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Is it possible to connect wear app with beacons devices


我想使用Android Studio开发Android Wear智能手表应用程序。我的需求是与位于信标设备的Wear应用进行通信。办公室的不同位置将有多个信标设备。每当用户(佩戴手表)进入信标设备信号范围内,Wear应用程序应该触发一个事件。





I want to develop android wear smart watch app using android studio. My requirement is to talk wear app with located beacons devices. There will be multiple beacons devices for different locations in office. Whenever user (wearing watch) goes in the range fo beacons device signal, wear app should raise an event.

Wear app is not connected to mobile phone. It just standalone app. App should fire event even if watch display is off. Sometimes it happens if watch display if off it wont supply events. I probably use Samsung Watch5.

What configuration beacons device do I need to use/purchase when I use it Samsung Watch5 ?

Is that possible to achieve ?


得分: 1




  • 低功耗蓝牙(BLE)页面是与Android相关的BLE主题的起点,包括Android Wear。正如您所知,信标使用BLE。
  • 后台工作概述介绍了相应的原则,并提供了进一步的详细信息,例如如何保持设备唤醒
  • 虽然Android Wear OS基本上与其他设备上使用的Android版本相同,但也有一些具体的内容。如果需要,可以使用入门Wear OS页面作为研究的起点。

此外,您可能对更高级的Android Beacon库感兴趣,其中包括文档和示例代码。

关于信标设备的配置,我唯一可以确定推荐的事情是避免购买二手的Eddystone设备。Google在2018年停止了Eddystone的支持,因为它的用户流行度较低。因此,尽管Android Beacon库仍然支持Eddystone,我不建议购买这样的设备。否则,通过遵循上述提到的文档,您应该可以正常运行。我不了解Galaxy Watch 5的具体情况。但是,我不能保证没有特殊情况,因此您可以在Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange上提出单独的问题,可能会有所帮助。

您在评论中提到计划使用Estimote设备。请注意,Estimote应用于协议 - 如果我没有记错的话 - 除了Estimote Monitoring外,还包括iBeacon和Eddystone。最好远离后者。


Yes, that is achievable. Some links to useful, and reputable, sources:

In the Android Developer Documentation:

  • The page on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is the starting point in the docs for BLE-related topics regarding Android, including Android Wear. As you know, beacons employ BLE.
  • The guide on Background Work Overview introduces the corresponding principles and forwards to further details, e.g. how to Keep the device awake.
  • Though Android Wear OS is basically the same as the Android flavors used on other devices, there are some specifics. If necessary use the page on Get started with Wear OS as the starting point for research.

Further you might be interested in the higher-level Android Beacon Library, including docs and sample code.

Regarding the beacon devices' configuration the only thing I can recommend for sure is to avoid second-hand Eddystone devices. Eddystone was discontinued by Google in 2018 as it had poor user popularity. So, though the Android Beacon Library still supports Eddystone, I wouldn't consider such devices for purchase. Otherwise you should be fine by sticking to the documentations mentioned above. I'm not aware of specifics considering the Galaxy Watch 5. However, I can't guarantee there isn't, so a separate question on Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange may help you.

You mentioned in the comments, that you plan to employ Estimote devices. Note, that Estimote applied as protocols -- if I'm not mistaken -- except of Estimote Monitoring also iBeacon and Eddystone. Better to keep away from latter.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日 16:02:13
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76480332.html



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