Haskell实现行列式、秩和逆矩阵计算 – 输入矩阵大小限制

huangapple go评论81阅读模式

Haskell implementation of Determinant, Rank and Inverse Matrix calculation- input matrix size limitation









import Data.Time.Clock
import System.IO

type Matrix = [[Double]]

-- Row operations

swapRows :: Int -> Int -> Matrix -> Matrix
swapRows i j mat = take i mat ++ [mat !! j] ++ (drop (i+1) . take j $ mat) ++ [mat !! i] ++ drop (j+1) mat

scaleRow :: Int -> Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
scaleRow i k mat = take i mat ++ [map (* k) (mat !! i)] ++ drop (i+1) mat

addRows :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Matrix -> Matrix
addRows i j k mat = take i mat ++ [zipWith (+) (mat !! i) (map (* k) (mat !! j))] ++ drop (i+1) mat

-- Gaussian elimination

eliminate :: Matrix -> (Matrix, Matrix, Double, Int)
eliminate mat = foldr eliminateRow (mat, identityMatrix (length mat), 1.0, rank) [0..length mat-1]
    rank = length mat  -- Initialize rank as the number of rows

    eliminateRow row (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) = foldl eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) [0..length mat-1]
        eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) col
          | row == col = (scaleRow row (1 / pivot) mat, scaleRow row (1 / pivot) invMat, detAccum * pivot, rank)
          | mat !! col !! row /= 0 = (addRows col row (-ratio) mat, addRows col row (-ratio) invMat, detAccum, rank)
          | otherwise = (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank - 1)
            pivot = mat !! row !! row
            ratio = (mat !! col !! row) / pivot

-- Matrix operations

identityMatrix :: Int -> Matrix
identityMatrix n = [[fromIntegral (fromEnum (i == j)) | j <- [1..n]] | i <- [1..n]]

-- create sub matrix n x n from matrix mat
subMatrix :: [[Double]] -> Int -> [[Double]]
subMatrix mat n = take n (map (take n) mat) 

-- Testing

main :: IO ()
main = do
  contenm_headMulScal <- readFile "det_matrix(800 x 800).txt"
  let mat = map (map read . words) (lines contenm_headMulScal) :: [[Double]]
  let piece_dim = 600
  let submat = subMatrix mat piece_dim
  tt_start <- getCurrentTime
  let (refMat, inverse, determinant, rank) = eliminate submat  -- Calculate the ref matrix, determinant, and rank
  t_end <- getCurrentTime
  putStrLn "\nDeterminant:"
  print determinant
  putStrLn "\nInverse Matrix:"
  putStrLn $ "First element in the inverse matrix: " ++ show (head (head inverse))
  putStrLn "\nRank:"
  print rank
  tt_end <- getCurrentTime
  print "Runtime:"
  print (diffUTCTime tt_end tt_start)

printMatrix :: Matrix -> IO ()
printMatrix mat = mapM_ (putStrLn . unwords . map show) mat

例如,如你所见,我从800x800的输入中取了一个600x600的“片段”。它可以工作。如果取一个更大的片段(700x700,或整个输入),则变得不切实际 - 大约需要一个小时的计算时间,计算机完全卡住了,因为内存使用过多。

感谢Daniel Wagner指出:

countingMatrix :: Int -> Matrix
countingMatrix n = [[fromIntegral (j*n+i) | j <- [1..n]] | i <- [1..n]]



I'm new to Haskell.
As a part of an academic course, I was requested to implement a function in Haskell that calculates the determinant, rank and inverse matrix of a given matrix.

I use gaussian elimination (performing same row operations on both the original matrix and another matrix which is initialized as the identity matrix). I'm using a one-pass approach to accumulate to rank and determinant "on the fly".

The function behaves as expected for input matrices up to 600x600 (execution time in this case is 63 seconds).
Any input above that size causes excessive memory usage and impractical computation time.

The inputs are 3 different matrices, sizes 800x800, 800x800 and 1000x1000.

Worth mentioning I am not allowed to use any external libraries (such as HMatrix or Data.Matrix)

I did my best to optimize the code, but since I'm new I wasn't successful at making my code work for sizes larger than 600x600.

import Data.Time.Clock
import System.IO
type Matrix = [[Double]]
-- Row operations
swapRows :: Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Matrix -&gt; Matrix
swapRows i j mat = take i mat ++ [mat !! j] ++ (drop (i+1) . take j $ mat) ++ [mat !! i] ++ drop (j+1) mat
scaleRow :: Int -&gt; Double -&gt; Matrix -&gt; Matrix
scaleRow i k mat = take i mat ++ [map (* k) (mat !! i)] ++ drop (i+1) mat
addRows :: Int -&gt; Int -&gt; Double -&gt; Matrix -&gt; Matrix
addRows i j k mat = take i mat ++ [zipWith (+) (mat !! i) (map (* k) (mat !! j))] ++ drop (i+1) mat
-- Gaussian elimination
eliminate :: Matrix -&gt; (Matrix, Matrix, Double, Int)
eliminate mat = foldr eliminateRow (mat, identityMatrix (length mat), 1.0, rank) [0..length mat-1]
rank = length mat  -- Initialize rank as the number of rows
eliminateRow row (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) = foldl eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) [0..length mat-1]
eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) col
| row == col = (scaleRow row (1 / pivot) mat, scaleRow row (1 / pivot) invMat, detAccum * pivot, rank)
| mat !! col !! row /= 0 = (addRows col row (-ratio) mat, addRows col row (-ratio) invMat, detAccum, rank)
| otherwise = (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank - 1)
pivot = mat !! row !! row
ratio = (mat !! col !! row) / pivot
-- Matrix operations
identityMatrix :: Int -&gt; Matrix
identityMatrix n = [[fromIntegral (fromEnum (i == j)) | j &lt;- [1..n]] | i &lt;- [1..n]]
-- create sub matrix n x n from matrix mat
subMatrix :: [[Double]] -&gt; Int -&gt; [[Double]]
subMatrix mat n = take n (map (take n) mat) 
-- Testing
main :: IO ()
main = do
--let submat = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]  -- 3x3 invertible matrix
contenm_headMulScal &lt;- readFile &quot;det_matrix(800 x 800).txt&quot;
let mat = map (map read . words) (lines contenm_headMulScal) :: [[Double]]
let piece_dim = 600
let submat = subMatrix mat piece_dim
tt_start &lt;- getCurrentTime
let (refMat, inverse, determinant, rank) = eliminate submat  -- Calculate the ref matrix, determinant, and rank
t_end &lt;- getCurrentTime
--putStrLn &quot;Original Matrix:&quot;
--printMatrix submat
putStrLn &quot;\nDeterminant:&quot;
print determinant
putStrLn &quot;\nInverse Matrix:&quot;
--printMatrix inverse
putStrLn $ &quot;First element in the inverse matrix: &quot; ++ show (head (head inverse))
putStrLn &quot;\nRank:&quot;
print rank
tt_end &lt;- getCurrentTime
print &quot;Runtime:&quot;
print (diffUTCTime tt_end tt_start)
printMatrix :: Matrix -&gt; IO ()
printMatrix mat = mapM_ (putStrLn . unwords . map show) mat

For example, I take a "piece" of 600x600 out of the 800x800 input as you can see. It works. take a larger piece (700x700, or all the input) and it become impractical - about an hour of calculation in which the computer is totally stuck due to excessive memory usage.

Thanks to Daniel Wagner for pointing out:
For folks who want to play along at home, try:

countingMatrix :: Int -&gt; Matrix
countingMatrix n = [[fromIntegral (j*n+i) | j &lt;- [1..n]] | i &lt;- 

in place of the matrix loaded from disk.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


得分: 3


你要确保的事情是,当创建一个新矩阵时,不要保留对旧矩阵的任何引用。如果这样做,垃圾回收器就不能收集旧矩阵。特别是,引用包括潜在的计算,如take i oldMatrixoldMatrix !! i或类似的操作。所以!让我们讨论一下我不得不做的更改。


seqElements :: [a] -> [a]
seqElements [] = []
seqElements as@(a:at) = a `seq` seqElements at `seq` as


swapRows i j mat = seqElements $ {- 旧实现 -}
scaleRows i k mat = seqElements $ {- 旧实现 -}
addRows i j k mat = seqElements $ {- 旧实现 -}


quadruple a b c d = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` (a, b, c, d)
-- 然后,在稍后,我们用四元组替换(,,,):
eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) col
  | row == col = quadruple (scaleRow row (1 / pivot) mat) (scaleRow row (1 / pivot) invMat) (detAccum * pivot) rank
  | mat !! col !! row /= 0 = quadruple (addRows col row (-ratio) mat) (addRows col row (-ratio) invMat) detAccum rank
  | otherwise = quadruple mat invMat detAccum (rank - 1)


eliminateRow row (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) = foldl' eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) [0..length mat-1]




Looks like there's a space leak/laziness issue. I don't blame you: I found it surprisingly finicky to get the evaluation behavior I wanted, even when I was already pretty sure what the problem was!

The thing you want to make sure of is that when making a new matrix, you don't hold onto any references to the old matrix. If you do, then the GC can't collect the old matrix. In particular, references include latent calculations like take i oldMatrix or oldMatrix !! i or similar. So! Let's discuss the changes I had to make to get this to happen.

First: when we make a new matrix that's mostly a copy of rows from the old matrix, but one or two new rows, we'll want a way to say "walk through the entire matrix, and force enough of its computation that you copy a pointer to a specific row, rather than a calculation that looks up that row in the old matrix later". To get this, we'll make a function that forces each element of a list, but only to WHNF. Note that, since we're passing this a matrix, this isn't a full evaluation! We don't force all the way down to matrix elements, only down to the level of matrix rows. On my first go I got this wrong, forcing all the way down to the element level, and inadvertently introduced a very serious time performance regression.

seqElements :: [a] -&gt; [a]
seqElements [] = []
seqElements as@(a:at) = a `seq` seqElements at `seq` as

We will call this at the start of each of the row operations.

swapRows i j mat = seqElements $ {- old implementation -}
scaleRows i k mat = seqElements $ {- old implementation -}
addRows i j k mat = seqElements $ {- old implementatiotn -}

This forms the "base case" of our manual forcing annotations. Unfortunately, we now need to propagate this all the way up the expression tree -- each caller needs to make sure that any data structures it makes with one of these in a field also ties evaluation of that data structure to evaluation of the field. In eliminateEntry, that means we need a stricter version of quadruples.

quadruple a b c d = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` (a, b, c, d)
-- then, later, we replace (,,,) with quadruple:
eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) col
| row == col = quadruple (scaleRow row (1 / pivot) mat) (scaleRow row (1 / pivot) invMat) (detAccum * pivot) rank
| mat !! col !! row /= 0 = quadruple (addRows col row (-ratio) mat) (addRows col row (-ratio) invMat) detAccum rank
| otherwise = quadruple mat invMat detAccum (rank - 1)

Finally, in eliminateRow, I recommend switching from foldl to foldl&#39;. It doesn't appear to make a difference in this case in my tests, but it's a good habit to get into; the extra laziness that foldl provides is almost never needed and frequently detrimental.

    eliminateRow row (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) = foldl&#39; eliminateEntry (mat, invMat, detAccum, rank) [0..length mat-1]

With these changes, I now see a much lower memory usage: ~50s, 96MiB for the 600x600 matrix and ~128s, 167MiB for the 800x800 matrix.

There are likely opportunities for significant further optimization, if that turns out to be needed; e.g. I expect switching to a mutable array representation for your matrix would be another big boost.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月16日 03:53:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76485105.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
