
huangapple go评论96阅读模式

In Javascript, how do I get the serial number of an item in Array?




  1. const items = [{
  2. "category": "Office",
  3. "predictions": [
  4. {
  5. "id": "2599",
  6. "value": "Printer",
  7. "type": "OFF"
  8. },
  9. {
  10. "id": "2853",
  11. "value": "Camera",
  12. "type": "OFF"
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "id": "2202",
  16. "value": "Keyboard",
  17. "type": "OFF"
  18. }
  19. ]
  20. },
  21. {
  22. "category": "Home",
  23. "predictions": [
  24. {
  25. "id": "2899",
  26. "value": "Television",
  27. "type": "ELEC"
  28. },
  29. {
  30. "id": "2853",
  31. "value": "Microwave",
  32. "type": "ELEC"
  33. },
  34. {
  35. "id": "2732",
  36. "value": "Washing Machine",
  37. "type": "ELEC"
  38. }
  39. ]
  40. }
  41. ];


  1. const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState(-1);
  2. // 其他代码
  3. const showPredictions = (predictions, categoryIndex) => {
  4. return (
  5. <ul role="listbox">
  6. {predictions.map((prediction, index) => {
  7. const serialNum = index;
  8. const isHighlighted = highlighted === serialNum;
  9. return (
  10. <li
  11. onMouseEnter={() => handleSuggestionMouseEnter(serialNum)}
  12. className={isHighlighted ? 'highlight' : ''}
  13. >
  14. {prediction.value}
  15. </li>
  16. );
  17. })}
  18. </ul>
  19. );
  20. };
  21. const showPredictionsByCategory = (items) => {
  22. return items.map((category, catIndex) => {
  23. const categoryTitle = renderTitleText(category);
  24. const itemList = showPredictions(category.predictions, catIndex);
  25. return (
  26. <div>
  27. {categoryTitle}
  28. {itemList}
  29. </div>
  30. );
  31. });
  32. };


我希望增加和减少这个序列号,以便在按键向上和向下时可以突出显示项目。因此,我希望预测的序号是0、1、2、3,...n(其中n = 预测数量减1)。

因此,在上面的示例中,Office 预测将具有 serialNum 0、1、2,而 Home 预测将具有 serialNum 3、4、5,依此类推。




This is perhaps a very silly question.

I am receiving data from an endpoint in the following format. I want to assign the prediction a serial number taking into account the predictions in the previous category.

  1. const items = [{
  2. &quot;category&quot;: &quot;Office&quot;,
  3. &quot;predictions&quot;: [
  4. {
  5. &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2599&quot;,
  6. &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Printer&quot;,
  7. &quot;type&quot;: &quot;OFF&quot;
  8. },
  9. {
  10. &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2853&quot;,
  11. &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Camera&quot;,
  12. &quot;type&quot;: &quot;OFF&quot;
  13. },
  14. {
  15. &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2202&quot;,
  16. &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Keyboard&quot;,
  17. &quot;type&quot;: &quot;OFF&quot;
  18. }
  19. ]
  20. },
  21. {
  22. &quot;category&quot;: &quot;Home&quot;,
  23. &quot;predictions&quot;: [
  24. {
  25. &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2899&quot;,
  26. &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Television&quot;,
  27. &quot;type&quot;: &quot;ELEC&quot;
  28. },
  29. {
  30. &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2853&quot;,
  31. &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Microwave&quot;,
  32. &quot;type&quot;: &quot;ELEC&quot;
  33. },
  34. {
  35. &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2732&quot;,
  36. &quot;value&quot;: &quot;Washing Machine&quot;,
  37. &quot;type&quot;: &quot;ELEC&quot;
  38. }
  39. ]
  40. }
  41. ];

In React, I am doing the following to render the predictions to the customer based on their query:

  1. const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState(-1);
  2. // other code
  3. const showPredictions = (predictions, categoryIndex) =&gt; {
  4. return (
  5. &lt;ul role=&quot;listbox&quot;&gt;
  6. {predictions.map((prediction, index) =&gt; {
  7. const serialNum = index;
  8. const isHighlighted = highlighted === serialNum;
  9. return (
  10. &lt;li
  11. onMouseEnter={() =&gt; handleSuggestionMouseEnter(serialNum)}
  12. className={isHighlighted ? &#39;highlight&#39; : &#39;&#39;}
  13. &gt;
  14. {prediction.value}
  15. &lt;/li&gt;
  16. );
  17. })}
  18. &lt;/ul&gt;
  19. );
  20. };
  21. const showPredictionsByCategory = (items) =&gt; {
  22. return items.map((category, catIndex) =&gt; {
  23. const categoryTitle = renderTitleText(category);
  24. const itemList = showPredictions(category.predictions, catIndex);
  25. return (
  26. &lt;div&gt;
  27. {categoryTitle}
  28. {itemList}
  29. &lt;/div&gt;
  30. );
  31. });
  32. };


I want to increment and decrement this serial number so that I can highlight the item on keyup and down. Hence, I want the predictions to be numbered 0, 1, 2, 3,...n ( where n = number of predictions minus 1)

So in the above example, the Office predictions would have serialNum 0, 1, 2 and Home predictions would have serialNum 3, 4, 5 respectively.

The predictions won't always be 3 per category, they can be any number.

Any advice is appreciated.


得分: 0



  1. 获取预测的总数(在每个类别中)= totalCount
  2. 获取当前类别中的预测数量 = currentCategroryCount
  3. totalCount减去currentCategroryCount。这将有助于识别下一类别预测的起始索引。
  4. 将该值传递给showPredictions()
  5. 将此值添加到index
  1. const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState(-1);
  2. const showPredictions = (predictions, categoryIndex, numberOfItemsRendered = 0) => {
  3. return (
  4. <ul role="listbox">
  5. {predictions.map((prediction, index) => {
  6. const serialNum = index + numberOfItemsRendered;
  7. const isHighlighted = highlighted === serialNum;
  8. return (
  9. <li
  10. onMouseEnter={() => handleSuggestionMouseEnter(serialNum)}
  11. className={isHighlighted ? 'highlight' : ''}
  12. >
  13. {prediction.value}
  14. </li>
  15. );
  16. })}
  17. </ul>
  18. );
  19. };
  20. const showPredictionsByCategory = (items) => {
  21. return items.map((category, catIndex) => {
  22. const categoryTitle = renderTitleText(category);
  23. const totalPredictions = getTotalPredictions(items);
  24. const currentCategroryCount = getCurrentCategoryCount(category);
  25. const otherSectionCategoryCount = totalPredictions - currentCategroryCount;
  26. // 我们不需要为第一个部分执行上述计算:
  27. const numOfItemsRendered = catIndex > 0 ? otherSectionCategoryCount : 0
  28. const itemList = showPredictions(category.predictions, catIndex, numberOfItemsRendered);
  29. return (
  30. <div>
  31. {categoryTitle}
  32. {itemList}
  33. </div>
  34. );
  35. });
  36. };

I thought I'll update here with the solution I went with. In hindsight, this isn't the solution for more than 2 sections. So if you have a better solution, do tell.

So what I did was find the starting index for the next section of items with the following logic:

  1. Get the total number of predictions (in every category) = totalCount
  2. Get the number of predictions in the current category = currentCategroryCount
  3. Subtract currentCategroryCount from totalCount. This will help in identifying the starting index of the next category of predictions.
  4. Pass the value to showPredictions()
  5. Add this value to the index
  1. const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState(-1);
  2. const showPredictions = (predictions, categoryIndex, numberOfItemsRendered = 0) =&gt; {
  3. return (
  4. &lt;ul role=&quot;listbox&quot;&gt;
  5. {predictions.map((prediction, index) =&gt; {
  6. const serialNum = index + numberOfItemsRendered;
  7. const isHighlighted = highlighted === serialNum;
  8. return (
  9. &lt;li
  10. onMouseEnter={() =&gt; handleSuggestionMouseEnter(serialNum)}
  11. className={isHighlighted ? &#39;highlight&#39; : &#39;&#39;}
  12. &gt;
  13. {prediction.value}
  14. &lt;/li&gt;
  15. );
  16. })}
  17. &lt;/ul&gt;
  18. );
  19. };
  20. const showPredictionsByCategory = (items) =&gt; {
  21. return items.map((category, catIndex) =&gt; {
  22. const categoryTitle = renderTitleText(category);
  23. const totalPredictions = getTotalPredictions(items);
  24. const currentCategroryCount = getCurrentCategoryCount(category);
  25. const otherSectionCategoryCount = totalPredictions - currentCategroryCount;
  26. // we don&#39;t need to the the above calculations for the first section:
  27. const numOfItemsRendered = catIndex &gt; 0 ? otherSectionCategoryCount : 0
  28. const itemList = showPredictions(category.predictions, catIndex, numberOfItemsRendered);
  29. return (
  30. &lt;div&gt;
  31. {categoryTitle}
  32. {itemList}
  33. &lt;/div&gt;
  34. );
  35. });
  36. };


得分: 0

> 允许用户使用箭头键在分成三个类别的列表中更改所选项目。


  • &lt;Categories&gt; 用于渲染类别数组
  • &lt;Category&gt; 用于渲染单个类别(预测数组)
  • &lt;Prediction&gt; 用于渲染单个预测。




  1. const prediction = {
  2. id: 1,
  3. name: "Hello, world!"
  4. };
  5. const category = {
  6. id: 1,
  7. name: "First category",
  8. predictions: [prediction]
  9. };


您需要知道当前选择的预测之前和之后的预测。与其使用涉及类别的复杂逻辑,不如将它们完全排除在外!您可以使用内置的JS函数 flatMap 来扁平化您的类别,以便得到一个用于排序的大型预测数组。然后,使用React的内置 useState() 来存储当前选择的索引。

  1. const Categories = ({ categories }) => {
  2. const allItems = categories.flatMap(x => x.predictions);
  3. const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);
  4. const selectedItem = allItems[selectedIndex];
  5. return (<div>
  6. {categories.map(x => <Category key={x.id} name={x.name} predictions={x.predictions} />}
  7. </div>);
  8. };


Categories 目前是唯一具有选择知识的组件,因此我们需要一种方法告诉子组件(渲染预测的组件)它们是否被选中。将当前选择的ID沿着链传递:

  1. // &lt;Categories&gt;
  2. {categories.map(x => <Category
  3. key={x.id}
  4. ...
  5. selectedId={selectedItem.id} />)}

ID 就足以标识单个预测。不要传递 selectedIndex,您需要 allItemscategories 来理解它,而将所有这些东西传递下去没有意义。


如果您将 selectedId 沿着链传递,这将非常简单。在这一点上,您可以更改默认的选择ID 以确保正确的预测被选中。

  1. const Prediction = ({ id, name, selectedId }) => {
  2. const isSelected = id === selectedId;
  3. return <li className={isSelected ? "highlight" : ""}>{name}</li>;
  4. };

onKeyUp 事件绑定到更新状态

在您的 &lt;Categories&gt; 中绑定 onKeyUp 事件,并将其连接到更改 selectedIndex。为了清晰起见,我省略了边界检查,但您绝对需要它以避免在数组的两端之一溢出。

  1. const Categories = ({ categories }) => {
  2. ...
  3. const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);
  4. const selectedItem = allItems[selectedIndex];
  5. const onKeyUp = (event) => {
  6. switch (event.code) {
  7. case "ArrowUp":
  8. setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex - 1);
  9. break;
  10. case "ArrowDown":
  11. setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex + 1);
  12. break;
  13. }
  14. };
  15. return (<div onKeyUp={onKeyUp} tabIndex="-1">
  16. ...
  17. </div>);
  18. };

tabIndex="-1" 是必需的,以便 div 可以接收键盘事件。



  1. <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: false babel: true -->
  2. <!-- language: lang-js -->
  3. // Example data here.
  4. const teeShirts = [
  5. { id: 1, name: "Black" },
  6. { id: 2, name: "Red" },
  7. { id: 3, name: "Blue" },
  8. ];
  9. const accessories = [
  10. { id: 4, name: "Cool Cap" },
  11. { id: 5, name: "Fancy Tie" },
  12. { id: 6, name: "Medallion" },
  13. ];
  14. const countries = [
  15. { id: 7, name: "United Kingdom" },
  16. { id: 8, name: "United States" },
  17. { id: 9, name: "Australia" },
  18. ];
  19. const categories = [
  20. { id: 1, name: "T-Shirts", predictions: teeShirts },
  21. { id: 2, name: "Accessories", predictions: accessories },
  22. { id: 3, name: "Countries", predictions: countries },
  23. ];
  24. const Categories = ({ categories }) => {
  25. const allItems = categories.flatMap((x) => x.predictions);
  26. const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = React.useState(0);
  27. const selectedItem = allItems[selectedIndex];
  28. const onKeyUp = (event) => {
  29. switch (event.code) {
  30. case "ArrowUp":
  31. setSelectedIndex(Math.max(0, selectedIndex - 1));
  32. break;
  33. case "ArrowDown":
  34. setSelectedIndex(
  35. Math.min(allItems.length - 1, selectedIndex + 1)
  36. );
  37. break;
  38. }
  39. };
  40. return (
  41. <div onKeyUp={onKeyUp} tabIndex={-1}>
  42. {categories.map((category) => (
  43. <Category
  44. key={category.name}
  45. id={category.id}
  46. name={category.name}
  47. predictions={category.predictions}
  48. selectedId={selectedItem.id}
  49. />
  50. ))}
  51. </div>
  52. );
  53. };
  54. const Category = ({ name, predictions, selectedId }) => {
  55. return (
  56. <div>
  57. {name}
  58. <ul role="listbox">
  59. {predictions.map((prediction) => (
  60. <Prediction
  61. key={prediction.name}
  62. id={prediction.id}
  63. name={prediction.name}
  64. selectedId={selectedId}
  65. />
  66. ))}
  67. </ul>
  68. </div>
  69. );
  70. };
  71. const Prediction = ({ id, name, selectedId }) => {
  72. const isSelected = id === selected
  73. <details>
  74. <summary>英文:</summary>
  75. Based on your comments, the problem you want to solve is:
  76. &gt; Allow the user to use the arrow keys to change which item is selected in a list, which is split across three categories.
  77. I&#39;m going to be using three components:
  78. - `&lt;Categories&gt;` to render an array of categories
  79. - `&lt;Category&gt;` to render a single category (array of predictions)
  80. - `&lt;Prediction&gt;` to render a single prediction.
  81. #### Avoid using the array index as an ID
  82. It&#39;s not that it&#39;s not possible, it&#39;s that it sets you up to run into strange bugs later on. Try and uniquely identify each prediction with an ID property of its own. Do the same with your categories.
  83. For example:
  84. ```js
  85. const prediction = {
  86. id: 1,
  87. name: &quot;Hello, world!&quot;
  88. };
  89. const category = {
  90. id: 1,
  91. name: &quot;First category&quot;,
  92. predictions: [prediction]
  93. };

Flatten the hierarchy to make things easier

You need to know which predictions are before and after the currently-selected prediction. Rather than messing about with some convoluted logic involving categories, take them out of the equation entirely!

You can use the built-in JS function flatMap to flatten your categories so you have a big array of predictions to use for your ordering. Then, use React's built-in useState() to store the currently-selected index.

  1. const Categories = ({ categories }) =&gt; {
  2. const allItems = categories.flatMap(x =&gt; x.predictions);
  3. const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);
  4. const selectedItem = allItems[selectedIndex];
  5. return (&lt;div&gt;
  6. {categories.map(x =&gt; &lt;Category key={x.id} name={x.name} predictions={x.predictions} /&gt;}
  7. &lt;/div&gt;);
  8. };

Tell your child components which prediction is selected

Categories is currently the only component with any knowledge of the selection, so we need a way to tell the child components (the ones that render predictions) whether they're selected or not.

Pass the ID of the current selection down the chain:

  1. // &lt;Categories&gt;
  2. {categories.map(x =&gt; &lt;Category
  3. key={x.id}
  4. ...
  5. selectedId={selectedItem.id} /&gt;)}

The ID is all you need to identify a single prediction. You don't want to pass selectedIndex, you need allItems and categories to make sense of it and there's no point passing all that stuff down.

Tell your predictions how to highlight

If you're passing selectedId down the chain this is nice and easy. At this point you can change the default selection ID to confirm the right predictions are being selected.

  1. const Prediction = ({ id, name, selectedId }) =&gt; {
  2. const isSelected = id === selectedId;
  3. return &lt;li className={isSelected ? &quot;highlight&quot; : &quot;&quot;}&gt;{name}&lt;/li&gt;;
  4. };

Bind the onKeyUp event to update the state

Bind the onKeyUp event on your &lt;div&gt; in &lt;Categories&gt; and wire it up to change selectedIndex. I've omitted bounds checking for clarity but you definitely want that to avoid going off either end of the array.

  1. const Categories = ({ categories }) =&gt; {
  2. ...
  3. const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(0);
  4. const selectedItem = allItems[selectedIndex];
  5. const onKeyUp = (event) =&gt; {
  6. switch (event.code) {
  7. case &quot;ArrowUp&quot;:
  8. setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex - 1);
  9. break;
  10. case &quot;ArrowDown&quot;:
  11. setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex + 1);
  12. break;
  13. }
  14. };
  15. return (&lt;div onKeyUp={onKeyUp} tabIndex=&quot;-1&quot;&gt;
  16. ...
  17. &lt;/div&gt;);
  18. };

tabIndex=&quot;-1&quot; is needed so that the div can receive keyboard events.

Putting it all together

Here's a full example, including bounds checking:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: false babel: true -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. // Example data here.
  2. const teeShirts = [
  3. { id: 1, name: &quot;Black&quot; },
  4. { id: 2, name: &quot;Red&quot; },
  5. { id: 3, name: &quot;Blue&quot; },
  6. ];
  7. const accessories = [
  8. { id: 4, name: &quot;Cool Cap&quot; },
  9. { id: 5, name: &quot;Fancy Tie&quot; },
  10. { id: 6, name: &quot;Medallion&quot; },
  11. ];
  12. const countries = [
  13. { id: 7, name: &quot;United Kingdom&quot; },
  14. { id: 8, name: &quot;United States&quot; },
  15. { id: 9, name: &quot;Australia&quot; },
  16. ];
  17. const categories = [
  18. { id: 1, name: &quot;T-Shirts&quot;, predictions: teeShirts },
  19. { id: 2, name: &quot;Accessories&quot;, predictions: accessories },
  20. { id: 3, name: &quot;Countries&quot;, predictions: countries },
  21. ];
  22. const Categories = ({ categories }) =&gt; {
  23. const allItems = categories.flatMap((x) =&gt; x.predictions);
  24. const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = React.useState(0);
  25. const selectedItem = allItems[selectedIndex];
  26. const onKeyUp = (event) =&gt; {
  27. switch (event.code) {
  28. case &quot;ArrowUp&quot;:
  29. setSelectedIndex(Math.max(0, selectedIndex - 1));
  30. break;
  31. case &quot;ArrowDown&quot;:
  32. setSelectedIndex(
  33. Math.min(allItems.length - 1, selectedIndex + 1)
  34. );
  35. break;
  36. }
  37. };
  38. return (
  39. &lt;div onKeyUp={onKeyUp} tabIndex={-1}&gt;
  40. {categories.map((category) =&gt; (
  41. &lt;Category
  42. key={category.name}
  43. id={category.id}
  44. name={category.name}
  45. predictions={category.predictions}
  46. selectedId={selectedItem.id}
  47. /&gt;
  48. ))}
  49. &lt;/div&gt;
  50. );
  51. };
  52. const Category = ({ name, predictions, selectedId }) =&gt; {
  53. return (
  54. &lt;div&gt;
  55. {name}
  56. &lt;ul role=&quot;listbox&quot;&gt;
  57. {predictions.map((prediction) =&gt; (
  58. &lt;Prediction
  59. key={prediction.name}
  60. id={prediction.id}
  61. name={prediction.name}
  62. selectedId={selectedId}
  63. /&gt;
  64. ))}
  65. &lt;/ul&gt;
  66. &lt;/div&gt;
  67. );
  68. };
  69. const Prediction = ({ id, name, selectedId }) =&gt; {
  70. const isSelected = id === selectedId;
  71. return &lt;li className={isSelected ? &quot;highlight&quot; : &quot;&quot;}&gt;{name}&lt;/li&gt;;
  72. };
  73. // This is just bootstrapping so the example works
  74. const App = () =&gt; {
  75. return &lt;Categories categories={categories} /&gt;;
  76. };
  77. const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById(&quot;root&quot;));
  78. root.render(
  79. &lt;React.StrictMode&gt;
  80. &lt;App /&gt;
  81. &lt;/React.StrictMode&gt;
  82. );

<!-- language: lang-css -->

  1. .highlight {
  2. color: red;
  3. font-weight: bold;
  4. }

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. &lt;script src=&quot;https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/18.2.0/umd/react.development.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  2. &lt;script src=&quot;https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/18.2.0/umd/react-dom.development.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  3. &lt;div id=&quot;root&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月16日 05:56:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76485768.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
