Parameterizing ThenInclude() in Entity Framework

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Parameterizing ThenInclude() in Entity Framework


我已经创建了一种设置我的 EF 查询的方法,通过传递参数来使用 Include()

public static class AppUserExtensions
    public static IQueryable<AppUser> FindById(this IQueryable<AppUser> source, int userId, Expression<Func<AppUser, object?>>[] includes)
        var query = source.Where(u => u.Id == userId);
        foreach (var include in includes)
            query = query.Include(include);
        return query;

public static class AppUserIncludes
    public static Expression<Func<AppUser, object?>>[] Organizations => new Expression<Func<AppUser, object?>>[]
        u => u.Campaigns,
        u => u.Cantons,
        u => u.States,
        u => u.Countries,


但是... 我现在也面临着对 ThenInclude() 的相同问题。


Complex<T1, T2> Expression<Expression<Func<T1, object?>>, Expression<Func<T2, object?>>[]>


<AppUser, Campaign>(u => u.Campaigns, CampaignExtensions.Parents)


foreach (var thenInclude in thenIncludes)
    query = query.Include(include).ThenInclude(thenInclude);


另外,我假设最终查询中可能会有相同的 Include(u => u.Campaigns) 出现3次或5次没有什么坏处。SQL Server 会将其减少为相同的 SQL,因为它会解析所有表达式吗?

进一步的思考。如果我按照如下方式调用 Include(),它会返回一个知道自己正在返回一个集合的类型:

IIncludableQueryable<Campaign, ICollection<AppUser>> x = query.Include(campaign => campaign.Followers!);

所以在这种情况下,T1 是 AppUser,它返回一个对象,该对象知道 Campaign 需要成为 T2 的类型。因此,如果有一种方法可以在代码中知道这一点,以便在编写代码时进行类型检查,那将是最理想的情况。

所有的信息都在那里,所以我猜这是可能的。我为 C# 和泛型添加了标签,因为这可能更多是一个关于泛型的问题,而不是 EF 的问题。


I've created a way to set up my EF queries to take what gets Include() via passing a parameter.

public static class AppUserExtensions
    public static IQueryable&lt;AppUser&gt; FindById(this IQueryable&lt;AppUser&gt; source, int userId, Expression&lt;Func&lt;AppUser, object?&gt;&gt;[] includes)
		var query = source.Where(u =&gt; u.Id == userId);
		foreach (var include in includes)
			query = query.Include(include);
		return query;

public static class AppUserIncludes
	public static Expression&lt;Func&lt;AppUser, object?&gt;&gt;[] Organizations =&gt; new Expression&lt;Func&lt;AppUser, object?&gt;&gt;[]
		u =&gt; u.Campaigns,
		u =&gt; u.Cantons,
		u =&gt; u.States,
		u =&gt; u.Countries,

The beauty of this approach is I avoid long queries strewn throughout my code and instead have a set of queries for any kind of search and then this set of arrays to select which properties to Include(). And I can use any array with any query.

But... I'm now facing the same issue for ThenInclude().

What I want is some kind of object to build an array of like (what I'm writing here I know is not valid):

Complex&lt;T1, T2&gt; Expression&lt;Expression&lt;Func&lt;T1, object?&gt;&gt;, Expression&lt;Func&lt;T2, object?&gt;&gt;[]&gt;

I'm struggling with exactly what/how to do this. But I want to be able to create something where I pass:

&lt;AppUser, Campaign&gt;(u =&gt; u.Campaigns, CampaignExtensions.Parents)

And then in the query I can do something like:

		foreach (var thenInclude in thenIncludes)
			query = query.Include(include).ThenInclude(thenInclude);

I know I may not be explaining this perfectly as I'm not sure how to accomplish this and that's why I'm asking. I hope this is enough that someone can help. Is there a way to do this?

Also, I assume there's no downside to the eventual query possibly having the same Include(u =&gt; u.Campaigns) in ot 3 or 5 times. Doesn't SQL Server reduce this down to the same SQL as it figures out all the expressions?

Further thought. If I call Include() as follows, it returns a type that knows what type it is returning a collection of:

IIncludableQueryable&lt;Campaign, ICollection&lt;AppUser&gt;&gt; x = query.Include(campaign =&gt; campaign.Followers!);

So where T1 in this case is AppUser, it returns an object that knows Campaign needs to be the type for T2. So if there's a way to know that in the code so it is type checking as I write it, and at compile time, that would be optimal.

The information is all there so I'm guessing this is possible. I added tags for C# & generics because this may be more a generics question and not so much an EF question.


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h/t 致谢 Karen Payne 在 MSDN 上




h/t to Karen Payne on MSDN

Seems you should be able to do this with path The dot-separated list of related objects to return in the query results.

Example Include("Addresses.StateProvince.CountryRegion")

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