在F#中,将int option转换为Google.Protobuf的Int32Value

huangapple go评论51阅读模式

In F#, converting int option to Google.Protobuf Int32Value


有没有一种更高效的方式在将整数选项类型转换为 Google.Protobuf.FSharp.WellKnownTypes.Int32Value 后再将其序列化到网络上?下面的代码可以工作,但感觉有点笨拙:

let f (x:int option) : ValueOption<Google.Protobuf.FSharp.WellKnownTypes.Int32Value> = 
    let bb = match x with
        | None -> ValueNone
        | Some xx -> ValueSome xx
    let c = {Int32Value.empty() with Value = bb }
    match c.Value with
    |ValueNone -> ValueNone
    |ValueSome s ->ValueSome c

Is there a more efficient way to convert an integer option type to Google.Protobuf.FSharp.WellKnownTypes.Int32Value before serializing it across a network? The code below works but feels awkward:

let f (x:int option) : ValueOption&lt;Google.Protobuf.FSharp.WellKnownTypes.Int32Value&gt; = 
    let bb = match x with
        | None -&gt; ValueNone
        | Some xx -&gt; ValueSome xx
    let c = {Int32Value.empty() with Value = bb }
    match c.Value with
    |ValueNone -&gt; ValueNone
    |ValueSome s -&gt;ValueSome c



得分: 2

请你再确认一下你的代码片段是否确实有效?我对此有点困惑,因为你似乎是在创建 Int32Value 时,将 Value 设置为可选值,而不是一个 int32 值,这对我来说看起来不正确。

话虽如此,我认为最优雅的选项是首先将 option 转换为 ValueOption,然后在内部将值从 int 转换为 Int32Value


module ValueOption = 
  let ofOption = function Some v -> ValueSome v | None -> ValueNone

在此基础上(并假设我正确理解了 Int32Value),你应该能够编写类似这样的代码:

let f (x:int option) : ValueOption<Google.Protobuf.FSharp.WellKnownTypes.Int32Value> = 
  |> ValueOption.ofOption
  |> ValueOption.map (fun n -> { Int32Value.empty() with Value = n })


let f =
  ValueOption.ofOption >>
  ValueOption.map (fun n -> { Int32Value.empty() with Value = n })

Could you double-check that your snippet actually works? I'm a bit confused by that, because you seem to be creating Int32Value with Value set to an optional value - rather than an int32 value - and that does not look right to me.

That said, I think the most elegant option is to first turn option into ValueOption and then transform the value inside from int to Int32Value.

I do not see a built-in conversion function, so you may need to define your own:

module ValueOption = 
  let ofOption = function Some v -&gt; ValueSome v | None -&gt; ValueNone

Given this (and assuming I correctly understand Int32Value), you should be able to write something like:

let f (x:int option) : ValueOption&lt;Google.Protobuf.FSharp.WellKnownTypes.Int32Value&gt; = 
  |&gt; ValueOption.ofOption
  |&gt; ValueOption.map (fun n -&gt; { Int32Value.empty() with Value = n })

Or if you prefer function composition over pipes (I do not, but many do):

let f =
  ValueOption.ofOption &gt;&gt;
  ValueOption.map (fun n -&gt; { Int32Value.empty() with Value = n })

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月16日 12:40:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76486996.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
