HTTP 404与422:请求体中的无效资源标识符

huangapple go评论66阅读模式

HTTP 404 vs 422 for invalid resource identifier in request body


我正在设计一个REST API,其中一个端点是搜索。因为搜索查询包含个人身份信息(PII)作为参数,所以端点使用POST,将PII参数放在请求体中,而不是使用GET。

所以我的问题是 - 如果PII参数无效,我应该返回404还是422?

我正在设计的API示例 - 获取用户的所有评论。

POST /comments
email: ""



I'm designing a REST API and one if its endpoints is a search. Because the search query contains Personally identifiable information (PII) as a parameter, the endpoint uses POST with the PII parameter in the request body instead of a GET.

So my question is - if the PII parameter is invalid, do I return a 404 or a 422 ?

Example of the API I'm designing - to get all comments by a user .

POST /comments
Request body
  email: ""

Edit: Clarifying my usage of "invalid" : I mean an email id that doesn't exist in our database. I know invalid is not the right term here, "unrecognised" is a better term maybe.


得分: 2

如果无效是指:"这不是一个有效的电子邮件地址/看起来不像一个电子邮件地址",那么我会返回 422。

如果您的 API 的目的是返回由特定电子邮件地址的用户发表的评论列表,并且该用户没有发表任何评论,我将返回一个空数组和 200 OK,因为空集合不是一个无效的请求。

如果您想强烈表示:"这个用户在我们的系统中不存在",您也可以考虑 409


If with invalid you mean: "This is not a valid email address / doesn't look like an email address", then I would return 422.

If the purpose of your API is to return a list of comments made by a user with a specific email address, and there were no comments made by that user, I would return an empty array and 200 OK, as an 'empty set' is not an invalid request.

If you want to strongly indicated: "this user does not exist on our system", you could also consider 409

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
