Quarkus Hibernate 反应式 – 事务未在事件处理程序中执行(订阅)。

huangapple go评论72阅读模式

Quarkus Hibernate Reactive - Transaction not executed (subscribed to) inside an event handler


我正在使用带有Panache的Hibernate Reactive。

  1. @ConsumeEvent(value = "save-result")
  2. @ReactiveTransactional
  3. public Uni<ResultEntity> saveResult(ResultMessage msg) {
  4. ResultEntity result = msg.getResultEntity();
  5. result.setComplete(true);
  6. LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "======> About to save Result: {0}", result);
  7. return resultRepository.persistAndFlush(result)
  8. .onItem().invoke(() -> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,
  9. "Result has been saved"));
  10. }

事件已被消耗(日志"About to save..."已打印),但实体未被保存。就好像事务未被订阅一样(日志消息"Result has been saved"也未被打印)。

我正在运行Quarkus 2.16.7(在此之前,我尝试过2.12.x,但没有运气)。

请注意,我有另一个ApplicationScoped bean,在其中类似的操作(虽然更复杂)运行得很好。



出于测试目的,我稍微更改了代码,如下所示,添加了另一行日志,以检查Uni是否被订阅,显然它被订阅了(因为"----> in flow"被输出),但实体不会被持久化,并且"Result has been saved"也从未被打印出来。

  1. @ConsumeEvent(value = "save-result")
  2. @ReactiveTransactional
  3. public Uni<ResultEntity> saveResult(ResultMessage msg) {
  4. ResultEntity result = msg.getResultEntity();
  5. result.setComplete(true);
  6. LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "======> About to save Result: {0}", result);
  7. return Uni.createFrom().voidItem().onItem()
  8. .invoke(() -> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,"----> in flow"))
  9. .onItem().transformToUni(unused -> resultRepository.persistAndFlush(result)
  10. .onItem().invoke(() -> LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,
  11. "Result has been saved")));
  12. }



I am using Hibernate Reactive with Panache.
I have the following event handler:

  1. @ConsumeEvent(value = &quot;save-result&quot;)
  2. @ReactiveTransactional
  3. public Uni&lt;ResultEntity&gt; saveResult(ResultMessage msg) {
  4. ResultEntity result= msg.getResultEntity();
  5. result.setComplete(true);
  6. LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, &quot;======&gt; About to save Result: {0}&quot;, result);
  7. return resultRepository.persistAndFlush(result)
  8. .onItem().invoke(() -&gt; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,
  9. &quot;Result has been saved&quot;);
  10. }

The event is being consumed (the log "About to save..." is printed), but the entity is not being saved. It is as if the transaction is not being subscribed to. (the log message "Result has been saved" is not being printed either)

I'm running on Quarkus 2.16.7 (prior to that, I tried with 2.12.x with no luck).

Note that I have another ApplicationScoped bean where a similar operation (though more complex) works just fine.

I'm not new to Quarkus (I've been working with it for a couple of months), but I'm not an expert either, and yet I am dumbfounded that this does not work.

Why is the transaction not being executed? Am I missing something?

For testing purposes, I have changed the code a bit, by adding another log line as seen below, to check whether the Uni is being subscribed and apparently it is (since "----> in flow" is being outputted), yet the entity is not persisted and "Result has been saved" is never printed either.

  1. @ConsumeEvent(value = &quot;save-result&quot;)
  2. @ReactiveTransactional
  3. public Uni&lt;ResultEntity&gt; saveResult(ResultMessage msg) {
  4. ResultEntity result= msg.getResultEntity();
  5. result.setComplete(true);
  6. LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, &quot;======&gt; About to save Result: {0}&quot;, result);
  7. return Uni.createFrom().voidItem().onItem()
  8. .invoke(() -&gt; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,&quot;----&gt; in flow&quot;))
  9. .onItem().transformToUni(unused -&gt; resultRepository.persistAndFlush(result)
  10. .onItem().invoke(() -&gt; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,
  11. &quot;Result has been saved&quot;)));
  12. }

I suspect that it might be an issue similar to https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/12925 or to https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/14591 but I cannot confirm that.


得分: 1





So I added .onFailure().invoke(Throwable::printStackTrace) right after persistAndFlush and saw that the operation threw a HibernateException.

This means that the exceptions are silently captured and ignored when executed within a @ConsumeEvent method, and therefore the transaction never completes. (similar to the closed issues described here and here).

Seems like another issue needs to be opened for this.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 17:14:16
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76530309.html



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