Best way to handle decoupling in Go with similar structs in two different packages but subitem in struct making it difficult?

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Best way to handle decoupling in Go with similar structs in two different packages but subitem in struct making it difficult?









package a

type Cfg struct {
	Addr                 string
	Loc                  TzConfig

type TzConfig struct {
	String string
	TZ     *time.Location `validate:"noDescent"`

func GetCfg() Cfg {
	t, _ := time.LoadLocation("MST")
	return Cfg{
		Addr: "abc",
		Host: "a.bc.d",
		Loc:  config.TzConfig{
			String: "MST",
			TZ:     t,
package b

type Cfg struct {
	Addr                 string
	Loc                  TzConfig

type TzConfig struct {
	String string
	TZ     *time.Location `validate:"noDescent"`

func DoSomethingWithConfig(c Cfg) {
package main

main() {
	 c := a.GetCfg()
	 d := b.DoSomethingWithConfig(b.Cg(c))

I'm relatively new to go and have been doing a massive rewrite trying to reduce my dependency graph as much as possible. I'm pretty happy with where I got it but there is this one part I am not sure how to best handle. If the answer is, "You are going to have that dependency between the two", that's fine too, I'm just looking for a good approach, not expecting miracles.

So below I have two packages, a & b, and they both have identical structs. Normally you could convert one to the other in main but each has a subitem which is also a struct and that's stopping Go from allowing it even though the subitems have identical signatures.

One way would be to just reference A.TzConfig in the struct in B and let there be a dependency but that's what I am trying to get rid of.

I guess another way is to create an interface and then get the values of Loc through methods, I think that would work but I haven't tried it yet as that means creating methods for something that's just a structure of data (the actual structure has a lot of items, I reduced it to the essentials for simplicity here) which seems like overkill.

I could move TzConfig into a third module so they would both reference that instead of one referencing the other and that's about all I have thought of.

So my question is, from someone with a real experience, what would be the best way to deal with this scenario in go?

I should mention that the reason they have duplicated structs was just because I was trying to break the dependency between them, the original code just had the struct in one package and the other package referencing it.

package a

type Cfg struct {
	Addr                 string
	Loc                  TzConfig

type TzConfig struct {
	String string
	TZ     *time.Location `validate:"noDescent"`

func GetCfg() Cfg {
	t, _ := time.LoadLocation(`MST`)
	return Cfg{
		Addr: "abc",
		Host: "a.bc.d",
		Loc:  config.TzConfig{
			String: "MST",
			TZ:     t,
package b

type Cfg struct {
	Addr                 string
	Loc                  TzConfig

type TzConfig struct {
	String string
	TZ     *time.Location `validate:"noDescent"`

func DoSomethingWithConfig(c Cfg) {
package main

main() {
	 c := a.GetCfg()
	 d := b.DoSomethingWithConfig(b.Cg(c))


得分: 0



package common

import "time"

type Cfg struct {
	Addr string
	Loc  TzConfig

type TzConfig struct {
	String string
	TZ     *time.Location `validate:"noDescent"`



package a

import (

type Cfg struct {
	Host string

func GetCfg() Cfg {
	t, _ := time.LoadLocation("MST")
	return Cfg{
		Cfg: common.Cfg{
			Addr: "abc",
			Loc: common.TzConfig{
				String: "MST",
				TZ:     t,
		Host: "a.bc.d",

在这里,你可以看到 a 包中的特定代码继承了 common 包中的共享代码,如 import 部分所示。

请注意,我使用了结构体嵌入的特性来获取在 common 包中定义的共享字段。


package b

import (

func DoSomethingWithConfig(c common.Cfg) string {
	return fmt.Sprint(c)



package main

import (

func main() {
	c := a.GetCfg()
	d := b.DoSomethingWithConfig(c.Cfg)

在这里,代码应该非常直观。我导入了 ab 包以利用它们的功能。



IMHO, the suggestion provided by @BurakSerdar are completely fine and fits very well for your scenario. I've rewritten the code in this way.

package common

package common

import "time"

type Cfg struct {
	Addr string
	Loc  TzConfig

type TzConfig struct {
	String string
	TZ     *time.Location `validate:"noDescent"`

Here, you should put the common structs, functions, methods, and so on.

package a

package a

import (

type Cfg struct {
	Host string

func GetCfg() Cfg {
	t, _ := time.LoadLocation(`MST`)
	return Cfg{
		Cfg: common.Cfg{
			Addr: "abc",
			Loc: common.TzConfig{
				String: "MST",
				TZ:     t,
		Host: "a.bc.d",

Here, you have the specific code related to the package a that inherits the shared code from the common package, as you can see in the import section.
> Please note that I used the structs embedding feature to get the shared fields defined within the common package.

package b

package b

import (

func DoSomethingWithConfig(c common.Cfg) string {
	return fmt.Sprint(c)

Here, there is nothing special to mention.

package main

package main

import (

func main() {
	c := a.GetCfg()
	d := b.DoSomethingWithConfig(c.Cfg)

Here, the code should be pretty straightforward. I imported packages a and b to exploit their functionalities.

Again, I'd like to be clear that this is a subjective topic, hence there isn't a silver bullet solution. To me, looks neat and clear. I would have chosen this way for sure. Let me know and thanks!

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