Scipy优化-最小化用于组合问题 – 仅整数解

huangapple go评论58阅读模式

Scipy Optimize Minimize For Combinatorics - Integer only solutions


例如,我已设置x0 = [1,0,1,1,0],对于此示例数据的解决方案是[0,0,0,0,0]。

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

data = {
    '1': (1.2,),
    '2': (1.0,),
    '3': (1.7,),
    '4': (1.8,),
    '5': (1.6,)

unit_cost_b = 8
limit_b = 100
echarge_b = 0.004

unit_cost_a = 5
limit_a = 60
echarge_a = 0.007

def objective(x):
    x_a = [data[str(i+1)][0] for i in range(len(data)) if x[i] == 0]
    x_b = [data[str(i+1)][0] for i in range(len(data)) if x[i] == 1]

    total_unit_cost = (len(x_a) * unit_cost_a) + (len(x_b) * unit_cost_b)
    total_usage_a = np.sum(x_a)
    total_usage_b = np.sum(x_b)

    emission_cost_a = max(total_usage_a - (len(x_a) * limit_a), 0) * echarge_a * 31
    emission_cost_b = max(total_usage_b - (len(x_b) * limit_b), 0) * echarge_b * 31

    return total_unit_cost + emission_cost_a + emission_cost_b

bounds = [(0, 1)] * len(data)
eq_cons = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 5}

x0 = [1,0,1,1,0]
result = minimize(objective, x0, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=[eq_cons])

I have the below code that tries to assign the best product (a or b) to each factory (1,2,3,4 or 5).
How do I set constraints/bounds so that it only uses the integer values 0 or 1?
e.g I have set x0 = [1,0,1,1,0] and the solution for this sample data is [0,0,0,0,0]
Also, Is this even this correct approach to solve this problem? I have also tried pulp,
but it does not seem to support the dynamic emission charges, as these are calculated in aggregate not at a factory level.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

data = {
    '1': (1.2,),
    '2': (1.0,),
    '3': (1.7,),
    '4': (1.8,),
    '5': (1.6,)

unit_cost_b = 8
limit_b = 100
echarge_b = 0.004

unit_cost_a = 5
limit_a = 60
echarge_a = 0.007

def objective(x):
    x_a = [data[str(i+1)][0] for i in range(len(data)) if x[i] == 0]
    x_b = [data[str(i+1)][0] for i in range(len(data)) if x[i] == 1]

    total_unit_cost = (len(x_a) * unit_cost_a) + (len(x_b) * unit_cost_b)
    total_usage_a = np.sum(x_a)  
    total_usage_b = np.sum(x_b)
    emission_cost_a = max(total_usage_a - (len(x_a) * limit_a), 0) * echarge_a * 31
    emission_cost_b = max(total_usage_b - (len(x_b) * limit_b), 0) * echarge_b * 31

    return total_unit_cost + emission_cost_a + emission_cost_b

bounds = [(0, 1)] * len(data) 
eq_cons = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 5}

x0 = [1,0,1,1,0]
result = minimize(objective, x0, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=[eq_cons])


得分: 2





#### 代码:

# 工厂选择器

import pulp

data = {
    'f1': (1.2,),
    'f2': (1.0,),
    'f3': (1.7,),
    'f4': (1.8,),
    'f5': (1.6,)

# unit_cost_b = 8
# limit_b = 100
# echarge_b = 0.004

# unit_cost_a = 5
# limit_a = 60
# echarge_a = 0.007

unit_cost = {'a': 5, 'b': 8}
limit = {'a': 60, 'b': 100}
echarge = {'a': 0.007, 'b': 0.004}

# 便利项....
factories = list(data.keys())
products = ['a', 'b']
fp = [(f, p) for f in factories for p in products]

### 问题设置
prob = pulp.LpProblem('factory_assignments', pulp.LpMinimize)

### 变量

# 如果制造该产品,则make[factory, product] == 1,否则为0...
make = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('make', fp, cat=pulp.LpBinary)

emission = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('emission', products, lowBound=0)

### 目标

# 一个便捷的表达式...
tot_unit_cost = sum(unit_cost

* make[f, p] for f, p in fp) prob += tot_unit_cost + sum(emission

for p in products) ### 约束 # 限制排放大于等于表达式。它已经有一个lowBound=0,因此可以处理线性表达式中的max()。 for p in products: prob += emission

>= sum(make[f, p] * (data[f][0] - limit

) for f in factories) * echarge

* 31 # 每个工厂必须生产*某物*(只有一个东西)(这在原问题中是暗含的) for f in factories: prob += sum(make[f, p] for p in products) == 1 ### 进行质量保证... print(prob) ### 解决 soln = prob.solve() for f, p in fp: if make[f, p].varValue: # 如果变量为1,则为True print(f'make {p} in factory {f}') print(f'tot unit cost: {pulp.value(tot_unit_cost)}') for p in products: print(f'emission cost for {p} is: {emission



结果 - 找到最优解
tot unit cost: 25.0


This is a `pulp` implementation below.  You *could* do this in `scipy` using the `scipy.optimize.MILP` pkg, but I&#39;m pretty sure you would need to develop the problem in matrix format, which is doable, but packages such as `pulp` or `pyomo` do it for you and I think they are much more approachable.
Realize, you **cannot** use `if` or `max()` in problem formulation as those things are nonlinear and the value of the variables is *not known* when the problem is handed over to a solver.  And the bulk of what `pulp` is doing is making the problem to hand over....
On your model, the emissions data is odd and seems to always be zero because of the large values of `limit`, but perhaps it makes sense in larger context or you can adjust from the below.
#### CODE:
# factory picker
import pulp
data = {
&#39;f1&#39;: (1.2,),
&#39;f2&#39;: (1.0,),
&#39;f3&#39;: (1.7,),
&#39;f4&#39;: (1.8,),
&#39;f5&#39;: (1.6,)
# unit_cost_b = 8
# limit_b = 100
# echarge_b = 0.004
# unit_cost_a = 5
# limit_a = 60
# echarge_a = 0.007
unit_cost = {&#39;a&#39;: 5, &#39;b&#39;: 8}
limit = {&#39;a&#39;: 60, &#39;b&#39;: 100}
echarge = {&#39;a&#39;: 0.007, &#39;b&#39;: 0.004}
# conveniences....
factories = list(data.keys())
products = [&#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39;]
fp = [(f, p) for f in factories for p in products]
prob = pulp.LpProblem(&#39;factory_assignments&#39;, pulp.LpMinimize)
### VARS
# make[factory, product] == 1 if making that product, else 0...
make = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(&#39;make&#39;, fp, cat=pulp.LpBinary)
emission = pulp.LpVariable.dicts(&#39;emission&#39;, products, lowBound=0)
# a convenience expression...
tot_unit_cost = sum(unit_cost

* make[f, p] for f, p in fp) prob += tot_unit_cost + sum(emission

for p in products) ### CONSTRAINTS # constrain the emission to GTE the expression. It already has a lowBound=0, so that # handles the max() expression in a linear expression for p in products: prob += emission

&gt;= sum(make[f, p] * (data[f][0] - limit

) for f in factories) * echarge

* 31 # each factory must produce *something* (and only 1 thing) (this is implied in the orig problem) for f in factories: prob += sum(make[f, p] for p in products) == 1 ### QA it... print(prob) ### SOLVE soln = prob.solve() for f, p in fp: if make[f, p].varValue: # True if the variable is 1 print(f&#39;make {p} in factory {f}&#39;) print(f&#39;tot unit cost: {pulp.value(tot_unit_cost)}&#39;) for p in products: print(f&#39;emission cost for {p} is: {emission

.varValue}&#39;) #### OUTPUT (truncated): Result - Optimal solution found Objective value: 25.00000000 Enumerated nodes: 0 Total iterations: 0 Time (CPU seconds): 0.00 Time (Wallclock seconds): 0.00 Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all Total time (CPU seconds): 0.00 (Wallclock seconds): 0.00 make a in factory f1 make a in factory f2 make a in factory f3 make a in factory f4 make a in factory f5 tot unit cost: 25.0 emission cost for a is: 0.0 emission cost for b is: 0.0 [Finished in 100ms] </details> # 答案2 **得分**: 1 最简单的方法是使用蛮力法。如果无法将您的目标表达为线性函数,那可能是最佳选择。 示例: ```python dims = 5 ranges = ((slice(0, 2, 1),) * dims) x = scipy.optimize.brute(objective, ranges, finish=None)


The simplest approach would be to use brute force. If you can't express your objective as a linear function, that might be your best bet.


dims = 5
ranges = ((slice(0, 2, 1),) * dims)
x = scipy.optimize.brute(objective, ranges, finish=None)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月19日 06:03:54
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