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Error message when trying to pool multiple imputations



  1. No tidy method for objects of class qr




  1. # 插补数据
  2. imp <- mice(df_2, m = 5, seed = 2023)
  3. df_imp <- complete(imp, "long", include = FALSE)
  4. df_3 <- df_imp %>%
  5. mutate(
  6. DASS_stress = DASS_1 + DASS_6 + DASS_8 + DASS_11 + DASS_12 + DASS_14 + DASS_18,
  7. DASS_anxiety = DASS_2 + DASS_4 + DASS_7 + DASS_9 + DASS_15 + DASS_19 + DASS_20,
  8. DASS_depression = DASS_3 + DASS_5 + DASS_10 + DASS_13 + DASS_16 + DASS_17 + DASS_21,
  9. DASS_total = DASS_stress + DASS_anxiety + DASS_depression,
  10. IBQ_surgency = sum(IBQ_1 + IBQ_2 + IBQ_7 + IBQ_8, IBQ_13 + IBQ_14 + IBQ_15 + IBQ_20 + IBQ_21 + IBQ_26 + IBQ_27 + IBQ_36 + IBQ_37),
  11. COPE_approach_Eis = COPE_2 + COPE_7 + COPE_5 + COPE_15 + COPE_10 + COPE_23 + COPE_12 + COPE_17 + COPE_14 + COPE_25 + COPE_20 + COPE_24,
  12. COPE_avoidant_Eis = COPE_1 + COPE_19 + COPE_3 + COPE_8 + COPE_4 + COPE_11 + COPE_5 + COPE_15 + COPE_6 + COPE_16 + COPE_9 + COPE_21 + COPE_13 + COPE_26,
  13. COPE_total = COPE_1 + COPE_2 + COPE_3 + COPE_4 + COPE_5 + COPE_6 + COPE_7 + COPE_8 + COPE_9 + COPE_10 + COPE_11 + COPE_12 + COPE_13 + COPE_14 + COPE_15 + COPE_16 + COPE_17 + COPE_18 + COPE_19 + COPE_20 + COPE_21 + COPE_22 + COPE_23 + COPE_24 + COPE_25 + COPE_26 + COPE_27 + COPE_28,
  14. ISEL_appraisal = ISEL_2 + ISEL_4 + ISEL_6 + ISEL_11,
  15. TIPS_total = TIPS_1 + TIPS_2 + TIPS_3 + TIPS_4 + TIPS_5 + TIPS_6 + TIPS_7 + TIPS_8 + TIPS_9 + TIPS_10 + TIPS_11 + TIPS_12 + TIPS_13 + TIPS_14
  16. )
  17. fit_imp <- with(df_3, exp = lm(DS_score ~ DASS_total + IBQ_surgency + COPE_total + ISEL_appraisal + TIPS_total))
  18. ##summary(pool(fit_imp))
  19. ##pool_imp <- pool(fit_imp)



I have completed a MI with mice in R and have followed the steps for pooling the results that I found on RDocumentation. I think I understand why I have completed the linear regression and now I am trying to pool the results but I keep getting an error message that says :

  1. No tidy method for objects of class qr

I have tried installing tidyverse, broom, broom.mixed but none of these make the error message go away...

I am wondering if I have made it more difficult for myself by computing total scores after the imputation, but this is what I need for the lm...
Attaching my code here in case there is something really obvious that I have missed...

  1. #Imputing data
  2. imp &lt;- mice(df_2, m = 5, seed = 2023)
  3. df_imp &lt;- complete(imp, &quot;long&quot;, include = FALSE)
  4. df_3 &lt;- df_imp %&gt;% mutate(
  5. DASS_stress = DASS_1 + DASS_6 + DASS_8 + DASS_11 + DASS_12 + DASS_14 + DASS_18,
  6. DASS_anxiety = DASS_2 + DASS_4 + DASS_7 + DASS_9 + DASS_15 + DASS_19 + DASS_20,
  7. DASS_depression = DASS_3 + DASS_5 + DASS_10 + DASS_13 + DASS_16 + DASS_17 + DASS_21,
  8. DASS_total = DASS_stress + DASS_anxiety + DASS_depression,
  9. IBQ_surgency = sum(IBQ_1 + IBQ_2+ IBQ_7 + IBQ_8, IBQ_13 + IBQ_14 + IBQ_15 + IBQ_20 + IBQ_21 + IBQ_26 + IBQ_27 + IBQ_36 + IBQ_37),
  10. COPE_approach_Eis = COPE_2 + COPE_7 + COPE_5 + COPE_15 + COPE_10 + COPE_23 + COPE_12 + COPE_17 + COPE_14 + COPE_25 + COPE_20 + COPE_24,
  11. COPE_avoidant_Eis = COPE_1 + COPE_19 + COPE_3 + COPE_8 + COPE_4 + COPE_11 + COPE_5 + COPE_15 + COPE_6 + COPE_16 + COPE_9 + COPE_21 + COPE_13 + COPE_26,
  12. COPE_total = COPE_1 + COPE_2 + COPE_3 + COPE_4 + COPE_5 + COPE_6 + COPE_7 + COPE_8 + COPE_9 + COPE_10 + COPE_11 + COPE_12 + COPE_13 + COPE_14 + COPE_15 + COPE_16 + COPE_17 + COPE_18 + COPE_19 + COPE_20 + COPE_21 + COPE_22 + COPE_23 + COPE_24 + COPE_25 + COPE_26 + COPE_27 + COPE_28,
  13. ISEL_appraisal = ISEL_2 + ISEL_4 + ISEL_6 + ISEL_11,
  14. TIPS_total = TIPS_1 + TIPS_2 + TIPS_3 + TIPS_4 + TIPS_5 + TIPS_6 + TIPS_7 + TIPS_8 + TIPS_9 + TIPS_10 + TIPS_11 + TIPS_12 + TIPS_13 + TIPS_14
  15. )
  16. fit_imp &lt;- with(df_3, exp = lm(DS_score ~ DASS_total + IBQ_surgency + COPE_total + ISEL_appraisal + TIPS_total))
  17. ##summary(pool(fit_imp))
  18. ##pool_imp &lt;- pool(fit_imp)

I have tried to pool with both of those hashtag/commented codes but both of them result in the error message.


得分: 1

如果您查看mice文档,这并不是获得多重插补推断的方法。您不应该“完成”数据。mice的结果具有特殊类别,并且一些回归模型(例如lmglm等)具有处理该类别的签名方法 - 它为每个插补模型拟合,并且输出具有特殊类别。然后,您可以直接在该输出上使用pool来获得这些回归模型的Rubin's Rules推断。

缺失值应被视为随机值。“完成”存在的两个原因之一是为了查看敏感性分析的结果 - 请注意action=对结果有非常不同的影响,而默认值很长(如果Stef从1L更新默认值将会很好)。第二个原因是在默认值尚未添加到mice中时(例如GEEs、最大似然等),手动进行回归分析和应用Rubin's Rules。


If you look through the mice documentation, this is not how you obtain multiply imputed inference at all. You should not "complete" the data. The mice result has a special class, and some regressions (lm, glm for instance) has signed methods to handle the class - it fits models for each imputation and the output has a special class. You can then get the Rubin's Rules inference for those regressions using pool directly on that output.

The missing value should be regarded as a random value. "Complete" exists for two reasons, for one: to look at the result for sensitivity analyses - be aware action= has vastly different impacts on the result, and the default is long (it would be nice if Stef updated the default from 1L). The second is to do by-hand regressions and application of Rubin's Rules in case the defaults aren't already added to mice (such as GEEs, maximum likelihood, etc.)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月8日 21:11:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76512996.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
