Attribute error while integrating Google TTS with YOLOv8

huangapple go评论64阅读模式

Attribute error while integrating Google TTS with YOLOv8



"My project aims to detect object labels and coordinates and then convert them into a string which is converted into voice using gTTS but I keep getting an attribute error in the prediction labels. I am new to this framework, any help will be appreciated."


import cv2
from gtts import gTTS
import os
from ultralytics import YOLO

def convert_labels_to_text(labels):
    text = ", ".join(labels)
    return text

class YOLOWithLabels(YOLO):
    def __call__(self, frame):
        results = super().__call__(frame)
        labels = results.pred[0].get_field("labels").tolist()
        annotated_frame = results.render()
        return annotated_frame, labels

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
model = YOLOWithLabels('')

while cap.isOpened():
    success, frame =

    if success:
        annotated_frame, labels = model(frame)

        message = convert_labels_to_text(labels)

        tts_engine = gTTS(text=message)  # Initialize gTTS with the message"output.mp3")

        cv2.putText(annotated_frame, message, (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
        cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Inference", annotated_frame)

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):




File "C:\Users\alien\Desktop\YOLOv8 project files\gtts service\", line 13, in __call__
    labels = results.pred[0].get_field("labels").tolist()
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'pred'

orig_shape: (480, 640)
path: 'image0.jpg'
probs: None
save_dir: None
speed: {'preprocess': 3.1604766845703125, 'inference': 307.905912399292, 'postprocess': 2.8924942016601562}]
0: 480x640 1 person, 272.4ms
Speed: 3.0ms preprocess, 272.4ms inference, 4.0ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
[ultralytics.yolo.engine.results.Results object with attributes:
    boxes: ultralytics.yolo.engine.results.Boxes object
    keypoints: None
    keys: ['boxes']
    masks: None
    names: {0: 'person', 1: 'bicycle', 2: 'car', 3: 'motorcycle', 4: 'airplane', 5: 'bus', 6: 'train', 7: 'truck', 8: 'boat', 9: 'traffic light', 10: 'fire hydrant', 11: 'stop sign', 12: 'parking meter', 13: 'bench', 14: 'bird', 15: 'cat', 16: 'dog', 17: 'horse', 18: 'sheep', 19: 'cow', 20: 'elephant', 21: 'bear', 22: 'zebra', 23: 'giraffe', 24: 'backpack', 25: 'umbrella', 26: 'handbag', 27: 'tie', 28: 'suitcase', 29: 'frisbee', 30: 'skis', 31: 'snowboard', 32: 'sports ball', 33: 'kite', 34: 'baseball bat', 35: 'baseball glove', 36: 'skateboard', 37: 'surfboard', 38: 'tennis racket', 39: 'bottle', 40: 'wine glass', 41: 'cup', 42: 'fork', 43: 'knife', 44: 'spoon', 45: 'bowl', 46: 'banana', 47: 'apple', 48: 'sandwich', 49: 'orange', 50: 'broccoli', 51: 'carrot', 52: 'hot dog', 53: 'pizza', 54: 'donut', 55: 'cake', 56: 'chair', 57: 'couch', 58: 'potted plant', 59: 'bed', 60: 'dining table', 61: 'toilet', 62: 'tv', 63: 'laptop', 64: 'mouse', 65: 'remote', 66: 'keyboard', 67: 'cell phone', 68: 'microwave', 69: 'oven', 70: 'toaster', 71: 'sink', 72: 'refrigerator', 73: 'book', 74: 'clock', 75: 'vase', 76: 'scissors', 77: 'teddy bear', 78: 'hair drier', 79: 'toothbrush.'}
    orig_img: array([[[168, 167, 166],
            [165, 165, 165],
            [165, 166, 167],
            [183, 186, 178],
            [183, 186, 178],
            [184, 187, 179]],

           [[168, 167, 165],
            [166, 165, 165],
            [166, 167, 166],
            [184, 187, 179],
            [183, 186, 178],
            [184, 187, 179]],

           [[168, 167, 164],
            [167, 167, 164],
            [167, 167, 165],
            [184, 187, 178],
            [184, 187, 179],
            [183, 186, 178]],


           [[196, 192, 185],
            [196, 192, 185],
            [196, 192, 185],
            [ 25,  29,  38],
            [ 22,  25,  35],
            [ 20,  24,  34]],

           [[199, 195, 187],
            [197, 193, 186],
            [197, 193, 186],
            [ 23,  26,  35],
            [ 22,  25,  35],
            [ 22,  25,  35]],

           [[199, 195, 187],
            [199, 195, 187],
            [199, 195, 187],
            [ 20,  24,  33],
            [ 19


My project aims to detect object labels and coordinates and then convert them into a string which is converted into voice using gTTS but I keep getting an attribute error in the prediction labels. I am new to this framework, any help will be appreciated.


    import cv2
    from gtts import gTTS
    import os
    from ultralytics import YOLO
    def convert_labels_to_text(labels):
        text = &quot;, &quot;.join(labels)
        return text
    class YOLOWithLabels(YOLO):
        def __call__(self, frame):
            results = super().__call__(frame)
            labels = results.pred[0].get_field(&quot;labels&quot;).tolist()
            annotated_frame = results.render()
            return annotated_frame, labels
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    model = YOLOWithLabels(&#39;;)
    while cap.isOpened():
        success, frame =
        if success:
            annotated_frame, labels = model(frame)
            message = convert_labels_to_text(labels)
            tts_engine = gTTS(text=message)  # Initialize gTTS with the message
            cv2.putText(annotated_frame, message, (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.imshow(&quot;YOLOv8 Inference&quot;, annotated_frame)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) &amp; 0xFF == ord(&quot;q&quot;):


    File &quot;C:\Users\alien\Desktop\YOLOv8 project files\gtts service\;, line 13, in __call__
        labels = results.pred[0].get_field(&quot;labels&quot;).tolist()
    AttributeError: &#39;list&#39; object has no attribute &#39;pred&#39;

orig_shape: (480, 640)
path: &#39;image0.jpg&#39;
probs: None
save_dir: None
speed: {&#39;preprocess&#39;: 3.1604766845703125, &#39;inference&#39;: 307.905912399292, &#39;postprocess&#39;: 2.8924942016601562}]
0: 480x640 1 person, 272.4ms
Speed: 3.0ms preprocess, 272.4ms inference, 4.0ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 640, 640)
[ultralytics.yolo.engine.results.Results object with attributes:
    boxes: ultralytics.yolo.engine.results.Boxes object
    keypoints: None
    keys: [&#39;boxes&#39;]
    masks: None
    names: {0: &#39;person&#39;, 1: &#39;bicycle&#39;, 2: &#39;car&#39;, 3: &#39;motorcycle&#39;, 4: &#39;airplane&#39;, 5: &#39;bus&#39;, 6: &#39;train&#39;, 7: &#39;truck&#39;, 8: &#39;boat&#39;, 9: &#39;traffic light&#39;, 10: &#39;fire hydrant&#39;, 11: &#39;stop sign&#39;, 12: &#39;parking meter&#39;, 13: &#39;bench&#39;, 14: &#39;bird&#39;, 15: &#39;cat&#39;, 16: &#39;dog&#39;, 17: &#39;horse&#39;, 18: &#39;sheep&#39;, 19: &#39;cow&#39;, 20: &#39;elephant&#39;, 21: &#39;bear&#39;, 22: &#39;zebra&#39;, 23: &#39;giraffe&#39;, 24: &#39;backpack&#39;, 25: &#39;umbrella&#39;, 26: &#39;handbag&#39;, 27: &#39;tie&#39;, 28: &#39;suitcase&#39;, 29: &#39;frisbee&#39;, 30: &#39;skis&#39;, 31: &#39;snowboard&#39;, 32: &#39;sports ball&#39;, 33: &#39;kite&#39;, 34: &#39;baseball bat&#39;, 35: &#39;baseball glove&#39;, 36: &#39;skateboard&#39;, 37: &#39;surfboard&#39;, 38: &#39;tennis racket&#39;, 39: &#39;bottle&#39;, 40: &#39;wine glass&#39;, 41: &#39;cup&#39;, 42: &#39;fork&#39;, 43: &#39;knife&#39;, 44: &#39;spoon&#39;, 45: &#39;bowl&#39;, 46: &#39;banana&#39;, 47: &#39;apple&#39;, 48: &#39;sandwich&#39;, 49: &#39;orange&#39;, 50: &#39;broccoli&#39;, 51: &#39;carrot&#39;, 52: &#39;hot dog&#39;, 53: &#39;pizza&#39;, 54: &#39;donut&#39;, 55: &#39;cake&#39;, 56: &#39;chair&#39;, 57: &#39;couch&#39;, 58: &#39;potted plant&#39;, 59: &#39;bed&#39;, 60: &#39;dining table&#39;, 61: &#39;toilet&#39;, 62: &#39;tv&#39;, 63: &#39;laptop&#39;, 64: &#39;mouse&#39;, 65: &#39;remote&#39;, 66: &#39;keyboard&#39;, 67: &#39;cell phone&#39;, 68: &#39;microwave&#39;, 69: &#39;oven&#39;, 70: &#39;toaster&#39;, 71: &#39;sink&#39;, 72: &#39;refrigerator&#39;, 73: &#39;book&#39;, 74: &#39;clock&#39;, 75: &#39;vase&#39;, 76: &#39;scissors&#39;, 77: &#39;teddy bear&#39;, 78: &#39;hair drier&#39;, 79: &#39;toothbrush&#39;}
    orig_img: array([[[168, 167, 166],
            [165, 165, 165],
            [165, 166, 167],
            [183, 186, 178],
            [183, 186, 178],
            [184, 187, 179]],

           [[168, 167, 165],
            [166, 165, 165],
            [166, 167, 166],
            [184, 187, 179],
            [183, 186, 178],
            [184, 187, 179]],

           [[168, 167, 164],
            [167, 167, 164],
            [167, 167, 165],
            [184, 187, 178],
            [184, 187, 179],
            [183, 186, 178]],


           [[196, 192, 185],
            [196, 192, 185],
            [196, 192, 185],
            [ 25,  29,  38],
            [ 22,  25,  35],
            [ 20,  24,  34]],

           [[199, 195, 187],
            [197, 193, 186],
            [197, 193, 186],
            [ 23,  26,  35],
            [ 22,  25,  35],
            [ 22,  25,  35]],

           [[199, 195, 187],
            [199, 195, 187],
            [199, 195, 187],
            [ 20,  24,  33],
            [ 19,  23,  33],
            [ 19,  23,  33]]], dtype=uint8)


# 答案1
**得分**: 0


from ultralytics import YOLO

model = YOLO('')
results = model('')


for result in results:
    boxes = result.boxes.cpu().numpy()
    for box in boxes:

model.names 包含所有可预测的类别。每个 box 都有一个 cls(缩写为 class)属性,它是一个整数值列表。您可以在 model.names 字典中查找该类别。

附注:每个 box 都有一个 整数 列表,表示模型可以为一个边界框返回多个类别。此示例仅获取 box.cls 列表中的第一个类别。


May God have mercy on whoever wrote Ultralytics's docs... Here's how you can print only the labels:

from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO(&#39;;)
results = model(&#39;;)
for result in results:
boxes = result.boxes.cpu().numpy()
for box in boxes:

model.names contains all the classes that can be predicted. Each box has a cls (class for short) attribute which is a list of int values. You can search for that class in the model.names dictionary.

PS: Each box has a list of ints which indicates that the model can return multiple classes for one bounding box. This example only takes first of the classes in the box.cls list.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月22日 01:35:07
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
