
huangapple go评论45阅读模式

Mapping a function on a multi-dimensional array




import numpy as np

data = []
for i in range(1, 11):
    a = np.full(shape=(5, 4), fill_value=i)

data = np.array(data)


means = []
sums = []

for i in data:




I have a large array of dimensions MxNxK. I want to loop through axis M and apply a function on each of the NxK array. I want to avoid a for loop.

To illustrate the point, I build a 10x5x4 array.

import numpy as np

data = []
for i in range(1,11):

    a =np.full(shape=(5,4),fill_value=i)

data = np.array(data)

Now, I loop through the first dimension and apply a simple sum/mean in each of the 5x4 array.

means = []
sums = []

for i in data:

In reality , I have a 5000x200x20 array and I want to apply a function on each of the 200x20 array , but I want to avoid the loop. "apply_along_axis" doesn't seem to address the issue. Please help

In response to @chrslg answer, adding some more information. In my case I want to apply a prob_dist (pdf) and a Nth percentile in each of the M subarrays in the MxNxK array. I noticed that , using numba teh first function call indeed takes too long (7s) but every successive execution merely takes 0.77s. Whereas the conventional loop through M subarray is taking 3.9s


得分: 1


# 保持与您的代码中相同的均值/总和逻辑反转
means = data.sum(axis=(1,2))
sums = data.means(axis=(1,2))


一般来说,有一些方法可以避免使用循环在所有数据上应用函数。例如,apply along axisvectorize

def mymean(subarr):
    return subarr.mean()

mymeanvec = np.vectorize(mymean, signature='(m,n)->()')






from numba import jit

def myNumbaMean(data):
    # 最好是准备好正确形状的数据,并避免使用 `append`。特别是在使用NumPy时(纯Python的 `append` 是高效的)
    means = np.empty((len(data),))
    sums = np.empty((len(data),))
    for i in range(len(data)):
        # 仍然是相同的反转
        means[i] = data[i].sum()
        sums[i] = data[i].mean()
    return means, sums


实际上,使用Numba,甚至可以不依赖于 .mean() .sum(),如果您想要做一些更特殊的事情。即使是这个看似天真的代码也会非常高效:

def myNaiveMean(data):
    means = np.empty((len(data),))
    sums = np.zeros((len(data),))
    # 这次没有反转
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            for k in range(p):
                sums[i] += data[i,j,k]
        means[i] = sums[i]/n/p
    return means,sums



方法 计时
Python(您的方法) 133 毫秒
向量化 119 毫秒
Numba 65 毫秒
直接NumPy(我的第一个回答) 54 毫秒
Numba天真 35 毫秒

如您所见,使用Numba,通常会感到困惑,我们通常认为在Python中最差的解决方案经常变成了最好的解决方案。因为它只是在没有子调用和不必要的中间结果(就像在调用 np.meannp.sum 的Numba版本中一样)的情况下完成工作。



最后一点注意:在这种情况下,我的计时并不那么令人印象深刻。通常情况下,当消除Python循环时,我们常常看到这种情况,消除Python循环的性能增益因子通常是100倍或1000倍。这是因为您的天真代码并不是那么慢。因为只有一个循环,外层循环是在Python中完成的。两个隐含的内层循环在 summean 代码内部。总共,您有5000 + 5000×200 + 5000×200×20次迭代。而5000×200 + 5000×200×20已经在NumPy中进行了向量化。所以我们在这里节省的只是5000次迭代和5000次调用的时间。


In this case

# keeping the same mean/sum logic inversion as in your code
means = data.sum(axis=(1,2))
sums = data.means(axis=(1,2))

should work.

Generally speaking, there are ways to avoid for loop to apply a function on all data. apply along axis for example. Or vectorize

def mymean(subarr):
    return subarr.mean()

mymeanvec = np.vectorize(mymean, signature='(m,n)->()')


is one way.

But that is not advisable. Those functions just avoid the for loop, but not the M calls to a python function.
That is why numpy's documentation clearly states that those function are not for performance.

The good way to really vectorize, is to think vectorized. Most numpy operation can work directly on arrays, and do the for loop themselves.

Another way, when this happens to be impossible, because what you are doing is too exotic to be written without for loops using combination of numpy operation, is to use numba

from numba import jit

def myNumbaMean(data):
    # It is always better to have the correctly shaped data ready, and avoid `append`. Especially with numpy (pure python append is efficient)
    means = np.empty((len(data),))
    sums = np.empty((len(data),))
    for i in range(len(data)):
        # still the same inversion
        means[i] = data[i].sum()
        sums[i] = data[i].mean()
    return means, sums

Takes some time for the first call, because it compiles it. Then it is as fast as C code.

In fact, with numba, you could even not rely on .mean() .sum() if you wanted to do something more exotic. Even this, apparently naive, code, would be quite efficient

def myNaiveMean(data):
    means = np.empty((len(data),))
    sums = np.zeros((len(data),))
    # this time without the inversion
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            for k in range(p):
                sums[i] += data[i,j,k]
        means[i] = sums[i]/n/p
    return means,sums


Some timing considerations
On your data shape (5000,200,20), timings are as follows:

Method Timing
python (yours) 133 ms
Vectorization 119 ms
Numba 65 ms
Direct numpy (my first answer) 54 ms
Numba naive 35 ms

As you can see, with numba, this is often quite disorienting, what we are used to consider the worst solution in python often happens to be the best one. Because it just does the job without subcalls and unnecessary intermediary results (like with the numba version where we call np.mean and np.sum).

And, which is even annoying, that naive version even beats the pure numpy one (data.sum(axis=(1,2))). That being said, I would not advise using numba when you have a pure numpy version. Because, indeed, this time, it beats pure numpy; but that is because the pure numpy code does nothng smarter than my code (because there is no room to be smart here: it is just a sum, you can't avoid iterating all elements and summing them. The only thing that makes numpy faster compared to, for example your code, is that it is compiled C code vs interpreted python code. But agains numba, it is compiled code vs compiled code).
But for many computation, the authors of numpy have implemented
more efficient algorithm that the first one I would come up with. So rewriting everything in numba would be not only a waste of time, but more often than not, leads to function not even as fast as numpy.

So, generally speaking, I would always try to "think numpy", as I did in my first answer. Then, if that is not possible, write a numba code. Then, if that is not possible (for example because numba is not available), try to "map a function", but being aware that this spares only the time spend in the for loop itself (the iteration), not the content of the for loop, which, most of the time, is where cpu is spent.

Last remark: in this case, my timings are not that impressive. ×4 gain as most. This seems a lot already. But that is nothing compared to what we often see here when suppressing python for loops (where ×100 or ×1000 gain factor are quite common). This is because your naive code is not that slow. Because only one for loop, the outer one is made in python. The two implicit inner loops are inside sum and mean code. All together, you have 5000 + 5000×200 + 5000×200×20 iterations. And 5000×200 + 5000×200×20 are already vectorized in numpy. So what we saved here are just 5000 iterations and 5000 calls.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日 21:06:30
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