Static member 'currency' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'SomeProtocol.Type'

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Static member 'currency' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'SomeProtocol.Type'





Text(20.0, format: .currency(code: Locale.current.currency?.identifier ?? "USD"))


init<F>(_ input: F.FormatInput, format: F) where F : FormatStyle, F.FormatInput : Equatable, F.FormatOutput == String



protocol SomeProtocol {
    associatedtype SomeType: SomeProtocol
    var a: String { get }
    var b: String { get }
    static func currency(x: Int) -> SomeType

func someTest<T>(x: T) -> String where T: SomeProtocol{
    return "this works!"

struct AnotherType: SomeProtocol {
    let a = "Test"
    let b = "someTest"

    static func currency(x: Int) -> AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

someTest(x: .currency(x: 20))

I will give you some context first. I'm trying to make a function that takes as a parameter any type that conforms to a protocol (SomeProtocol). So, I created a struct with static method called currency and this struct conforms to SomeProtocol, but, I'm getting this error when trying to pass the method as argument for that generic function: "Static member 'currency' cannot be used on protocol metatype 'SomeProtocol.Type'".

I'm just trying to recreate this SwiftUI code:

Text(20.0, format: .currency(code: Locale.current.currency?.identifier ?? &quot;USD&quot;))

Reading the documentation, the function from above is a generic init() that takes a generic type that conforms to some protocols.

init&lt;F&gt;(_ input: F.FormatInput, format: F) where F : FormatStyle, F.FormatInput : Equatable, F.FormatOutput == String

So, .currency() is a static method that comes from FloatingPointFormatStyle.Currency, a structthat conforms to FormatStyle.

My question is, why is this working in SwiftUI (passing a static method from a struct that conforms to a protocol as an argument to a function that accepts any type that conforms to that protocol) but is not in my own example:

protocol SomeProtocol {
    associatedtype SomeType: SomeProtocol
    var a: String { get }
    var b: String { get }
    static func currency(x: Int) -&gt; SomeType

func someTest&lt;T&gt;(x: T) -&gt; String where T: SomeProtocol{
    return &quot;this works!&quot;

struct AnotherType: SomeProtocol {
    let a = &quot;Test&quot;
    let b = &quot;someTest&quot;

    static func currency(x: Int) -&gt; AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

someTest(x: .currency(x: 20))


得分: 1



Swift 只知道参数 x 期望某个 SomeProtocol 类型,但不知道是哪一个。所以它认为你的意思是:

someTest(x: SomeProtocol.currency(x: 20))

这是无效的。你要调用哪个实现的 currencySomeProtocol 中声明的 currency 方法没有实现!

你只能在协议的具体实现上调用 currency,例如 AnotherType.currency(x: 20)

请注意,内置 currency 的文档中没有提到“必需”或“提供默认实现”。SwiftUI 实际上是创建了一个包含 currency 实现的协议扩展,而不是创建协议要求:

extension SomeProtocol {
    static func currency(x: Int) -> AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

但这还不够。你仍然不能执行 SomeProtocol.currency(...)。如果 currency 使用协议的某些静态要求,Swift 不知道是否有任何静态要求,或者 currency 是否使用了它们。


extension SomeProtocol where Self == AnotherType {
    static func currency(x: Int) -> AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

现在 Swift 知道 .currency(x: 20) 意味着 AnotherType.currency(x: 20)

请注意,SomeType 关联类型是不必要的。如果需要,你可以添加涉及它的进一步约束,但对于这种隐式成员表达式的工作来说,它并不是必需的。


Note that .currency(...) is an implicit member expression.

> An implicit member expression is an abbreviated way to access a member of a type, such as an enumeration case or a type method, in a context where type inference can determine the implied type.

Swift only knows that the parameter x expects some SomeProtocol type, but doesn't know which one. So it thinks that you mean:

someTest(x: SomeProtocol.currency(x: 20))

This is invalid. Which implementation's currency are you calling? The currency method declared in SomeProtocol has no implementation!

You can only call currency on specific implementations of the protocol, e.g. AnotherType.currency(x: 20).

Notice that the documentation for the builtin currency doesn't say anything like "Required", or "Default implementation provided". What SwiftUI does is make an extension of the protocol that contains the implementation of currency, instead of making a protocol requirement:

extension SomeProtocol {
    static func currency(x: Int) -&gt; AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

But this is still not enough though. You still cannot do SomeProtocol.currency(...). What if currency uses some static requirements of the protocol? Swift doesn't know whether there is any, or whether currency uses them.

So you actually need:

extension SomeProtocol where Self == AnotherType {
    static func currency(x: Int) -&gt; AnotherType {
        return AnotherType()

Now Swift knows that .currency(x: 20) means AnotherType.currency(x: 20).

Note that the SomeType associated type is unnecessary. You can add further constraints involving that if you want, but it is not necessary for this kind of implicit member expression to work.

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