
huangapple go评论59阅读模式

Merging and flattening two lists of dictionaries using keys as new fields






    'SourceIP': 'src2',
    'DestinationIP': 'dst',
    'Direction': 'dir',
    'NEW': 'newvalue'


import operator

default = [
    {"RealField": "SourceIP", "SuppliedField": "src"},
    {"RealField": "DestinationIP", "SuppliedField": "dst"},
    {"RealField": "Direction", "SuppliedField": "dir"}

product_mapping = [
    {"RealField": "SourceIP", "SuppliedField": "src2"},
    {"RealField": "DestinationIP", "SuppliedField": "dst2"},
    {"RealField": "NEW", "SuppliedField": "newvalue"},

def dictionary_from_mappings(default_mapping, product_mapping):
    default = [{i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"]} for i in default_mapping]
    default_flat = reduce(operator.ior, default, {})

    product = [{i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"]} for i in product_mapping]
    product_flat = reduce(operator.ior, product, {})
    return default_flat | product_flat

mappings = dictionary_from_mappings(default, product_mapping)

I have two lists of dictionaries, each with the same structure. I wish to flatten into a single dictionary taking precedence of list 2, taking the value as the key of a new flat dictionary.

The following code works, but it feels like it's hacking together code that can probably be done via one or two simple comprehensions. Is there a better way than this?

It produces this:

{'SourceIP': 'src2', 
 'DestinationIP': 'dst', 
 'Direction': 'dir', 
 'NEW': 'newvalue'

Here is the code:

import operator

default = [
    {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src"},
    {"RealField": "DestinationIP", "SuppliedField": "dst"},
    {"RealField": "Direction", "SuppliedField": "dir"}

product_mapping = [
    {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src2"},
    {"RealField": "DestinationIP",   "SuppliedField": "dst2"},
    {"RealField": "NEW",   "SuppliedField": "newvalue"},

def dictionary_from_mappings(default_mapping, product_mapping):
    default = [{i["RealField"]:i["SuppliedField"]} for i in default_mapping]
    default_flat = reduce(operator.ior, default, {})
    product = [{i["RealField"]:i["SuppliedField"]} for i in product_mapping]
    product_flat = reduce(operator.ior, product, {})
    return default_flat | product_flat

mappings = dictionary_from_mappings(default, product_mapping)


得分: 2


def dictionary_from_mappings(default_mapping, product_mapping):
    default_flat = {i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"] for i in default_mapping}
    product_flat = {i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"] for i in product_mapping}
    return default_flat | product_flat

You can use dict comprehensions to create the flats directly, like this:

def dictionary_from_mappings(default_mapping, product_mapping):  
    default_flat = {i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"] for i in default_mapping}  
    product_flat = {i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"] for i in product_mapping}
    return default_flat | product_flat  


得分: 1


def flat_dict(nested):
    return {x["RealField"]: x["SuppliedField"] for x in nested}

def dictionary_from_mappings(default_mapping, product_mapping):
    return flat_dict(default_mapping) | flat_dict(product_mapping)



Your example isn't fully reproducable, but I think this is what you want:

def flat_dict(nested):
    return {x["RealField"]: x["SuppliedField"] for x in nested}

def dictionary_from_mappings(default_mapping, product_mapping):
    return flat_dict(default_mapping) | flat_dict(product_mapping)

The key is to use a second function with a simple dict comprehension and call it twice to eliminate code duplication


得分: 0


"Comin' in hot years later as we were looking for example questions to answer and stumbled across this one."
-> "几年后,当我们正在寻找示例问题以回答时,我们偶然发现了这个问题。"

"Clearly you have the needed solutions above, but I thought i'd include the work we did for our local example here as a reference or in the event that someone find it helpful."
-> "显然,您在上面已经有所需的解决方案,但我想在这里包括我们为本地示例所做的工作,作为参考或以防有人觉得有帮助。"

"Few things I did notice / made assumptions on:"
-> "我注意到的几件事/基于的假设:"

"> wish to flatten into a single dictionary taking precedence of list 2, taking the value as the key of a new flat dictionary."
-> "> 希望将其压缩成一个单一的字典,以第2个列表为优先,并将值作为新平坦字典的键。"

"I took this to mean: for N-number of lists, when combining the dictionaries contained within them, the last list to be iterated over which contains a key:value that appears in a prior list, override to the newest value. This gets a little confusing given the example output you provided here:"
-> "我理解这意味着:对于N个列表,在合并其中包含的字典时,应迭代的最后一个列表,其中包含在先前列表中出现的“键:值”,将其覆盖为最新的值。鉴于您提供的示例输出,这有点令人困惑:"

"my assumption is it was meant to be:"
-> "我假设应该是这样的:"

"So with that assumption, we wanted to make our answer:"
-> "因此,基于这个假设,我们希望制定我们的答案:"

"1) not locked into to any hardcoded variables"
-> "1) 不锁定到任何硬编码的变量"

"2) allow to pass in N dictionaries, rather than static number of 2"
-> "2) 允许传递N个字典,而不是固定的2个"

"What we came up with:"
-> "我们想出了以下解决方案:"

"kapow kinda un-nest a list of dicts and create new k:v from values"
-> "kapow函数有点解嵌套字典列表并从值创建新的键值对"

"Function to essentially do nothing more than generate a new dictionary by iterating over a list of dictionaries, whereby the key will be the value of the first item, and the value will be the..well..value from the second item. In essence doing away with the key of the second altogether:"
-> "这个函数基本上不做任何事情,只是通过迭代字典列表生成一个新的字典,其中键将是第一个项的值,而值将是第二个项的值。本质上完全取消第二个键:"

-> "例如:"

"return(dict(map(lambda i: i.values(), l)))"
-> "返回(字典(map(lambda i:i.values(),l)))"

"dict_from_mappings for any number of lists of dicts combine into one"
-> "dict_from_mappings用于合并任意数量的字典列表为一个"

"L = [kapow(i) for i in args]"
-> "L = [kapow(i) for i in args]"

"return(dict(j for i in L for j in i.items()))"
-> "return(字典(j for i in L for j in i.items()))"

"Resulting in"
-> "导致"


Comin' in hot years later as we were looking for example questions to answer and stumbled across this one.

Clearly you have the needed solutions above, but I thought i'd include the work we did for our local example here as a reference or in the event that someone find it helpful.

Few things I did notice / made assumptions on:

> wish to flatten into a single dictionary taking precedence of list 2, taking the value as the key of a new flat dictionary.

I took this to mean: for N-number of lists, when combining the dictionaries contained within them, the last list to be iterated over which contains a key:value that appears in a prior list, override to the newest value. This gets a little confusing given the example output you provided here:

 'SourceIP': 'src2', # <-- comes from product_mapping ie: second dict
 'DestinationIP': 'dst', # <-- comes from default
 'Direction': 'dir', # <-- comes from/only appears in default
 'NEW': 'newvalue' # <-- only appears in product_mapping

my assumption is it was meant to be:

 'SourceIP': 'src2', # <-- comes from product_mapping ie: second dict
 'DestinationIP': 'dst2', # <-- comes from product_mapping ie: second dict
 'Direction': 'dir', # <-- comes from/only appears in default
 'NEW': 'newvalue' # <-- only appears in product_mapping

So with that assumption, we wanted to make our answer:

  1. not locked into to any hardcoded variables
  2. allow to pass in N dictionaries, rather than static number of 2

What we came up with:

def kapow(l):
    """kapow kinda un-nest a list of dicts and create new k:v from values

    Function to essentially do nothing more than generate a new dictionary by iterating over a list of dictionaries,
    whereby the key will be the value of the first item, and the value will be the..well..value from the second item.
    In essence doing away with the key of the second altogether:
       "one" : 1,
       "two" : 2
    } --> {"one" : 2}

                    KEY -----------------------  VALUE
                     |                              |
    {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src"}
    # kinda weird but i get it given the probable use case scenario of the source data

    l : list
        Expects a list of dictionaries. 

    >>> _l1 = [
        {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src"},
        {"RealField": "DestinationIP", "SuppliedField": "dst"}
    >>> kapow(_l1)

    out [1]:  {'SourceIP': 'src', 'DestinationIP': 'dst'}

    return(dict(map(lambda i: i.values(), l)))

def dict_from_mappings(*args):
    """dict_from_mappings for any number of lists of dicts combine into one

    >>> default = [
        {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src"},
        {"RealField": "DestinationIP", "SuppliedField": "dst"},
        {"RealField": "Direction", "SuppliedField": "dir"}

    >>> product_mapping = [
        {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src2"},
        {"RealField": "DestinationIP",   "SuppliedField": "dst2"},
        {"RealField": "NEW",   "SuppliedField": "newvalue"},

    >>> a_random_af_third = [
        {"RealField": "SourceIP",   "SuppliedField": "src2"},
        {"RealField": "DestinationIP",   "SuppliedField": "dst2"},
        {"RealField": "NEW",   "SuppliedField": "newvalue"},
        {"RealField": "idk_man", "SuppliedField": "seems like a real specific issue here but yolo"}

    >>> dict_from_mappings(default, product_mapping, a_random_af_third)
    L = [kapow(i) for i in args]

    return(dict(j for i in L for j in i.items()))

Resulting in

dict_from_mappings(default, product_mapping, a_random_af_third)

{'SourceIP': 'src2',
 'DestinationIP': 'dst2',
 'Direction': 'dir',
 'NEW': 'newvalue',
 'idk_man': 'seems like a real specific issue here but yolo'}


得分: 0


def dictionary_from_mappings(default, product_mapping):
    d = {}
    for i in default:
        d.update({i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"]})

    p = {}
    for i in product_mapping:
        p.update({i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"]})

    return d | p


    'SourceIP': 'src2',
    'DestinationIP': 'dst2',
    'Direction': 'dir',
    'NEW': 'newvalue'

This is a similiar approach to the first two solutions, but you can use two loops to loop through each element in the list dictionary and update the new dictionary then return it.

def dictionary_from_mappings(default, product_mapping):
d = {}
for i in default:
d.update({i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"]})
p = {}
for i in product_mapping:
p.update({i["RealField"]: i["SuppliedField"]})
return d | p

The result is:

 {'SourceIP': 'src2', 
'DestinationIP': 'dst2', 
'Direction': 'dir', 
'NEW': 'newvalue'}

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 17:01:30
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76530205.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
