Is this invariant correct?
function maximo(s: seq<nat>): nat
decreases |s|
if s == [] then 0 else if s[0] > maximo(s[1..]) then s[0] else maximo(s[1..])
method maximo_it(s: seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s);
max := 0;
var i := 0;
while i < |s|
decreases |s| - i
invariant 0 <= i <= |s|
invariant max == maximo(s[..i])
if (max < s[i]) { max := s[i]; }
i := i + 1;
method maximo_it(s: seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s);
max := 0;
var i := |s|;
while i > 0
decreases i
invariant 0 <= i <= |s|
invariant max == maximo(s[i..])
i := i - 1;
if s[i] > max
max := s[i];
I'm trying to calculate the maximum element of a sequence of naturals in dafny iteratively and I get an error in the loop's invariant.
Could someone tell me which would be the correct invariant for the code?
This is the code:
function maximo (s:seq<nat>):nat
decreases |s|
if s == [] then 0 else if s[0] > maximo(s[1..]) then s[0] else maximo(s[1..])
method maximo_it (s:seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s);
max :=0;
var i:=0;
while i < |s|
decreases |s|-i
invariant 0<=i<=|s|
invariant max == maximo(s[..i])
if (max < s[i]) { max:=s[i];}
I tried to change it but I do think mi solution is correct. I´ve seen a possible solution that goes across the sequence from the end to the beginning, my solution is just the same but starting from the zero position.
Here is the solution's code:
method maximo_it (s:seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s);
max := 0;
var i := |s|;
while i > 0
decreases i
invariant 0 <= i <= |s|
invariant max == maximo(s[i..])
i := i-1;
if s[i] > max
max := s[i];
# 答案1
**得分**: 2
函数 maximo(s: seq<nat>): nat
减少 |s|
如果 s == [] 则
返回 0
否则 如果 s[0] > maximo(s[1..]) 则
返回 s[0]
返回 maximo(s[1..])
引理 maximo_unroll(s: seq<nat>)
需要 s != []
确保 maximo(s) == 如果 s[|s|-1] > maximo(s[..|s|-1]) 则 s[|s|-1] 否则 maximo(s[..|s|-1])
如果 s != [] 则 {
变量 butlast := s[..|s|-1];
变量 rest := s[1..];
如果 butlast != [] 则 {
断言 rest[..|rest|-1] == s[1..|s|-1];
方法 maximo_it (s: seq<nat>) 返回 (max: nat)
确保 max == maximo(s);
max := 0;
变量 i := 0;
当 i < |s|
减少 |s| - i
不变量 0 <= i <= |s|
不变量 max == maximo(s[..i])
断言 s[..i+1][..|s[..i+1]|-1] == s[..i];
如果 (max < s[i]) 则 {
max := s[i];
i := i+1;
断言 s == s[..|s|];
If you want to write the iterative code in a different order than the function, then you need a lemma to show that the two orders agree.
function maximo(s: seq<nat>): nat
decreases |s|
if s == [] then
else if s[0] > maximo(s[1..]) then
lemma maximo_unroll(s: seq<nat>)
requires s != []
ensures maximo(s) == if s[|s|-1] > maximo(s[..|s|-1]) then s[|s|-1] else maximo(s[..|s|-1])
if s != [] {
var butlast := s[..|s|-1];
var rest := s[1..];
if butlast != [] {
assert rest[..|rest|-1] == s[1..|s|-1];
method maximo_it (s: seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s);
max := 0;
var i := 0;
while i < |s|
decreases |s| - i
invariant 0 <= i <= |s|
invariant max == maximo(s[..i])
assert s[..i+1][..|s[..i+1]|-1] == s[..i];
if (max < s[i]) {
max := s[i];
i := i+1;
assert s == s[..|s|];
得分: 2
与其使用词形,这种情况下的另一个选择是调整 `maximo()` 函数本身。这是我想出的最干净的解决方案:
function maximo(s:seq<nat>, n: nat):(r:nat)
requires n <= |s|
decreases n
if n == 0 then 0
var last := s[n-1];
var max := maximo(s,n-1);
if last >= max then last
else max
method maximo_it(s:seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s,|s|);
max :=0;
var i:=0;
while i < |s|
decreases |s|-i
invariant i <= |s|
invariant max == maximo(s,i)
if max <= s[i] { max := s[i]; }
在这里,我重新调整了 maximo()
Instead of using a lemma, another option in this case is to tweak the `maximo()` function itself. This is the cleanest solution I came up with:
function maximo(s:seq<nat>, n: nat):(r:nat)
requires n <= |s|
decreases n
if n == 0 then 0
var last := s[n-1];
var max := maximo(s,n-1);
if last >= max then last
else max
method maximo_it(s:seq<nat>) returns (max: nat)
ensures max == maximo(s,|s|);
max :=0;
var i:=0;
while i < |s|
decreases |s|-i
invariant i <= |s|
invariant max == maximo(s,i)
if max <= s[i] { max := s[i]; }
Here, I've reworked the order of iteration for the maximo()