Debug Console menu Item missing within Kudu on Azure App Services?

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Debug Console menu Item missing within Kudu on Azure App Services?


我正在尝试使用Kudu在我的应用服务上编辑我的文件。我找到的所有教程都有一个名为“Debug console”的菜单项,它们导航到CMD并可以访问文件管理器。

我的App Service Kudu看起来像这样 -> 没有调试控制台选项的菜单

这是教程中显示的内容 -> 带有CMD下拉菜单的调试控制台菜单 我想在我的wwwroot区域中添加/编辑代码行,但我不知道如何在没有访问Kudu文件管理器的情况下执行此操作。



I am trying to edit my files using Kudu on my app service. All the tutorials I find have a menu item called "Debug console" and they navigate to the CMD and have access to a file manager.

My App Service Kudu looks like this -> Menu with no option of debug console
I was expecting it to have a debug console menu item that allowed me to access the file manager from within kudu.

This is what the tutorials show -> Menu with debug console with dropdown of cmd I want to add/edit lines of code into files from my wwwroot area but I do not know how to do that without access to the kudu file manager.

Edit: I have two app service environments, one being ran on the standard tier and another being ran on premium and neither have this menu item in Kudu.


得分: 1



I was able to fix my issue of being unable to access the file manager from within Kudu by adding '/newui' to the url path. So, the final path that worked to find the information that I needed was just, ''


得分: 0




If you are running on the free tier it would explain why some options are not available.

Try upgrading to Basic Tier.


得分: 0

你看不到调试控制台菜单,因为你正在运行 Linux 上的 App Service。只有在使用 Windows 时才可用该控制台。



你在评论中提到你从市场部署了WordPress on App Service。我创建了一个实例,并能够启动高级工具,点击Bash菜单以打开终端,然后通过输入cd site/wwwroot来查看文件。

我确认 nano 编辑器未安装,并且你不能使用 sudo。但是,vim已安装。所以选项1是使用 vim 来编辑文件,选项2是在WordPress中安装一个文件管理器插件,以便你可以编辑文件。如果你以前没有使用过 vim,请确保在启动之前了解基本命令,如保存和退出。


You don't see the Debug console menu because you're running App Service on Linux. That console is available only if you're using on Windows.

That being said, click on the SSH link and you'll be able to use the nano editor to make your changes.


You mentioned in a comment that you deployed the WordPress on App Service from the marketplace. I created an instance and I was able to launch the Advanced Tools, click on the Bash menu to open a terminal and I was able to see the files by typing cd site/wwwroot.

I confirm that the nano editor is not installed and that you can't sudo. However, vim is installed. So option 1 is to use vim to edit the file and option 2 is to install a file manager plugin in WordPress so you can edit the file. I you never used vim before, make sure that you know the basic commands like save and quit before launching it.

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