
huangapple go评论82阅读模式

Spring security and filter chain


我在关于Spring Security的filterchain和security配置方面遇到了困难

public class SecurityConfiguration {
    private CustomHeaderVerificationFilter customHeaderFilter;
    public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                    .addFilterBefore(customHeaderFilter, BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
                    .requestMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/myapp/login").permitAll()

            return http.build();


public class CustomHeaderVerificationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {

    Dao engine;
    protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
            String headerValue = request.getHeader("Authorization");
        try {
            if (headerValue != null && calculateMatch(headerValue.split("Bearer:")[1],request.getHeader("realmName"))) {
                filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
            } else {
              throw new NullPointerException();
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (NullPointerException e2){
            response.getWriter().write("Errore credenziali errate");

        private boolean calculateMatch(String fromFront,String realmNameHeader) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,NullPointerException {

                String realmSecret = engine.getSecret(realmNameHeader);
                MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
                String input = realmSecret + ":" + realmNameHeader;
                byte[] hashBytes = digest.digest(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
                StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
                for (byte b : hashBytes) {
                    String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & b);
                    if (hex.length() == 1) {
                String s = hexString.toString();
                return fromFront.equals(hexString.toString());






Good morning.
I&#39;m struggling about filterchain and security configuration for spring security

public class SecurityConfiguration {
private CustomHeaderVerificationFilter customHeaderFilter;
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilterBefore(customHeaderFilter, BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
.requestMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/myapp/login").permitAll()

        return http.build();

As you can see, the logic will be soemthing like, every call will be filtred by customHeaderFilter, then if the call is from myapp/login as httpGET i will permit and no other authentication will be needed, otherwise...i permit all (reason lie ahead)

public class CustomHeaderVerificationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {

Dao engine;
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
        String headerValue = request.getHeader(&quot;Authorization&quot;);
    try {
        if (headerValue != null &amp;&amp; calculateMatch(headerValue.split(&quot;Bearer:&quot;)[1],request.getHeader(&quot;realmName&quot;))) {
            filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
        } else {
          throw new NullPointerException();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (NullPointerException e2){
        response.getWriter().write(&quot;Errore credenziali errate&quot;);

    private boolean calculateMatch(String fromFront,String realmNameHeader) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException,NullPointerException {
    //prendo la secretdalBack

            String realmSecret = engine.getSecret(realmNameHeader);
            MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(&quot;SHA-256&quot;);
            String input = realmSecret + &quot;:&quot; + realmNameHeader;
            byte[] hashBytes = digest.digest(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
            for (byte b : hashBytes) {
                String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff &amp; b);
                if (hex.length() == 1) {
            String s = hexString.toString();
            return fromFront.equals(hexString.toString());



(a quite basic filter for non jwt bearer, this is not the issue, i suppose).

nevertheless, every post call i use, i will recive a unauthorize 403 error.
Csrf should be the &quot;problem&quot; and quite all the documentation i found, they just skip it disabling: but i will to master it and integrate in my app.
I did not understood if my POST must be preceded by a GET call to ask a csrf token, or is done in the handshaking part of call.
I test various approach but lot of them utilyze .csrf() and it&#39;s deprecated, also whit custom filter who just check the lenght, but for a funny reason, only my get will enter in this filter.
So: where is the error in the flow? i need to check by logic the csrf filter? i must save it as jwt token?


# 答案1
**得分**: 1

你所遇到的错误是由于 CSRF 配置引起的,你需要在所有不安全的请求中都包含 CSRF 令牌(即任何会改变状态的请求)。

CSRF 攻击之所以有效,是因为浏览器请求自动包含所有的 Cookie,包括会话 Cookie。因此,如果用户已经在站点上进行了身份验证,并且用户访问了一个恶意网站,那么这个恶意网站可以向我们的网站发送一个 POST 请求(执行任何操作),而我们的网站无法区分合法授权的请求和伪造的身份验证请求。因此,我们希望为用户提供一个唯一的令牌,用户可以保存(远离 Cookie),并且用户在每个不安全的请求中都使用该令牌(即任何会改变状态的请求)。

何时以及如何获取 CSRF 令牌?

1- 在 Spring Security 5 中,默认行为是 CsrfToken 将在每个响应上加载。所以,默认情况下,你会在每个来自服务器的响应中得到一个 XSRF-TOKEN Cookie。

2- 在 Spring Security 6 中,默认情况下,CsrfToken 的查找将被推迟,直到需要它为止。所以,除非你发送一个改变状态的请求(POST、PUT 等),否则不会设置 Cookie。你可以通过以下配置来克服这个问题,以获取每个请求的 csrfToken。

public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    CookieCsrfTokenRepository tokenRepository = CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse();
	CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
	// 设置 CsrfToken 将要填充的属性名称
		.csrf((csrf) -> csrf
		.addFilterAfter(new CsrfCookieFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);

	return http.build();

private static final class CsrfCookieFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {

	protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
		CsrfToken csrfToken = (CsrfToken) request.getAttribute(CsrfToken.class.getName());
		// 通过加载延迟令牌来将令牌值呈现为 Cookie

		filterChain.doFilter(request, response);

3- 另外,你也可以创建一个返回 CSRF 令牌的端点,需要时调用它,像这样:

public CsrfToken getCsrfToken(CsrfToken csrf) {
    return csrf;

以上三种方法都是可接受的解决方案。在第一和第二种方法中,你从 Cookie 中获取 XSRF-TOKEN,而在第三种方法中,你从响应体中获取令牌,然后将其用作下一个不安全请求的 X-CSRF-TOKEN 头。






the error you are facing is due to csrf configuration, you need to have csrf token in all your unsafe requests(any request that changes state)

A CSRF attack works because browser requests automatically include all cookies including session cookies. Therefore, if the user is authenticated to the site,
and the user enters an evil website this evil website can send a post request (does whatever) to our website and our site cannot distinguish between legitimate authorized requests and forged authenticated requests.
so we want to give the user a unique token that he can save (away from cookies) and the user uses that token in each unsafe request (ie any request that changes the state)

when and how to get csrf token ?

1- In Spring Security 5, the default behavior is that the CsrfToken will be loaded on every response. so you by default you get an XSRF-TOKEN cookie within each response from the server.

2- In Spring Security 6, the default is that the lookup of the CsrfToken will be deferred until it is needed. so the cookie won't be set unless you send a state changing request (post, put, ...)
you can overcome this and get csrfToken for each request with the following configurations .

public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    CookieCsrfTokenRepository tokenRepository = CookieCsrfTokenRepository.withHttpOnlyFalse();
	CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler requestHandler = new CsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler();
	// set the name of the attribute the CsrfToken will be populated on
		.csrf((csrf) -&gt; csrf
		.addFilterAfter(new CsrfCookieFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);

	return http.build();

private static final class CsrfCookieFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {

	protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
			throws ServletException, IOException {
		CsrfToken csrfToken = (CsrfToken) request.getAttribute(CsrfToken.class.getName());
		// Render the token value to a cookie by causing the deferred token to be loaded

		filterChain.doFilter(request, response);

3- also, you can have an endpoint that returns csrf token and you hit it whenever you need. like this

public CsrfToken getCsrfToken(CsrfToken csrf) {
    return csrf;

all 3 are acceptable solutions.
in the first and second you fetch XSRF-TOKEN from cookies and
in the third you fetch the token from the response body, then use it as X-CSRF-TOKEN header with next unsafe requests.

links that may help :




  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 18:04:18
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76530759.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
