How can I implement custom user authentication provider/service and forward response to backend using gRPC in API Gateway on Google Cloud?

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How can I implement custom user authentication provider/service and forward response to backend using gRPC in API Gateway on Google Cloud?



我正在阅读有关API GATEWAY的文档,但我找不到解决问题的方法:

我正在努力实现的目标是,我在Cloud Run上有多个服务,其中一个服务是身份验证服务,我希望所有访问API GATEWAY的客户端请求都被重定向到这个自定义身份验证服务,我将在那里访问令牌和会话ID,并根据需要使用它们验证从会话数据中获取用户数据,并将这些数据转发到调用它的适当服务。

我在API调用中使用gRPC,因此我想知道如何使用GCP API Gateway来实现这一目标。




I was reading the docs on API GATEWAY, but I couldn't find the solution for the problem:

What I am struggling to achieve is, I have multiple services on cloud run, and one service is the authentication, I want all the requests from clients that hit API GATEWAY to be redirected to this custom authentication service where I will access a token and session Id and use them accordingly to validate get user data from session data and froward these data to appropriate service it was calling.

I use gRPC in my API calls, so I would like to know how I can achieve this using GCP API Gateway.


I couldn't find anything in the docs that would explain me how I could achieve this.


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Posting DazWilkin's answer in the comments as a community wiki for everyone's visibility.

gRPC doesn't give a redirect mechanism. Your gRPC client should

  1. Invoke an authentication request method on your auth service and receive an auth response;

  2. Invoke the other gRPC service passing the credentials;

  3. Each gRPC service will authenticate the incoming credentials, pass through if valid and reject if invalid/expired.

  4. gRPC clients will need to deal with invalid and expired credentials.

You can check the official documentation of gRPC for more information.


Posting DazWilkin's answer in the comments as a community wiki for everyone's visibility. <br><br>gRPC doesn't give a redirect mechanism. Your gRCP client should<br><br>1. Invoke an authentication request method on your auth service and receive an auth response; <br>2. Invoke the other gRPC service passing the credentials; <br>3. Each gRCP service will authenticate the incoming credentials, pass through if valid and reject if invalid/expired. <br>4. gRCP clients will need to deal with invalid and expired credentials.<br><br>You can check the official documentation of gRPC for more information.<br><br>

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