你可以如何在VS Code工作区中循环遍历所有源代码控制更改?

huangapple go评论82阅读模式

How can I cycle through all source control changes in a VS Code workspace?


在VS Code中,在单个文件编辑器选项卡中,有命令可以遍历文件中的更改:下一更改上一更改。但如何在工作区中遍历所有文件而不是单个文件?或者更好的方法是如何在工作区中遍历所有已更改的文件?



In VS Code, in a single file editor tab, there are commands to iterate thru changes in a file: Next Change and Previous Change. But how can I cycle through all changes across all the files in a workspace instead of a single file? Or maybe even better, how can I cycle through all the changed files in a workspace?

I searched such commands in the "keyboard shortcut" panel to no avail.


得分: 2


通过搜索“github vscode issues keyboard shortcut next scm file”,我认为你可能会对以下功能请求问题感兴趣:

请给这些问题票点赞以表示支持,并订阅它们以获取关于讨论和进展的通知。请避免发表类似“+1” / “顶” / “我也是”的嘈杂评论。


    "key": "", // TODO
    "command": "runCommands",
    "args": {
        "commands": ["workbench.view.scm", "list.focusDown", "list.select"]
    "key": "", // TODO
    "command": "runCommands",
    "args": {
        "commands": ["workbench.view.scm", "list.focusUp", "list.select"]

请注意,如果你使用GitHub Pull Requests扩展,该扩展有一个名为“Go to Next Diff in Pull Request”的命令()。


You could open the Source Control View and just click through the list of Changes. If you want to use the keyboard, you can focus the View (primary sidebar) using <kbd>ctrl/cmd</kbd>+<kbd>0</kbd>, and navigate the list items using the up and down arrow keys, and open a diff for the focused list item by pressing <kbd>enter</kbd>.

From googling "github vscode issues keyboard shortcut next scm file", I think you'll be interested in the following feature-request issue tickets:

Give those issue tickets thumbs up reactions to show support for them, and subscribe to them to get notified about discussion and progress. Please avoid making noisy comments like "+1" / "bump" / "me too".

Someone listed a workaround there using the geddski macros extension, which you may be interested to see. The workaround only supports cycling through files and not changes in those files, and doesn't automatically close the files when cycling through them. It also requires that you have selected an item in the SCM View's change listing recently so that the list has a sort of focus. Actually, that macros extension shouldn't be needed with runCommands. You should be able to achieve the same thing like this:

    &quot;key&quot;: &quot;&quot;, // TODO
    &quot;command&quot;: &quot;runCommands&quot;,
    &quot;args&quot;: {
        &quot;commands&quot;: [&quot;workbench.view.scm&quot;, &quot;list.focusDown&quot;, &quot;list.select&quot;]
    &quot;key&quot;: &quot;&quot;, // TODO
    &quot;command&quot;: &quot;runCommands&quot;,
    &quot;args&quot;: {
        &quot;commands&quot;: [&quot;workbench.view.scm&quot;, &quot;list.focusUp&quot;, &quot;list.select&quot;]

Note that if you're using the GitHub Pull Requests extension, that extension has a command called Go to Next Diff in Pull Request (source).

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日 19:02:24
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76481818.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
